Accessed: 02.05.2020
These consolidated guidelines provide recommendations for comprehensive prevention and case management strategies in Kenya
Scope of the Guidelines: Infection prevention and control Patient triage Emergency Medical Services Case management Laboratory testing algorithm
Target... Audience: Health care workers taking care of patients suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19
These guidelines combine both preventive and clinical management of the disease in Kenyan context. The protocol borrows various international recommendations including the World Health Organization, from experience of other countries such as China that has struggled with the outbreak for a longer time and from principles of virology and infectious disease management.
Accessed: 02.05.2020
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are known to cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
30 January 2020
This document outlines the standard operating procedures for detection and response to case/s of suspected novel coronavirus disease (2019-nCoV) in South Africa. The content of this document should inform provincial preparedness plans.
Accessed: 02.05.2020
These interim IPC recommendations for health settings have been developed through the contributions of many individuals and institutions, such as the Centers for Disease Control-Kenya; ITECH; US Agency for International Development (USAID) Medicines, Technologies, and Pharmaceu...tical Services (MTaPS) Program; and WHO that are committed to ensuring that the transmission of COVID-19 to HCWs and the public within the health care setting is limited. The Ministry of Health (MOH) through the Directorate of Health Standards Quality Assurance and Regulations wishes to thank all the contributing authors led by the sub-committee on case management and IPC for the COVID-19 response for their expertise and time given to writing these guidelines.
Centre Africain de contrôle et de prévention des maladies (CDC Afrique) protocole par la surveillance renforcée du syndrome respiratoire aigu sévère (SRAS) et du syndrome grippal pour COVID-19 en Afrique
Mars 2020
Le nombre d’États membres de l’Union signalant des cas de COVID-19 est ...en augmentation et il est probable que la transmission communautaire en Afrique se produira. L’OMS a récemment modifié la définition de cas suspect de COVID-19 pour inclure des infections respiratoires aiguës sévères et conseille de tester tous les cas de syndrome respiratoire aigu sévère (SRAS).1 Cependant, de nombreux États membres n’ont pas encore commencé à mettre en œuvre ces changements, ils concentrent toujours leurs efforts
de surveillance sur les personnes ayant des antécédents de voyage vers une zone de transmission locale de COVID-19. Cela signifie que les patients présentant des symptômes similaires, mais sans aucun contact apparent, peuvent ne pas être enquêtés.
19 March 2020
Technical documentation
The purpose of this document is to offer guidance to Member States on quarantine measures for individuals in the context of COVID-19. It is intended for those responsible for establishing local or national policy for quarantine of individuals, and adherence infection prevention and control measures.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 1025
Document d’information scientifique
24 avril 2020
Le développement d’une immunité face à un agent pathogène à la suite d’une infection naturelle comporte plusieurs étapes et prend généralement une à deux semaines. Une infection virale entraîne immédiatement une réponse immunit...aire innée, non spécifique, au cours de laquelle les macrophages, les neutrophiles et les cellules dendritiques ralentissent la progression du virus et peuvent même éviter l’apparition de symptômes. Cette réponse non spécifique est suivie d’une réponse adaptative, au cours de laquelle l’organisme produit des anticorps qui se lient spécifiquement au virus. Ces anticorps sont des protéines appelées immunoglobulines. L’organisme produit également des lymphocytes T qui reconnaissent et éliminent les cellules infectées par le virus. Cette réponse adaptative permet parfois d’éliminer le virus de l’organisme et, si elle est suffisamment forte, d’éviter l’aggravation de la maladie ou la réinfection par le même virus. Ce processus est souvent mesuré par la présence d’anticorps dans le sang.
UNFPA aims to achieve three world-changing results by 2030, the deadline for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. These are: Ending unmet need for family planning, ending gender-based violence including harmful practices such as female genital mutilation and child marriage, and ending all pr...eventable maternal deaths. COVID-19 pandemic could critically undermine progress made towards achieving these goals.
The ECA, says over 300,000 Africans could lose their lives due to COVID-19. This, as the pandemic continues to impact on the Continent’s struggling economies whose growth is expected to slow down from 3.2 percent to 1.8 percent in a best-case scenario, pushing close to 27 million people into extr...eme poverty.
This regional technical guidance note was developed for the UNFPA Asia-Pacific Regional Office (APRO) and Asia-Pacific Country Offices to provide guidance on older persons, health workers, and caregivers in the contexts of COVID-19 to effectively support each member state and work with other partner...s in preparing for and responding to the COVID-19 epidemic.
This document sets out the preparedness and response plan of the Nigerian Primary Health Care System for COVID-19 Acute Respiratory Disease. It outlines the planning scenarios, key areas of work and priority activities required for the Primary Health Care Sector to quickly scale up its core capacity... to prevent, quickly detect, characterize and efficiently respond, in a coordinated manner to the COVID-19 pandemic. These include guidelines for the setup and operationalization of COVID-19 response platforms at the national and state levels, guidelines for the provision of PHC services during the pandemic to minimize transmission in PHCs as well as guidelines for preparedness and response of PHC Centres and communities for COVID-19 case detection and response.
Das UFOPLAN-Vorhaben ‚Planetare Grenzen – Anforderungen an
die Wissenschaft, Zivilgesellschaft und Politik‘ (FKZ 3714 100 0) setzt an dieser Herausforderung an
und untersucht die Stärken, Schwächen sowie Chancen und Risisken des Konzeptes. Ziel war es, die
Anforderungen, die das Konzept a...n Politik, Wissenschaft, Zivilgesellschaft und Wirtschaft stellt, zu
analysieren und entsprechend konkrete Informationen für die politische Umsetzung des Konzepts bereitzustellen.
The Government of Malawi, in fulfilling its primary role of protecting the lives of its vulnerable citizens during disasters and reducing their exposure to risk through preparedness, led the development of a National Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Preparedness and Response Plan.
While much progress has been achieved over the past year, the Region of the Americas has stubbornly remained the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic. PAHO is launching its 2021 COVID-19 Response Strategy and Donor Appeal to continue supporting Latin American and Caribbean countries and territories i...n their fight against COVID-19. This document outlines PAHO’s regional strategy for the year 2021 to sustain and scale-up the response to COVID‑19 pandemic in the Americas, suppress the community transmission of the virus and mitigate the longer-term health impact of the pandemic.
US$ 239 million is needed to support critical response efforts in the Americas between 1 January and 31 December 2021
FAO’s component of the Global COVID-19 Humanitarian Response Plan
The protection of children and educational facilities is particularly important. Precautions are necessary to prevent the potential spread of COVID-19 in school settings; however, care must also be taken to avoid stigmatizing students and staff who may have been exposed to the virus. It is important... to remember that COVID-19 does not differentiate between borders, ethnicities, disability status, age or gender. Education settings should continue to be welcoming, respectful, inclusive, and supportive environments to all. Measures taken by schools can prevent the entry and spread of COVID-19 by students and staff who may have been exposed to the virus, while minimizing disruption and protecting students and staff from discrimination.