Prepared as an outcome of ICMR Subcommittee on Breast Cancer |.This consensus document on management of breast cancers summarizes the
modalities of treatment including the site-specific anti-cancer therapies, supportive and palliative care and molecular markers and research questions. It also inter...weaves clinical, biochemical and epidemiological studies.
A booklet on how CHWs were addressing eye health across Africa based on desk research and a survey in 23 countries
Das deutsche Gesundheitssystem zählt immer noch zu den besten auf der Welt – nicht aber zu den am einfachsten verständlichen. Nicht nur für Menschen, die gerade erst nach Deutschland gekommen sind oder noch nicht lange hier leben, ist es oft schwer zu überblicken, wie genau es funktioniert und... wie man sich darin am besten zurechtfindet.
Schon die Frage, ob und wie man sich krankenversichern kann, ist schwierig zu beantworten. An wen kann man sich wenden, wenn man selbst oder ein Familienmitglied krank ist? Geht man zürst zu einem Arzt oder lieber direkt ins Krankenhaus? Und wenn zum Arzt, zu welchem eigentlich? Warum ist Gesundheitsvorsorge so wichtig und welche Vorsorge- und Früherkennungsuntersuchungen sind sinnvoll und sollten unbedingt wahrgenommen werden? Auf welche Unterstützungsleistungen der Pflegeversicherung besteht ein Anspruch?
Also available in Arabic, English, French, Italian, Turkish, Russian, Kurdish, Pashto, Farsi, Polish, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Spanish :
In Baden-Württemberg haben sich einige Behandlungszentren auf die ärztliche und psychologische dolmetschergestützte Psychotherapie von traumatisierten MigrantInnen spezialisiert. Die Arbeit dieser Zentren, die in einem Gesprächskreis um die Menschenrechtsbeauftragte der Landesärztekammer Baden-...Württemberg regelmäßig ihre Erfahrungen austauschen, wird hier vorgestellt.
The aim of the Annual Inspection Report is to present findings of public sector health establishments inspected by the OHSC to monitor compliance with the National Core Standards (NCS) during the 2016/2017 financial year in South Africa.
The NCS define fundamentals for quality of care based on six ...dimensions of quality: Acceptability,Safety, Reliability, Equity, Accessibility, and Efficiency.
The NCS structured assessment tools were used to collect data during inspections across the seven domains namely: Patient Rights; Patient Safety, Clinical Governance and Clinical Care; Clinical Support Services; Public Health; Leadership and Governance; Operational Management and Facilities and Infrastructure. A total of 851 routine inspections were conducted with 201 of these facilities re-inspected. Inspection data was captured on District Health Information System (DHIS) data entry forms and exported for analysis to Statistical Analysis Software (SAS) version 9.4.
This brief summarises key considerations about the social, political and economic context of Goma in relation to the outbreak of Ebola in the DRC as of March 2019. Goma is the administrative capital of North Kivu province and a major urban centre in the Great Lakes Region. The city is home to an est...imated 1.5 million people and serves as an important economic and transportation hub that links eastern Congo to the broader East African sub-region. The arrival of Ebola in Goma would substantially increase the at-risk population and heighten the potential for cross-border transmission to neighbouring countries, particularly Rwanda. This brief therefore focuses on local social and political structures that can be leveraged to promote preparedness and readiness actions.
Повышение цены на алкоголь является одной из наиболее эффективных мер политики по сокращению общего потребления алкоголя в стране и, следовательно, по снижению ур...овня связанного с алкоголем вреда. Налогообложение - это распространенный способ контроля за ценами на алкогольные напитки, а при корректировке в соответствии с инфляцией это может быть эффективной мерой как для снижения вреда, так и для повышения поступлений в государственный бюджет. В данном отчете описывается политика налогообложения алкоголя в Кыргызстане в период с 2006 по 2016 год, а также ее влияние на поступления в бюджет и вред, связанный с алкоголем. Реализация решительных политических мер в период 2012-2014 годов позволила снизить доступность
алкоголя и привела к сокращению оборота и потребления алкоголя, а также вреда, связанного с алкоголем. Хотя налоговая политика в Кыргызстане, повидимому, оказала положительное влияние, увеличение налогов должно сопровождаться действиями Правительства по контролю за производством, продажей и потреблением незаконного алкоголя.
10th edition
The IDF Diabetes Atlas 10th edition provides detailed information on the estimated and projected prevalence of diabetes, globally, by region, country and territory, for 2021, 2030 and 2045. It draws attention to the growing impact of diabetes across the world and highlights proven and ...effective actions that governments and policy-makers must urgently take to tackle it.
In this article a cluster randomized cross-sectional survey, conducted in Albay Province in the Philippines in April 2016, was used to assess the prevalence of disability and access to support services. This was done with the purpose of generating representative data for local programme development.... A cross-sectional survey was carried out with the WG/UNICEF methodology to examine the prevalence of disabilities, and the accessibility and coverage of relevant services. The aim is for this information to be used for public policy formulation at all levels, as well as to improve communication and advocacy on disabilities.
Findings on maternal and child health in Nepal, Mozambique and
Rwanda, and neglected tropical diseases in Cambodia and Sierra Leone | This report synthesises findings from five country case studies from the health dimension of this project, which focus on maternal and child health (MCH) (Mozambique...,Nepal, Rwanda) and neglected tropical diseases (NTDs)(Cambodia, Sierra Leone). MCH was selected given its centrality in two of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and its ability to act as a proxy for strengthened health systems. NTDs, while until recently relatively neglected in global policy debates, are now attracting more interest, not least because they are viewed as diseases of the poor whose treatment could positively impact on most of the other MDGs.
The provision of safe and efficacious blood and blood components for transfusion or manufacturing use involves a number of processes, from the selection of blood donors and the collection, processing and testing of blood donations to the testing of patient samples, the issue of compatible blood and ...its administration to the patient. There is a risk of error in each process in this “transfusion chain” and a failure at any of these stages can have serious implications for the recipients of blood and blood products. Thus, while blood transfusion can be life-saving, there are associated risks, particularly the transmission of bloodborne infections.
Screening for transfusion-transmissible infections (TTIs) to exclude blood donations at risk of transmitting infection from donors to recipients is a critical part of the process of ensuring that transfusion is as safe as possible. Effective screening for evidence of the presence of the most common and dangerous TTIs can reduce the risk of transmission to very low levels.
As the Convention of the Rights of Children recognizes, children are human beings with a distinct set of rights, and not the passive objects of care and charity. They deserve to be full participants in society, and to live lives free of poverty. But for children, living in poverty is particularly im...pactful. The foundations for life are built in childhood. In the early part of our lives, our bodies and brains develop their capacities to function and interact with the world. We learn the social skills we need to fit into society, and acquire the human capital necessary to earn a living, support a family, and to fully take part in the life of our community Poverty can stunt this development. So can the onset of a disability. As the World Report on Disability (WHO/World Bank 2011) points out, people with disabilities are all too often excluded from the economic and social lives of their community. And the interaction between disability and poverty has the potential to develop a vicious circle that can greatly limit life opportunities.
Working Paper Series: No. 25