Capítulo A.7
Edición en español
Editor: Juan José García-Orozco
Traducción: Juan José García-Orozco y Carlos González Vivas
Revisor de traducción: Laura Borredá Belda
Trastornos externalizantes
Capítulo D.1
Edición: Matías Irarrázaval & Andrés Martín
Traducción: Fernanda Prieto Tagle, Marta García Acuña
O Fórum de Monitoria do Orçamento - FMO, em colaboração com o Ministério da Economia e Finanças (MEF) e o Fundo das Nações Unidas para a Infância (UNICEF), decidiu elaborar a presente Brochura sobre o Orçamento do Estado em Moçambique usando uma linguagem simples, de fácil compreensão p...ara todos.
This document provides interim guidance on the management of the blood supply in response to the pandemic outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19). It emphasizes the importance of being prepared and responding quickly and outlines key actions and measures that the blood services should take to mit...igate the potential risk to the safety and sufficiency of the blood supplies during the pandemic.
It should be read in conjunction with WHO Guidance for National Blood Services on Protecting the Blood Supply During Infectious Disease Outbreaks, which provides general guidance on the development of national plans to respond to any emerging infectious threats to the sufficiency or safety of the blood supply.
Active Community Policy Strategy - Containment, mitigation and recovery plan on post-confinement in response to COVID-19
The Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean of ECLAC presents a set of basic statistics on the economic, sociodemographic and environmental situation of the region during a specific time period.
Front Chem. 2021; 9: 622286.
Published online 2021 Mar 12. doi: 10.3389/fchem.2021.622286
This report started with a simple question—“How can we tell how much funding is devoted to global health programs?”—and ended (more than two years later) with an answer that is far from simple. As those who have tried know well, tracking health-related funding is challenging in any setting, ...given the range of public and private sources and the many types of services and programs that fall within the definition of “health sector.” It is made all the more complicated when significant external support from donors and private charities plus in-kind donations of drugs and other inputs are taken into account. The task is made yet harder by inadequate public expenditure management systems in countries where public agencies’ capacity is stretched very thin and by donor accounting structures that are not designed to respond in a timely way
En el presente documento, se suministra información sobre los métodos que deberán aplicarse para medir cada uno de los indicadores del Plan de acción del Caribe sobre la salud y el cambio climático y presentar información sobre ellos. Está organizado de conformidad con los cuatro componentes ...principales de la Iniciativa Especial sobre el Cambio Climático y la Salud en los Pequeños Estados Insulares en Desarollo.