WCEA is a social impact technology company that provides sustainable & innovative e-health & m-health technology solutions for CPD and lifelong learning, enabling capacity building. This is achieved by partnering with NGOs, local and international providers.
Our stakeholders include Ministries of... Health, Regulatory bodies, Associations, Health Facilities, and training colleges in Africa, Asia & the Middle East
Health care and social service systems are facing exceptional demands at this time. Evidence is emerging that the COVID-19 pandemic is disproportionately impacting low-income neighborhoods, communities of color, immigrant and other economically and medically vulnerable patients. These are the patien...ts and communities Community Health Workers (CHWs) are best prepared
to serve. This workforce is defined by their connection to these populations and by their ability to communicate in linguistically and culturally appropriate ways.
This document is a checklist CHW supervisors can use to ensure that CHWs are implementing high quality home visits.
The Community Health Systems (CHS) Catalog is a resource that provides information on community health program workers, and interventions for the 25 countries deemed priority by USAID’s Of of Population and Reproductive Health. It comprises a compilation of 25 country profiles developed from a de...sk review of community health policies, strategies, a related documentation.
This document summarizes country trends drawn from the CHS Catalog and highlights interesting and relevant findings
about the global community health policy landscape.
The purpose of this Guideline is to provide evidence-based recommendations that promote and sustain the undergraduate nursing student’s application of knowledge to practice in a variety of clinical learning environments. The Guideline explores the relationships among and between students and nursi...ng educators, nursing staff, preceptors, and diverse health-care team members, and it considers their influence on the quality of practice education, professional socialization, and nursing excellence.
Learn how the decision making process must ensure that appropriate structures and supports are in place to maximize the nursing effort resulting in the best possible care and positive outcomes for the patients/clients, nursing personnel, and the organization.
To help trainers to create awareness,attitude and skills in waste handlers in day to day management of medical waste in health care settings.
Health Care Facilities (HCFs) are primarily responsible for management of the healthcare waste generated within the facilities, including activities undertaken by them in the community. The health care facilities, while generating the waste are responsible for segregation, collection, in-house trans...portation, pre-treatment of waste and storage of waste, before such waste is collected by Common Bio-medical Waste Treatment Facility(CBWTF) Operator. Thus, for proper management of the waste in the healthcare facilities the technical requirements of waste handling are needed to be understood and practiced by each category of the staff in accordance with the BMWM.
Around the world, nurses are working under enormous pressure providing care to sick and dying patients during the pandemic. Many are faced with increased stress, and other negative effects on their mental health. They are also faced with the possibility of infection and death from COVID-19. Before t...he pandemic there was a global shortage of nurses, but this is likely to be exacerbated by the increased demands of caring during COVID-19 as well as the usual care of non-COVID patients.
Welcome to the Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) training package. IPC is a major challenge for health care systems around the world and there is a significant opportunity to reduce avoidable morbidity and mortality through improvements to IPC. Health care-associated infections (HAIs) and antim...icrobial resistance (AMR) can be significantly reduced through effective IPC. The guidelines cover a range of topics including the core components of IPC programmes, hand hygiene, and the prevention of surgical site infection.
Noma (cancrum oris) is a severe gangrenous disease of the mouth and face. It mostly affects children between the ages of 2 and 6 years living in extreme poverty. In addition to the known factors such as malnutrition, lack of vaccination in children and poor oral hygiene, several social and environme...ntal factors such as maternal malnutrition and close spacing of pregnancies that result in offspring with increasingly weakened immune systems are potentially related to the onset of the disease.
The aim of this guide is to assist the ministries of health (MoHs) to identify a general goal to be attained by the end of five years, with a view to sustainably reducing the incidence of noma as a public health problem through programmes that are fully integrated with national health planning, strengthening of primary health care (PHC) and attainment of UHC.
Cada año, más de 700.000 personas pierden la vida por suicidio, la cuarta causa principal de mortalidad entre las personas de 15 a 29 años y la tercera entre las niñas de 15 a 19 años. La reducción de la tasa mundial de mortalidad por suicidio en un tercio para el 2030 es un indicador de los O...bjetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de las Naciones Unidas, pero el mundo no está bien encaminado para lograr las metas mundiales y muchas más personas perderán la vida por una causa evitable. La OMS ha elaborado esta guía a fin de apoyar a los países para que ejecuten intervenciones eficaces clave basadas en la evidencia usando como punto de partida el enfoque multisectorial VIVIR LA VIDA, que les permitirá establecer una respuesta nacional integral para prevenir el suicidio.
Excecutive Summary available in English, French, Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Spanisch here:
Last accessed on 16.10.21
A propos du comité guinéen d’éthique pour la recherche en santé
L’esprit fondateur de l’éthique de la recherche dans le monde contemporain souligne la dimension morale inhérente à tout acte de recherche au service de l’humanité. En Guinée, l’essor du... concept est associé à la normalisation du cadre de recherche en santé et au développement des interventions de santé publique dans le pays. C’est au cours de l’élaboration de la Stratégie de la Recherche Nationale Essentielle en Santé (RNES) que le code d’éthique y afférent a été formulé. Il a été intégré un peu plus tard au code de santé publique ayant fait l’objet de la loi n°021/AN/97 du 19 juin 1997.
Le Comité National d’Ethique pour la Recherche en Santé (CNERS) a été créé l’année suivante par le Décret N° D/218/PRG/SGG du 29 octobre 1998. Il a été placé sous la tutelle du Ministère de la Santé Publique qui doit lui fournir les moyens de son fonctionnement. Son siège est établi à Conakry, dans l’enceinte de la Blue zone de Dixinn.
La première équipe du CNERS a été mise en place par le Décret N°D/99/078/PRG/SGG du 02 août 1999 pour une durée de trois (03) ans renouvelables. Lors de sa première session, en Octobre 1999, le CNERS a élu un bureau de quatre (04) membres, et a choisi une femme pour la présidence.
Características farmacológicas y clínicas más relevantes de los Medicamentos Esenciales utilizados en el manejo de las enfermedades infecciosas prevalentes en el primer nivel de atención. La misma se agrupa a su vez en: antibióticos, antimicóticos, antivirales, antiparasitarios y fármacos pa...ra el tratamiento de la Tuberculosis
Child and adolescent vaccine safety report
This report on the safety of COVID-19 vaccination in children and adolescents in Argentina includes data from the start of the adolescent campaign
in Argentina, includes data reported since the start of the campaign in adolescents (28 July 2021) and in ch...ildren aged 3-11 years (12 October 2021) until 6 AM on 31 October 2021.
Protecting Patients, Supporting Practitioners in Tandem.
HRI Global is an independent health consultancy which specialises in Whole Health System Strengthening in the public and private sector by implementing the 12-Pillar Clinical Governance Programme (12-PCGP) in primary, secondary and tertiary h...ealth facilities/institutions; by working with the management and staff of the institutions and with local and national government. The programme protects patients and supports practitioners in tandem, enabling the facilities to become clinically governed to deliver quality and patient-centered care.
HRI Global is the founder and lead implementer of the 12-Pillar Clinical Governance Programme, which was designed and piloted in Cross River State, Nigeria, in 2004. HRI Global’s home-grown version of Clinical Governance is suitable for low and middle income countries (LMICs) in both government and privately-owned health facilities.
Call to action by the Global Leaders Group on Antimicrobial Resistance on reducing antimicrobial discharges from food systems, manufacturing facilities and human health systems into the environment.
En esta obra se presentan mensajes básicos para pasar a la acción, resumidos
en una serie de capítulos sobre diversos temas ligados a la salud ambiental,
consultables en línea en: http://www.who.int/ceh/publications/hehc_booklet/en/
Carbon dioxide emissions are the primary driver of global climate change. It’s widely recognised that to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, the world needs to urgently reduce emissions. But, how this responsibility is shared between regions, countries, and individuals has been an endless p...oint of contention in international discussions.
This debate arises from the various ways in which emissions are compared: as annual emissions by country; emissions per person; historical contributions; and whether they adjust for traded goods and services. These metrics can tell very different stories.
We teamed up with the YouTube channel, Kurzgesagt, to produce a video which explored these different metrics in detail: ‘Who is responsible for climate change? – Who needs to fix it?’. All of the data and research featured in this video is contained in this article: below we look in detail at the many ways emissions are broken down.