Global Campaign Against Epilepsy
Investing in Child Protection
Building Inclusive, Productive and Resilient Communities in Malawi
Since late August 2022, cases of severe acute watery diarrhoea have been increasingly reported across Syria, concentrated
particularly along the Euphrates river. These were later confirmed to be cholera cases.3 Cholera is a disease caused by
bacteria that can be found in faeces, and spreads throug...h people consuming contaminated water or food. It causes severe
watery diarrhoea and vomiting which lead to dehydration. If treated immediately, less than 1% of cases result in patients
dying. However, if timely treatment is not available, cholera can lead to death within hours in 25 to 50% of cases. The
situation is critical in Syria as the local population is facing a severe water crisis due to drought, falling groundwater levels,
reduced flow in the Euphrates River, and reduced functionality of Alouk water station. REACH has been monitoring
developments in Northeast Syria through regular data collection cycles, remote sensing data, and rapid needs assessments
This paper reviews the effects of vertical responses to COVID-19 on health systems, services, and people’s access to and use of them in LMICs, where historic and ongoing under-investments heighten vulnerability to a multiplicity of health threats. We use the term ‘vertical response’ to describ...e decisions, measures and actions taken solely with the purpose of preventing and containing COVID-19, often without adequate consideration of how this affects the wider health system and pre-existing resource constraints.
F1000Research 2019, 8:323 Last updated: 17 MAY 2019
Welche Verfahren existieren und sind zulässig? Welche rechtlichen Vorgaben und fachlichen Standards sind bei der Durchführung der Alterseinschätzung zu beachten? Wie kann in der Praxis gegen fehlerhafte Entscheidungen/Alterseinschätzungen vorgegangen werden?
Die Arbeitshilfe bietet hierzu Hin...weise und Empfehlungen.
Amphetamine-type stimulants, new psychoactive substances
World Drug Report 2017
Accessed: 14.03.2019