Statistical Report | No. 39: 2013
The 12 Core Concepts for Understanding Traumatic Stress Responses in Children and Families
provide a rationale for trauma-informed assessment and intervention. The Concepts cover a broad
range of points that practitioners and agencies should consider as they strive to assess, understand,
and trauma-exposed children, families, and communities in trauma-informed ways.
Psychol Behav Sci Int J 5(5): PBSIJ.MS.ID.555675 (2017)
Web annex 6: Injectable prostaglandins versus
placebo or no treatment
Evidence to Decision Framework
Web annex 5: Oxytocin and ergometrine versus placebo or no treatment
Evidence to decision framework
This document, endorsed by the WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization, provides guiding principles to support countries in their decision-making regarding provision or resumption of immunization services during severe disruptive events such as COVID-19, natural disasters or humanita...rian emergencies. It incorporates the Immunization Agenda 2030 principles of being people-centred, country-owned, partnership-based and data-guided.
Available in English, French and Spanish
Despite some improvements, current levels of air pollution still pose a considerable risk to the environment and to human health in the WHO European Region. One issue of concern is that monitoring of particulate matter is very limited in the countries of eastern Europe, the Caucasus and central Asia.... This paper summarizes the evidence about the health effects of air pollution from particulate matter and presents the policy implications, the aim being to stimulate policy-makers to develop more effective strategies to reduce air pollution and its health effects in those countries.
11 august 2022, updated version
This report uses the Food Systems Dashboard’s conceptual framework to
define and describe food systems. It summarizes the components, drivers,
and outcomes of food systems. The report also describes the food system
typologies used in the Dashboard