UNAIDS 2016 / Meeting Report
A Guidance and Resource Package for Country Offices for Coordination, Planning, Key Messages and Actions
This curriculum can be used freely in order to stimulate means of ethical analysis, reflection and decision-making.
La deuxième édition de ce manuel fournit des directives simples, concrètes et faciles à suivre pour la récupération et le stockage des corps des personnes décédées lors de catastrophes et l’enregistrement des informations les concernant, l’objectif étant d’aider les premiers interven...ants à faire en sorte que les morts soient traités avec respect et que les informations indispensables pour leur identification ultérieure soient enregistrées comme il se doit.
Cette version révisée et actualisée de l’ouvrage incorpore l’expérience acquise lors de catastrophes récentes, comme le typhon Haiyan qui a touché les Philippines en 2013, l’épidémie d’Ebola qui s’est déclarée en Afrique de l’Ouest en 2014 et 2015, et le tremblement de terre qui a frappé le Népal en 2015. Elle comporte également plusieurs annexes traitant de diverses questions, telles que la prise en charge des dépouilles des victimes d’une épidémie de maladie infectieuse, la planification des sites d’inhumation et l’utilisation des analyses ADN lors de catastrophes de grande ampleur.
More than 500 million people worldwide live with cardiovascular disease (CVD). Health systems today face fundamental challenges in delivering optimal care due to ageing populations, healthcare workforce constraints, financing, availability and affordability of CVD medicine, and service del...ivery.
Digital health technologies can help address these challenges. They may be a tool
to reach Sustainable Development Goal 3.4 and reduce premature mortality from
non-communicable diseases (NCDs) by a third by 2030. Yet, a range of fundamental barriers prevents implementation and access to such technologies. Health system governance, health provider, patient and technological factors can prevent or distort their implementation.
World Heart Federation (WHF) roadmaps aim to identify essential roadblocks on the pathway to effective prevention, detection, and treatment of CVD. Further, they aim to provide actionable solutions and implementation frameworks for local adaptation. This WHF Roadmap for digital health in cardiology identifies barriers to implementing digital health technologies for CVD and provides recommendations for overcoming them.
ADI is the international federation of Alzheimer associations around the world, in official relations with the World Health Organization. Each member is the Alzheimer association in their country who support people with dementia and their families. ADI's vision is prevention, care and inclusion toda...y, and cure tomorrow
Here you can find import guidelines, case studies worldwide, dementia friendly plans, training material, IEC Material, etc.
Journal of the ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies ; Vol.27 No.1 May 2012 ; Page 34-39
Der Krieg der Russischen Föderation gegen die Ukraine hat Leid und Verwüstung in einem in der Europäischen Region der WHO seit Jahrzehnten nicht gekannten Ausmaß verursacht. In der Ukraine spielt sich eine sich rasch entwickelnde humanitäre und Flüchtlingskrise ab, deren geopolitische und wirt...schaftliche Auswirkungen in der ganzen Welt zu spüren sind, ganz zu schweigen von den schwerwiegenden Rückschlägen für die in der öffentlichen Gesundheit gemachten Fortschritte in der Ukraine, in den
Nachbarländern und in der Region.
The military offensive by the Russian Federation in Ukraine which began February 2022 has triggered one of the world’s fastest-growing displacement and humanitarian crisis, with geopolitical and economic ripples felt across the globe. The ongoing war has caused large-scale disruptions to the deliv...ery of health services and a near-collapse of the health system. But the crisis also saw an extraordinary mobilization and crisis response to a health emergency by WHO and its more than 100 partners.
The International Council of Nurses is a federation of more than 130 national nurses associations, representing the more than 27 million nurses worldwide.
ICN's ever-increasing networks and connections to people reinforce the importance of strong linkages with national, regional and international n...ursing and non-nursing organisations. Building positive relationships internationally helps position ICN, nurses and nursing for now and the future. Our work with the specialised agencies of the United Nations system, particularly with the World Health Organization, the International Labour Organisation and the World Bank, are important for nurses everywhere. In addition, we work closely with a range of international non-governmental organisations and other partners.
accessed 30.07.2021
This animation—produced in collaboration with International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, UNICEF, and Yoni Goodman—brings to life key messages that help people see and understand how Ebola spreads and how to protect themselves and their communities.
Submitted to The Lesotho National Federation of Disabled (LNFOD)
Europe and Central Asia Economic Update.
The Russian Federation’s war with Ukraine has triggered a catastrophic humanitarian crisis and threatened the stability of geopolitical relations. Economic output in the Europe and Central Asia region is forecast to contract by more than 4.1% in 2022—the... second major shock and regional recession in two years. Moreover, the war has added to mounting concerns of a sharp global growth slowdown.
Report of a World Health Organization and International Diabetes Federation meeting
ate: 31 October 2022
From 24 February 2022, when the Russian Federation’s armed attack against Ukraine started, to 30 October 2022, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) recorded 16,295 civilian casualties in the country: 6,430 killed and 9,865 injured. This included:
-... a total of 6,430 killed (2,511 men, 1,716 women, 167 girls, and 201 boys, as well as 34 children and 1,801 adults whose sex is yet unknown)
- a total of 9,865 injured (2,107 men, 1,515 women, 205 girls, and 292 boys, as well as 242 children and 5,504 adults whose sex is yet unknown)
- In Donetsk and Luhansk regions: 8,996 casualties (3,833 killed and 5,163 injured)
ate: 31 October 2022
From 24 February 2022, when the Russian Federation’s armed attack against Ukraine started, to 30 October 2022, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) recorded 16,295 civilian casualties in the country: 6,430 killed and 9,865 injured. This included:
-... a total of 6,430 killed (2,511 men, 1,716 women, 167 girls, and 201 boys, as well as 34 children and 1,801 adults whose sex is yet unknown)
- a total of 9,865 injured (2,107 men, 1,515 women, 205 girls, and 292 boys, as well as 242 children and 5,504 adults whose sex is yet unknown)
- In Donetsk and Luhansk regions: 8,996 casualties (3,833 killed and 5,163 injured)
After eight years of armed conflict in the east of the country, the Russian Federation started a military offensive in Ukraine on 24 February 2022. The impact of this war has been devastating. It has so far caused 16,200 civilian casualties and destroyed key infrastructure, such as hospitals, school...s, homes, and water installations.
Since the beginning of the conflict, nearly 14 million people - a third of all Ukrainians - have been forced to leave their homes, 90% of them women, children, and elderly people. An estimated 6.2 million people are displaced within Ukraine, while more than 7 million sought safety in Poland, Romania and Moldova or passed through to other destinations in Europe. Some have returned to Ukraine. Another 13 million people are estimated to be stranded in or unable to leave affected areas within the country.
First WHO Global Ministerial Conference
Ending TB in the Sustainable Development Era: A Multisectoral Response
Moscow, Russian Federation, 16-17 November 2017
Première Conférence ministérielle mondiale de l’OMS
Mettre fin à la tuberculose à l’ère du développement durable : une réponse multisectorielle
Moscou, Fédération de Russie, 16-17 novembre 2017