Population-Based Survey on Perceptions and Attitudes about Peace, Security and Justice in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo
Following an overview of maternal and neonatal child health in Nepal and in the districts covered by the project, the briefing outlines the background to the Strengthening Approaches for Maximizing Maternal, Neonatal and Reproductive Health (SAMMAN) project. It then describes the key aspects of the ...two main project approaches: one focused on the community level, and the other on health systems
This is a pre-deployment training, tailored specially to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, offered to WHO personnel, consultants, and key partners. The material covered in modules 1-4 is applicable and useful to frontline response workers, national and international. Only Module 5, which focuses on... operational aspects - the code of conduct for international civil servants and human resources arrangements for WHO deployees, are specifically geared to all internationally recruited personnel and to WHO deployees respectively
Cinquième Enquête Démographique et de Santé au Bénin (EDSB-V) 2017-2018
Les personnes handicapées sont confrontées à des besoins spécifiques auxquels la communauté n’accorde pas toute l’attention requise. Un nombre important de cette couche vulnérable vit dans des conditions déplorables, à la limite déshumanisantes.
La présente étude a permis, non seulement de mieux connaître les différents acteurs
de la ville de Cotonou sur la thématique du handicap, mais également de mettre en lumière
les actions qu’ils mènent. La problématique du handicap est mal connue dans la ville de
Cotonou : pas de statist...iques fiables (le dernier recensement national fait état de 2,55% de
personnes handicapées au sein la population nationale). Cependant, plus de 180
associations de personnes handicapées sont recensées sur le territoire national. Et bien que
le bénin soit signataire de nombreuses conventions et accords internationaux sur la
protection et la promotion des droits des personnes handicapées, il n’existe pas de
législation nationale spécifique, relative aux personnes handicapées. Il y a (trop !) peu de
campagnes officielles de sensibilisation sur les causes et la prévention du handicap, et les
commémorations conventionnelles passent souvent inaperçues. L’étude a permis de jeter
un regard sur les relations qu’ entretiennent les acteurs publics et associatifs entre eux.
A “catastrophic” combination of drought and communities’ declining resilience has left an estimated 2.3 million people facing severe acute food insecurity – up from an estimate of 1.7 million people a month ago.
Communities across southern Africa have been affected by drought since late 2...018.
This year, large parts of southern and western Zambia received their lowest seasonal rainfall totals since at least 1981, the base year from which normal rainfall is benchmarked. At the same time, northern and eastern parts of the country were affected by flash floods and waterlogging, resulting in poor harvests.
The aim of the people-centred framework is to help countries to develop fully prioritized and budgeted NSPs based on a culture of making full use of the available data, which are aligned with national planning cycles and which provide the basis for a robust national response that can accelerate prog...ress towards the goal of ending TB. In addition, applying the framework for other possible applications according to the country’s planning and policy cycle encourages the culture of data utilization and evidence translation into decision making and planning.
Evaluation Report
Evaluation Office
Global AIDS Update 2018
Closing Gaps
Breaking Barriers
Righting injustices
Vision 2030
Accessed: 17.11.2019
Recommended actions at international and national levels
HIV testing services
Policy Brief
November 2018