To improve the quality of care during labour and childbirth, facilitate effective implementation of the World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations: Intrapartum care for a positive childbirth experience, published in 2018, and promote a shift towards improving the experience of childbirth, WHO d...eveloped the WHO Labour Care Guide (LCG) and an accompanying WHO labour care guide: user's manual. The WHO LCG is a tool to facilitate implementation of quality, evidence-based, woman-centred care for a positive childbirth experience within the context of a broader, rights-based approach.
The goal of this policy brief is to provide maternal and newborn health stakeholders and decision-makers with an overview of the WHO LCG and its guiding principles, key advantages of making the shift from the WHO partograph to the WHO LCG, and what is required to ensure an enabling environment that will facilitate a sustainable introduction of the WHO LCG.
Conclusion: To ensure that people with disabilities can successfully access the necessary health services, the barriers on the demand side (the individuals requiring healthcare) as well as the barriers that are part of the healthcare system, should be attended to.
Botswana CPD.
The 6th Government of Botswana/UNFPA Country Programme (2017-2021) is focusing on a transformative development agenda that is universal, inclusive, human rights-based, integrated and anchored in the principle of equality and leaving no one behind, while reaching the furthest left beh...ind first. The country programme will contribute directly to the three outcomes of the United Nations Sustainable Development Framework (2017-2021).
Commitment objective
The Government of Myanmar views family planning as critical to saving lives, protecting mothers and children from death, ill health, disability, and under development. It views access to family planning information, commodities, and services as a fundamental right for every... woman and community if they are to develop to their full potential.
• Increase CPR from 41 percent to 50 percent by 2015 and above 60 percent by 2020
• Reduce unmet need to less than 10 percent by 2020 (from 12 percent in 2013)
• Increase demand satisfaction from 67 percent in 2013 to 80 percent by 2020
Zanzu stellt in 13 Sprachen einfach und anschaulich Informationen zu sexüller und reproduktiver Gesundheit zur Verfügung und erleichtert so die Kommunikation über diese Themen, z. B. im Rahmen einer Beratung
Basisinformationen zum Thema STD für Menschen verschiedener Kulturen.Zweisprachige Broschüren in sehr einfacher Sprache und mit Piktogrammen. Als neues Modul enthalten die Broschüren eine austrennbare Karte zu Erleichterung der Kommunikation in der Arztpraxis. Sprachversionen: Russisch/Deutsch; T...ürkisch/Deutsch;Englisch/Deutsch; Französisch/Deutsch; Rumänisch/Deutsch; bulgarisch/Deutsch; Arabisch/Deutsch
La Guinée a été le point zéro de la flambée récente de la maladie à virus Ebola. Le taux de mortalité attribuée à Ebola en Guinée était de 66 %, nettement plus élevé que les taux des deux autres pays ouest-africains les plus affectés : la Sierra Leone (32 %) et le Liberia (45 %). Face... à la fermeture des cliniques, aux patients qui évitent les établissements sanitaires de peur de contracter Ebola et aux patients présentant des symptômes semblables à ceux d’Ebola qu’on renvoie chez eux, les experts en matière de santé s’inquiètent que d’autres maladies, telles que le paludisme, la pneumonie et la fièvre typhoïde, ne seront pas soignées, et que des soins de routine comme ceux qui favorisent la santé maternelle et infantile ne seront pas fournis.
Componente del Juego de herramientas para la prevención: “Cómo reconocer las deficiencias de nacimiento”
Climate hazards, including extreme heat, are associated with increased risks of developing complications that lead to adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes. These may include multiple causes of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality such as gestational diabetes, hyper tensive disorders of p...regnancy, preterm birth, low birth weight and stillbirth. In addition to the health risks related to poor nutrition, water, hygiene and sanitation, the effects of exposure to climate hazards and their aftermath during and after pregnancy can affect mental health and contribute to intergenerational trauma. They may increase stress, anxiety and depression – known risk factors for adverse perinatal outcomes.