Towards ending tuberculosis and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis.
In Numbers
2.1 million affected people, of which 894,000 are children.
1.4 million people require humanitarian assistance.
806,000 people severely food insecure.
Health and Human Rights Journal
December 2016 / Volume 18 / Number 2 / Papers, 171-182
The main objectives of these guidelines are:
A. To create awareness among the CBM family (International Office, Member Associations, Regional Offices, Country Offices and partners) on the opportunity savings groups create to attain socio-economic empowerment of a significantly larger number of pers...ons with disabilities particularly among the poorest of the poor.
B. Lobbying mainstream savings group providers and donors to promote the inclusion of persons with disabilities in their programmes as a right as a catalyst of inclusive development.
C. To highlight and illustrate the key steps and procedures that are required to link persons with disabilities through CBR programmes with existing mainstream savings groups and/or promote development of disability specific savings groups.
SADJ August 2016, Vol 71 no 7 p314 - p318
Clinical Review
Euro Surveill. 2016;21(12):pii=30174. DOI:
A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Clinical Infectious Diseases® 2016;62(12):1586–94