Strengthening health-system emergency preparedness.
Après une description de la méthodologie utilisée, le rapport présente le contexte de l’exécution des programmes de santé maternelle et néonatale au Sénégal, les acquis enregistrés, les défis relevés et réponses apportées, avant d’aboutir aux conclusions et recommandations.
Ghana Med J. 2012 Jun;46(2 Suppl):69-78.
Documentation des meilleures pratiques et des goulots d’étranglement à la mise en œuvre du programme au Sénégal .
Mapping actions of nongovernmental organizations and other international development organizations
Consultancy to take forward the International Health Partnership
Original text from 2008, updated in 2012. This document marks the beginning of a structured approach to safety assessment of GE foods, which are yet to be approved in our country. It is understood that many changes will become necessary and will be incorporated as we progress. This document will ho...wever, remain an important milestone in the process towards safety evaluation of food derived from GE plants in India.
A review of policy and practice; zero Hunger Phase 1
In-and Out-Patient Treatment
The TB section of the toolkit presents selected (a) programmatic output and (b) outcome and impact indicators for TB. In addition to recommended monitoring programs and measuring the outcomes and impact of TB programs, indicators for the strengthening of health systems, strengthening of community sy...stems and some indicators that measure quality of services are also included.