Objectifs 2020 : des avancées disparates. Le rapport de l’ONUSIDA sur l’épidémie mondiale de sida fait état d’un échec accentué par la COVID-19. Depuis 2015, 3,5 millions d’infections au VIH et 820 000 morts supplémentaires liés au sida sont imputables à des objectifs non atteints. ...Elles auraient été évitées si les objectifs 2020 avaient été réalisés. La riposte pourrait également revenir dix ans en arrière au moins, si la pandémie de COVID-19 interrompt gravement les services de lutte contre le VIH.
While many of the countries hit by the COVID-19 in the first few months of the year are now beginning to relax lockdown measures as infection and death rates fall, in the regions most affected by HIV, TB and malaria, such as Africa, South Asia and Latin America, the pandemic continues to accelerate.... In lower resource settings, lockdowns are less effective and hard to sustain, and clinical care facilities are extremely limited. In such environments, the response to COVID-19 must focus on containing the pandemic’s spread as far as possible through testing, contact tracing and isolation, protecting the health workforce through training and the provision of personal protective equipment (PPE) and minimizing the knock-on impact on other diseases through shoring up fragile health systems, and adapting existing disease programs.
This interim guidance has been updated with advice on safe and appropriate home care for patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and on the public health measures related to the management of their contacts.
Lignes directrices provisoires, 13 août 2020
L’OMS a établi cette brève note d’information pour répondre au besoin de recommandations sur la prestation sûre de soins à domicile aux patients présumés atteints de l’infection par le nouveau coronavirus (2019-nCoV) présentant des symptô...mes bénins, et sur les mesures de santé publique liées à la prise en charge des contacts asymptomatiques.
This policy paper underscores that, although children do not represent a high-risk group for direct COVID-19 fatality, the pandemic posts far-reaching secondary impacts that heighten risks to African children’s rights and wellbeing.
Recent forecasts by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) have indicated a risk of locust invasion in West Africa from June 2020. From East Africa, some swarms could reach the eastern part of the Sahel and continue westwards from Chad to Mauritania.
Surveillance and co...ntrol teams will be mobilized across the region with a focus on Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, and the Niger, and extended to Senegal. Countries such as Cameroon, the Gambia and Nigeria are also on watch in the event that desert locust spreads to these highly acute food-insecure countries. Since the region could be threatened in the coming months, FAO is strongly encouraging no regret investments in preparedness and anticipatory action to control swarms and safeguard livelihoods, given already high levels of acute food insecurity. Therefore, cost estimates for preparedness, anticipatory action and rapid response have been assessed.
COVID-19 is a pandemic that is currently ravaging the world. Infection rate is steadily increasingin Sub-Saharan Africa. Pregnant women and their infants may suffer severe illnesses due to theirlower immunity. This guideline prepares and equips clinicians working in the maternal and new-born section...s in the sub-region to manage COVID-19 during pregnancy and childbir
Guinea’s 450 megawatt Souapiti dam, scheduled to begin operating in September 2020, is the most advanced of several new hydropower projects planned by the government of President Alpha Condé. Guinea’s government believes that hydropower can significantly increase access to electricity in a cou...ntry where only a fraction of people have reliable access to power.Souapiti’s output, however, has a human cost. The dam’s reservoir will ultimately displace an estimated 16,000 people from 101 villages and hamlets. The Guinean government had moved 51 villages by the end of 2019 and said it planned to conduct the remaining resettlements within a year. Forced off their ancestral homes and farmlands, and with much of their land already, or soon to be flooded, displaced communities are struggling to feed their families, restore their livelihoods, and live with dignity.
For over a decade, Senegalese and international journalists, human rights advocates, and child protection experts have documented and denounced the ongoing exploitation, abuse and neglect of children living in many of Senegal’s traditional Quranic schools, or daaras. Thousands of these children, k...nown as talibés, continue to live in conditions of extreme squalor, deprived of adequate food and medical care.
South Africa reported it fist case of COVID-19 on 5 March 2020. While the first cases were imported, local transmission has led to a rapid increase in the number of cases. As of 21 April 2020, more than 3,400 cases and 58 deaths had been confirmed. On 15 March, President Cyril Ramaphosa declared a n...ational state of disaster, and the government has since taken several measures to curb the spread of the virus, including closing borders, implementing strict social distancing measures and a 35-day nation-wide lockdown. These measures, along with the global economic shock caused by the pandemic, are expected to generate rising needs requiring an immediate and urgent response. Although South Africa is considered an upper-middle-income country, the amount of disparities—social, economic, and gender—make the country particularly vulnerable during this emergency.
This What Matters? edition focuses on Covid-19 rumours circulating in the Rohingya camps of Cox’s Bazar. It explores some of the more common rumours, discusses sources and formats of information, presents community perspectives about rumours and communication, and suggests approaches to communicat...ing with the Rohingya community about Covid-19.
El presente documento de trabajo fue elaborado en el marco de una investigación bibliográfica participativa y la experiencia acumulada por los técnicos de las áreas involucradas en la respuesta a las Infecciones Respiratorias Agudas (IRA) .
El documento constituye una guía orientativa de trab...ajo, que debe ser ajustado y adaptado a los niveles operativos, para garantizar el cumplimiento de los objetivos, ya que la vigilancia de esta infección está construyéndose a medida que la OMS comparte la información recabada y analizada. Puede ser revisado parcial o totalmente en el caso que la situación epidemiológica lo amerite.
El Protocolo y guía operativa para el retorno seguro a instituciones educativas del Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia de Paraguay para 2021 recoge experiencias desarrolladas en diversos países y recomendaciones de expertos y se estructura en dos apartados principales. El primero presenta un protoc...olo general que desarrolla temas como el alcance, los principios rectores, los antecedentes, y los equipos de trabajo que deben conformarse para el retorno seguro a las aulas. El segundo apartado define los aspectos operativos de la vuelta a clases, ofreciendo información detallada acerca de la distribución del espacio físico en los centros educativos, la organización de los grupos de docentes y estudiantes, y las reglas de convivencia que permitirán una permanencia segura en el recinto educativo.
This guidance note identifies strategic action for policy-makers and managers at the national, subnational and facility level to address these different challenges.
Internally displaced persons (IDPs), refugees, migrants and returnees constitute a sizeable population in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region. There were 12 million refugees (half are Palestinians) and 13 million IDPs in the Region as of 2018. These populations are often vul...nerable to poor health due to the conditions they live in and limited access to needed quality health care. In addition, those who can access care, are often faced with financial hardship. There are also 46 million professionals and low-income labour migrants in the Region (of which 22 million are from the Region), with differential access to health services and varied health coverage schemes
Several countries have demonstrated that COVID-19 transmission from one person to another can be slowed or stopped. This document has been prepared based on the evidence currently available about Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) transmission (human-to-human transmission primarily via respiratory... droplets from, or direct contact with, an infected person), and is designed to ensure that the accommodation sector can protect the health of its staff and clients.
This is the story of how an experiment in the north of Ghana changed the health of a nation. How health staff in remote and rural areas are working tirelessly to prevent the deaths of mothers and children. How a radical approach to health research, known as embedded research, has revolutionized how ...the government delivers health services under difficult circumstances.
La nueva hoja de ruta para poner fin a la TB en la población infantil y adolescente tiene un amplio público destinatario y alentamos a los países a que la adapten en función de su contexto nacional. Se prevé que utilicen la hoja de ruta los encargados de formular políticas a nivel nacional, re...gional y mundial; los programas nacionales relacionados con la TB, la salud maternoinfantil, la infección por el VIH y otros programas de atención primaria de salud que formulan estrategias y planes sobre los servicios de salud. También será útil para los profesionales de salud en los servicios públicos y privados, las organizaciones de la sociedad civil y los organismos técnicos que participa