AMR is a serious and growing global problem. A WHO report released in 2014 stated that this serious threat is no longer a prediction for the future it is happening now in every region of the world and has potential to affect anyone, of any age in any community – a real threat to the public health.... The coming together of the various important stakeholders to develop this document is the testimony of their agreement of how serious is the issue at hand and their intentions to combat AMR is translated into an Action Plan. WHO also reported that there are about 2 million people in the US are infected with the AMR organism while 23,000 die annually from AMR infections. Fiji is just 10 hours journey away from the United States of America therefore Fiji must act now to keep our population safe from AMR organisms.
June 2015
Training Menus, Facilitation Tips, and Participatory Training Modules
Knowledge based upon a descriptive literature review of applied research
Enzyklika Laudato Si' von Papst Franziskus über die Sorge für das gemeinsame Hause
Disability Inclusion | Published by Child Development & Rights and Sustainable Health on behalf of World Vision International.
Afin d’aider les pays non touchés à mieux faire face à une éventuelle importation de cas de maladie à virus Ebola en renforçant le dispositif de préparation et de planification déjà en place, l’OMS et l’ensemble des partenaires de la riposte ont dépêché une mission en République c...entreafricaine du 2 au 8 décembre 2014.
Public Report
PQMC 0003-003-00 WHO PQMC PR June/2015, version 2.0
A practical and reflective guide for teachers .
This guide is packed with practical tools and advice for teachers wanting to embed global citizenship in their classrooms. Learn how to effectively bring a global lens into your teaching with our handy planning framework, participation methods, and to...ols to assess learning.
Develop your teaching practice with both innovative and tried-and-tested approaches. Help your learners ask questions, make connections, and take action as active global citizens
Nearly half the population of Sierra Leone is under the age of 18 years and the impact of the Ebola crisis on their lives now and on their future opportunities has been far-reaching: no school; loss of family members and friends to the virus; and changing roles and responsibilities in the home and t...he community.
While the priority now remains meeting the goal of zero cases, the Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) is also developing a comprehensive strategy aimed at supporting communities to recover from this crisis, to put the country back on track to meet development targets. The Ebola Recovery Strategy – currently being finalised by the GoSL – represents a potentially transformative framework to support the immediate recovery of children from the crisis and to ensure their place in the future development of Sierra Leone.
To date, there has not been a formal process for children to outline their own priorities for recovery to decision-makers. In mid-March 2015, child-centred agencies conducted a Children’s Ebola Recovery Assessment (CERA) in nine districts across Sierra Leone to create a mechanism for more than 1,100 boys and girls, to discuss issues of concern; assess the impact of the crisis on their roles, responsibilities and future opportunities; and to formulate their recommendations for recovery.
GMS Zeitschrift für MedizinischeAusbildung 2015, Vol. 32(5),ISSN 1860-3572
Internationalizing higher education is considered to be a major goal for universities in Germany and many medical students aspire to include international experiences into their academic training. However, the exact of “internationalizing” medical education is still poorly defined, just as is the possible pedagogic impact and effects. Against this background, this article presents the special track curriculum on global health (in German: Schwerpunktcurriculum Global Health, short: SPC) at Justus Liebig University Giessen, which was established in 2011 as a comprehensive teaching program to integrate international perspectives and activities systematically into the clinical years of the medical curriculum
Special Issue: Special Education in Sub-Saharan Africa | This special issue of our Communication*Support*World*Network*Newsletter attempts to share practical ideas and information about special education for children with disabilities in sub-Saharan Africa. Our intent is to begin a dialogue among th...ose interested in this important topic, and to promote an increased exchange of ideas, approaches, information, resources, and promising practices.
Education of children with disabilities in India and Pakistan: An analysis of developments since 2000 | Background paper prepared for the Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2015 | Education for All 2000-2015: achievements and challenges
Connecting global priorities: biodiversity and human health: a state of knowledge review
Informe Conjunto de Organizaciones de Defensa del Derecho a la Salud al Comité de Derechos Económicos y Sociales de las Naciones Unidas, con motivo del Examen del 3er Informe Periódico del Estado Venezolano en el Período de Sesión 55° del Pacto Internacional de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y... Culturales
Jeder ehrenamtliche Helfer in und um Würzburg kann sich an Standpunkt e.V. wenden und kostenlos Skripte bekommen. Schreibt dazu bitte eine Mail an
Jeder ehrenamtliche Helfer in und um Würzburg kann sich an Standpunkt e.V. wenden und kostenlos Skripte bekommen. Schreibt dazu bitte eine Mail an
DHS Working Papers No. 120