Schizophr Bull. 2014 Jan;40(1):192-213. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbs150. Epub 2012 Dec 17.
навчальний посібник для керівників груп, плани занять, матеріали для занять та бланки
Group Leader Training Manuals, Lessons Plans, and Lessons Materials and Worksheets
Policy Brief, Updated in March 2017
(2016) ‘Structural Drivers and social protection: mechanisms of HIV risk and HIV prevention for South African adolescents’. JIAS, 2016, 19(1):20646.
Social protection and HIV: Research implications for policy - 1 of 6
Midnight, Executive Director
Accessed: 27.08.2019
Care and Support Centre (CSC) is a national initiative to provide expanded and holistic care and support services for PLHIV. The guideline focuses on the objectives, criteria for selection, required infrastructure, human resources, MIS tools, and financial guidelines for CSCs. This guideline will b...e useful to the care providers, programme managers, and all stakeholders in providing excellent care to the people living with HIV/AIDS
This guide provides an overview of important points to consider in the assessment and treatment of PTSD and ASD in children and adolescents. The practitioner checklist later in this document can help
to guide assessment and treatment planning.
This National Prevention Road Map addresses the above-mentioned challenges and aims to guide, focus and reinvigorate the HIV prevention response during the period 2018-2020. It also renews the commitment of political leadership,
January – December 2014
Republic of Moldova South‐East European Region National Coordination Council
Declaration of Commitment of the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS
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