HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies ISSN: (Online) 2072-8050, (Print) 0259-9422
Preferential option for the poor in the South African
context of poverty
Missionalia 43:3 (349–364)
Venite Roundtable with Entrepreneurs
Bratislava, 1 December 20142014
Catholic hospitals and other health services provide invaluable care to many in the community. This article accentuates the pastoral nature of Catholic health care, which is definitive to its Catholic identity. Discussing contemporary Catholic health care in conjunction with the works of Henri Nouwe...n we explore the challenges faced by today’s Catholics in Catholic health care and respond to these issues. In support of the discussion are the results of qualitative research into the perceptions Perth parishioners have of Catholic health care’s pastoral nature and Catholic identity. This research aims towards understanding the challenges facing Catholic health care providing pastoral care within its Catholic identity.
Common Good creates opportunities for those marginalised by poverty and injustice to realise their full, God-given potential, and mobilizes the church to engage and act justly. (South Africa)
CRS Haiti defines accountability as “working with communities, program participants,
partners and civil society in order to treat them with respect, dignity and mutuality, and
ensure empowerment, subsidiarity and quality in all programs.”
In the course of implementing a recently funded network of hubs for building capacities in mental health service development, training, and research (RedeAmericas), the peer support workers are being introduced into the mental health workforce in three Latin American countries for the very first tim...e. They will be part of a team, along with community mental health workers, that provides a modified Critical Time Intervention to individuals with severe psychiatric disorders living in the community. This article reviewed the background of this increasingly widespread development, and discussed its merits, as well as potential obstacles within local contexts.
A thesis submitted for the Degree of Master of Theology at the South African Theological Seminary
This s a systematic review of English language literature from 2000 to 2010 covering spiritual care in end of life care settings which includes spiritual assessment tools and ongoing intervention models.
Through the unrivalled outreach of the CatholicChurch we are able to bring together localknowledge at the grassroots level with thecombined expertise and resources of a globalnetwork.
accessed July 2020
What We Know, What We Don’t Know, and What We Need to Do
A report demonstrating the urgent need to support groups at the local level if COVID-19 misinformation and mistrust is to be tackled effectively.
Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs | July – September 2017