This report found that fewer than 15 percent of more than 3,000 school-age asylum-seeking children on the islands were enrolled in public school at the end of the 2017-2018 school year, and that in government-run camps on the islands, only about 100 children, all preschoolers, had access to formal e...ducation. The asylum-seeking children on the islands are denied the educational opportunities they would have on the mainland. Most of those who were able to go to school had been allowed to leave the government-run camps for housing run by local authorities and volunteers
Protecting children on the move from violence, abuse and exploitation
Beilage zur Broschüre: Hochschulzugang und Studium von Flüchtlingen
Die Broschüre erläutert kurz und knapp, wie die Gesundheitsversorgung von Asylsuchenden in Deutschland erfolgt, wann man einen Behandlungsschein benötigt, was in einem Notfall zu tun ist oder wie Schwangere versorgt werden. Gleichzeitig weist sie auf wichtige Gegebenheiten, wie die Untersuchung v...on Männern durch Ärztinnen, die Aufklärung durch den Arzt oder verfügbare Leistungen für Asylbewerber, hin.
Die Broschüre wurde in Deutsch, Englisch und Arabisch veröffentlicht
Primary care visits may be a time that refugee families express concerns about their child’s functioning at home or school and/or providers may identify concerns about emotional or behavioral health. Most refugee children have experienced trauma which may affect their emotional, behavioral, and ph...ysical development. However, many refugee children are resilient
and may not exhibit symptoms related to trauma.
Teaching Cases in Medical Peace Work.
Medical Peace Work is an emerging field of expertise in health work, violence prevention, and peace-building. These interactive cases will introduce you to some of the key concepts, opportunities and dilemmas in the peace health field.
Possible developments in transit countries over the next 6 months, 24 March 2016
Wichtige Lerntools, Apps, Dokumente zu Kulturtransfer, Gleichberechtigung, Arztbesuch, Helferkreis-Organisation, Übungen zum Anhörungsverfahren, Familienzusammenführung, Rechtsberatung und rund ums "Arbeiten.
BMC Public Health (2018) 18:668
Der Ratgeber ist in verschiedenen Sprachen erhältlich. Die Ratgeber sind kostenfrei und können unter bestellt werden
Arbeitsblätter mit Bildern in 10 Sprachen.
Inhalt: Gesundheitsheft; Mehrsprachiges Einladungsschreiben an die Asylbewerber; Impfberatung; Hygiene, Toilettenbenutzung
How the Greek reception system is failing to protect the most vulnerable people seeking asylum.
Greece and its EU partners are failing pregnant women, unaccompanied children, victims of torture or sexual violence and other vulnerable people who seek protection in Europe. These people are being put risk by flawed processes and chronic understaffing in EU ‘hotspot’ camps on the Greek islands. They do not receive adequate support from the authorities that are legally responsible for protecting them and are being abandoned in overcrowded camps in squalid conditions. Many people live in unheated tents and do not have sufficient access to washing facilities and toilets, and winter is only making their situation worse