Screening programmes for tuberculosis (TB) among immigrants rarely consider the heterogeneity of
risk related to migrants’ country of origin. We assess the performance of a large screening programme in asylum seekers by analysing (i) the difference in yield and numbers needed to screen (NNS) by c...ountry and WHO-reported TB burden, (ii) the possible impact of screening thresholds on sensitivity, and (iii) the value of WHO-estimated TB burden to improve the prediction accuracy of screening yield.
Results from the baseline study indicated that schoolgirls in the southwestern refugee settlement context lacked access to the menstrual hygiene knowledge and products required for them to manage their menstruation in a healthy and dignified manner. Although UNHCR mandates that all women and girls o...f reproductive age are to receive distributions of disposable sanitary pads, soap and underwear, 71% of the girls reported not having enough menstrual products, 65% reported not having enough soap and 59% reported not having enough underwear. 44% percent also reported that they didn’t have enough information about menstrual hygiene.
Módulo 1
Julho de 2017
Módulo 1: Clínico. Este módulo é destinado a profissionais de saúde como médicos, enfermeiros e auxiliares e traz um resumo sobre como prover a PrEP de forma segura e efetiva, abordando vários aspectos: triagem de pessoas com risco substancial de contr...air o HIV;
ódulo 1: Clínico. Este módulo é destinado a profissionais de saúde como médicos, enfermeiros e auxiliares e traz um resumo sobre como prover a PrEP de forma segura e efetiva, abordando vários aspectos: triagem de pessoas com risco substancial de contrair o HIV; testagem de HIV antes de iniciar a PrEP e como acompanhar usuários de PrEP e oferecer aconselhamento sobre adesão.
Project protocol
Introduction Ready-to-eat food sold in the street represents a global phenomenon, more common in urbanized areas, that constitutes an important dietary source in populations from low- and middle-income countries. However, research on the kind of street food offered and its composit...ion is scarce. The main objective of this study is to characterize the urban street food environment, including vending places, the food offered, its nutritional composition, food purchasing patterns and advertising.
Methods and analysis This protocol provides a framework for a stepwise, standardized characterization of the street food environment; it consists of three steps that are of increasing complexity and demand increasingly great human and technical resources. Step 1 comprises identification of street food vending sites and characterization of the products available; this stage may be complemented with an evaluation of food advertising in the streets. Step 2 comprises description of street food purchasing patterns, by direct observation. Step 3 requires collection of food samples for bromatological analysis. Different levels of data collection may be defined for each step; hereafter, these are presented as core and expanded evaluations. For the most part, data analysis involves descriptive statistics and basic spatial analysis.
Avec une population estimée à 1 626 606 habitants et une densité de 16 habitants/km2, elle a pour chef-lieu Mbandaka qui est la plus grande ville. L'Équateur est depuis 2015 l’une des 26 provinces de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC).
Les localités de Wangata, Iboko et Bikoro son...t trois (03) des dix-huit (18) zones de santé (ZS) de cette province affectées par l’épidémie actuelle de la maladie à virus Ebola (MVE).
Guide pédagogique à l’intention des femmes enceintes et des mères vivant avec le VIH
Santé positive, dignité et prévention pour les femmes et leurs bébés a été conçu pour être utilisé par des réseaux de femmes vivant avec le VIH, des groupes de femmes, des pairs-é ou d’autres personnes souhaitant aider les femmes vivant avec le VIH à prendre certaines décisions importantes avant, pendant, et après leur grossesse. Il ne remplace pas la visite à un établissement de santé ni la consultation d’un professionnel de santé.
Ils apportent des informations précises et complètes qui permettront aux femmes enceintes et aux mères vivant avec le VIH de connaître leurs droits et ainsi de prendre des décisions éclairées concernant leur santé et la santé de leur bébé.
DHS Further Analysis Reports No. 111
This study is a theory-driven analysis of the socio-demographic determinants of maternal care seeking in Kenya. Specifically, it examines predisposing, enabling, and need factors potentially associated with use of antenatal care (ANC), health facility delive...ry, and timely postnatal care (PNC).
This study uses data from the 2014 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey (KDHS) conducted among women age 15-49 with a live birth in the five years preceding the survey. It includes data from all 47 counties of Kenya, grouped contiguously into 12 regions. We apply Andersen’s Behavioral Model of Health Services Use to examine socio-demographic predictors of health service use. We estimate logistic regression models for adequate use of ANC (defined as attending at least four ANC visits, starting in the first three months of pregnancy), delivery in a health facility, and PNC within 48 hours of delivery.
This guide is strongly practice -oriented and intended as an open resource when replicating similar methods of psychosocial care in other projects. It describes the steps in the development of our pilot project
"Low threshold psychosocial support for refugees and asylum seekers’ in... Germany ", from the initial idea of the project to its practical implementation. It is to be understood as apractical report for transferring the working methods of MSF from project countries to the German context. A particular focus is the training and working methods of psychosocial peer counsellors. They are at the heart of our approach to low-
threshold psychosocial care
In 2015, 26% of the deaths of 5.9 million children who died before reaching their fifth birthday could have been prevented
through addressing environmental risks – a shocking missed opportunity. The prenatal and early childhood period represents
a window of particular vulnerability, where enviro...nmental hazards can lead to premature birth and other complications,
and increase lifelong disease risk including for respiratory disorders, cardiovascular disease and cancers. The environment
thus represents a major factor in children’s health, as well as a major opportunity for improvement, with effects seen in every
region of the world.
Humanitäre Charta und Mindeststandards in der humanitären Hilfe
Das Sphere-Handbuch stellt einen grundsatzbasierten Ansatz für Qualität und Verantwortlichkeit in der humanitären Hilfe dar. Es beinhaltet eine praktische Anwendung der Grundüberzeugung von Sphere, dass alle von einer Katastrophe... oder einem Konflikt betroffenen Menschen ein Recht auf ein Leben in Würde und das Recht auf humanitäre Hilfe haben.
PFA for Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies has several parts that can be used separately or together. It comprises this guide, a small booklet on PFA, and four training modules on PFA. This guide has general information about psychological first aid. It can be used on its own for psycho-education ...and as a reference for the training modules that accompany it. The training modules include instructions, notes, and training resources for the facilitators.
La PFA pour les Sociétés de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge comprend plusieurs parties qui peuvent être utilisées séparément ou ensemble. Il comprend ce guide, un petit livret sur l'APF et quatre modules de formation sur l'APF. Ce guide contient des informations générales sur les secours psychologiques. Il peut être utilisé seul pour la psycho-éducation et comme référence pour les modules de formation qui l'accompagnent. Les modules de formation comprennent des instructions, des notes et des ressources de formation pour les animateurs.
Dans la perspective d’une dynamique d’accélération du contrôle du paludisme en vue de l’atteinte du seuil épidémiologique de pré-élimination, le Ministère de la santé à travers le Programme National de Lutte contre le Paludisme (PNLP) a mis en œuvre plusieurs stratégies d’interve...ntion, en fonction des différentes cibles visées mais en relation avec la cartographie palustre. Ainsi, cette présente étude montre, les déterminants qui favorisent ou défavorisent l’adoption du comportement souhaité à l’endroit des cibles.
Guide des pratiques essentielles