To Initiating a Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health Project in Urban Slums with Social Mapping, Census Taking, and Community Engagement
Nosocomial infections, or hospital-acquired infec-tions (HAI), are among the most significant causesof morbidity and mortality in healthcare settingsthroughout the world.Prevention of HAIs iscentral to providing high quality and safe health-care, even in settings with limited resources.Transmi...ssion of infectious agents between patientsby health workers and irrational use of antibioticsare two important preventable factors involved inmany HAIs.
Towards attaining the highest standard Health.
MMWR Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report December 19, 2014 / 63(50);1205-1206
Good mental health is integral to human health and well being. A person’s mental health and many common mental disorders are shaped by various social, economic, and physical environments operating at different stages of life. Risk factors for many common mental disorders are heavily associated wit...h social inequalities, whereby the greater the inequality the higher the inequality in risk.
Based on the survey, five principles for deinstitutionalization were identified: community-based services must be in place; the health workforce must be committed to change; political support at the highest and broadest levels is crucial; timing is key; and additional financial resources are needed.
La présente analyse du projet HPP a pour objectifs spécifiques de documenter (1) les sources d’approvisionnement existantes des contraceptifs ; (2) l’implication des agents par catégorie dans la proposition de médicaments et de contraceptifs ; (3) les politiques et les directives actuelles d...u gouvernement concernant la distribution des contraceptifs et (4) les suggestions des participants pour améliorer le partage des tâches des services de planification familiale à base communautaire et les produits de PF.
This document is one of eight PDF documents that comprise the Guidance on Child-focused Victim
Assistance. All are available in PDF at . The full document is also available.
This first section contains the Acknowledgements, Foreword, Acronyms and Chapters 1 th...rough 4: Chapter 1. Introduction: The Need for Child-focused Victim Assistance Guidance; Chapter 2. Mine Action, UNICEF and Guidance on Child Victim Assistance ;Chapter 3. Victim Assistance: Stakeholders and International Standards; Chapter 4. Principles, Coordination and Cross-cutting Aspects of Victim Assistance
The 40-page field guide outlines possible causes of separation, discusses the psychosocial impacts of being separated, such as how we experience loss, and provides guidelines on how to support those who have been separated from family members – including delivering difficult news to loved ones, ba...sic helping skills, interviews, on-going support and referrals, and reunification. There is also a chapter on self-care for staff and volunteers. The materials provided here will need to be adapted to suit local contexts. The aim of this field guide is to build both confidence and skills in responding to disaster and crisis situations, and to raise awareness of the broader goals of the Movement’s work in supporting families separated from their loved ones
Broken Links: Psychosocial support for people separated from family members (Training
module) and the corresponding Broken Links field guide are designed to support staff and
volunteers in a wide range of settings where they may be in contact with families who have
been separated from their loved... ones. The field guide and the training module outline the
causes and consequences of being separated from family members, as well as the types of
contact staff and volunteers might have with families affected by separation.
This pan-African report describes and analyses the cultural, social, physical and other societal barriers preventing children with disabilities in Africa from realising their full human potential. It also describes the opportunities, initiatives and good practices that exist, that indicate the progr...ess, albeit insufficient, that has been made towards realising the rights for children with disabilities in Africa. Recommendations and priorities for action are presented which promote inclusive and accessible laws, policies, and programmes for children with disabilities throughout Africa