The WHO COVID-19 LENS (Living Evidence Synthesis) working group consolidated available evidence, based on rapid reviews of the literature and results of a living systematic review on pregnancy and COVID-19 (up to October 7, 2020), on potential mechanisms of vertical transmission of infectious pathog...ens, feasibility of vertical transmission of SARS-CoV-2, data related to interpretation of positive SARS-CoV-2 virologic and serologic neonatal tests, lessons from diagnosis of other congenital infections, and existing proposed definitions to classify timing of vertical transmission of SARS-CoV-2.
Prevention and Control of Covid-19 Transmission: Isolation and follow-up of suspected and/or confirmed cases and close contact tracing strategy
The new Global AIDS Strategy 2021--2026, End Inequalities, End AIDS, is a bold approach that uses an inequalities lens to close the gaps preventing progress to end AIDS
This report is documenting the global incidence of attacks and threats against health workers, facilities, and transport around the world. The report cites 806 incidents of violence against or obstruction of health care in 43 countries and territories in ongoing wars and violent conflicts in 2020, r...anging from the bombing of hospitals in Yemen to the abduction of doctors in Nigeria. Attacks -- including killings, kidnappings, and sexual assaults, as well as destruction and damage of health facilities and transports -- compounded the threats to health in every country as health systems struggled to prepare for and respond to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Nat Med (2021).
Background paper 13
The Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response
May 2021
manual de aplicación de la OMS
This protocol establishes the principles and definitions of a surveillance system devised by the WHO Health in Prisons Programme (HIPP) to monitor the evolution of COVID-19-related epidemiological data in prisons and other places of detention and to report the main measures adopted to prevent,... control and manage the spread of the disease.
Un plan de seis puntos para responder, recuperarse y reimaginar un mundo para todos los niños después de la pandemia
Expressa Extensão Capa > v. 26, n. 1 (2021)
Este trabalho, abordar debates e questionamentos sobre a eficácia e a segurança da manipulação e aplicação das vacinas. Os autores perceben, nesse período de pandemia, onde aguarda-mos ansiosos por uma resposta da ciência em relação a uma vacin...a para o Covid-19, ressurge o debate antivacina.
La miocarditis es una enfermedad inflamatoria con compromiso focal o difuso del miocardio, que se presenta de forma fulminante, pudiendo ser aguda, subaguda o crónica.Las que poseen un nivel de gravedad suficiente para reconocerlas clínicamente, son raras, pero la prevalencia de los casos leves y ...asintomáticos probablemente sea más elevada.
En este apartado se presentan a modo de resumen las principales
conclusiones de este estudio realizado a 360 empresas paraguayas sobre el
impacto económico de la crisis provocada por la COVID-19.
Este documento incluye los resultados de un proceso de elaboración rápida de guías. La información incluida en esta guía refleja la evidencia a la fecha publicada en el documento. Las recomendaciones se basaron en la evidencia disponible y su calidad (metodología GRADE) en el momento en que s...e publicó la guía. Sin embargo, reconociendo que hay numerosas investigaciones en curso, la Organización Panamericana de la Salud actualizará de forma periódica estas revisiones y las recomendaciones correspondientes.
Background: Healthcare workers’ mental health was affected by SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.
Aim: To evaluate healthcare workers’ mental health and its associated factors during the pandemic in Chile. Material and Methods: An online self-reported questionnaire was designed including the Goldberg Healt...h Questionnaire, the Patient Health
Questionnaire, (PHQ-9), and the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale among other questions. It was sent to 28,038 healthcare workers.
Results: The questionnaire was answered by 1,934 participants, with a median age of 38 years (74% women). Seventy five percent were professionals, and 48% worked at a hospital. Fifty nine percent of respondents had a risk of having a mental health disorder, and 73% had depressive symptoms. Significant associations were found with sex, workplace, and some of the relevant experiences during the pandemic. Fifty one
percent reported the need for mental health support, and 38% of them received it.
Conclusions: There is a high percentage of health workers with symptoms of psychological distress, depression, and suicidal ideas. The gender approach is essential to understand the important differences found. Many health workers who required mental health care did not seek or received it.
Norma Técnica para la Supervisión de SALUD INTEGRAL DE NIÑOS Y NIÑAS DE 0 A 9 AÑOS
en la Atención Primaria de Salud - Actualización 2021
O Informe Semanal de Evidências sobre Variantes de Atenção do SARS-CoV-2 é uma produção organizada pelo Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia da Secretaria de Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovação e Insumos Estratégicos em Saúde do Ministério da Saúde (DECIT/SCTIE/MS). O documento tem o objetiv...o de acompanhar e relatar as mais recentes evidências descritas em publicações científicas e
na literatura cinzenta sobre as principais variantes de SARS-CoV-2 circulantes no Brasil e no mundo, bem como as implicações destas para a saúde. Para tanto, são realizadas buscas estruturadas em bases de dados de indexação de periódicos científicos revisados pelos pares, de artigos no formato pré-print e de literatura cinzenta. Este informe tem caráter unicamente informativo e não representa
uma recomendação oficial do MS sobre a temática. Os trechos destacados em itálico no corpo do texto consistem em novas informações publicadas no período de 11 a 17 de outubro de 2021. Os demais trechos são referentes a informações já fornecidas em Informes anteriores.
Challenged by the health emergency, Primary Health Care (PHC) professionals remodeled their work processes and realized that many of the innovations implemented in an emergency manner to respond to the pandemic of COVID are here to stay. The initiative APS Forte no SUS - no combate à pandemia de CO...VID-19 gathered experiences from all over the country, executed by engaged health workers who, despite the difficulties imposed by the new disease, fight daily to improve the offer and care in health in the Unified Health System (SUS). With the help of digital technologies, teams and professionals of the Family Health Strategy overcome daily one of the main challenges of APS in this pandemic: ensuring access to health services. Digital tools gain strength in the agenda for strengthening the SUS, so well represented in this initiative.
Journal of Land Use Science, 16:3, 223-239, DOI: 10.1080/1747423X.2021.1933226