The conditionality of this recommendation is largely driven by the current higher unit cost of pyrethroid-PBO ITNs compared
to pyrethroid-only LLINs and therefore the uncertainty of their cost-effectiveness. Furthermore, as PBO is less wash-resistant
than pyrethroids, its bioavailability declines ...faster over the three-year estimated life of an ITN; therefore, the added impact of
pyrethroid-PBO ITNs over that of pyrethroid-only LLINs may decline over time. The evidence comes from two sites in
eastern Africa with pyrethroid resistance and not from other geographies where transmission levels and vector characteristics
may vary. PBO acts by inhibiting certain metabolic enzymes, primarily oxidases, and so are likely to provide greater protection
than pyrethroid-only LLINs where mosquitoes display mono-oxygenase-based insecticide resistance mechanisms.
Yaws is a disfiguring non-venereal disease caused by infection with the spirochaete. Treponema pallidum subspecies pertenue which is closely related to the causative agent of syphilis and those of the other endemic treponematoses, bejel and pinta. The disease is endemic in certain areas of the World... Health Organization (WHO) African, South-East Asia and Western Pacific regions. Of the neglected tropical diseases identified for elimination and eradication, yaws is one of two diseases targeted for eradication. In 1949, the Second World Health Assembly adopted resolution WHA2.36, which addresses yaws, bejel and pinta as major public health problems that need attention.
Schistosomiasis is widely recognized as a disease that is socially determined. An understanding of the social and behavioural factors linked to disease transmission and control should play a vital role in designing policies and strategies for schistosomiasis prevention and control. To this must be a...dded the awareness that schistosomiasis is also a disease of poverty. It still survives in poverty-stricken, remote areas where there is little or no safe water or sanitation, and health care is scarce or non-existent. For a variety of complex reasons, many of which are addressed in this book, the disease is particularly prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa, and persists in certain areas of rural China. This concern for human behaviour in an environment of poverty echoes the concerns of the new research priority for “diseases of poverty” identified by the Special Programme for Research & Training in Tropical Diseases.
Clinical management standard operating procedures.
Ebola virus disease (EVD) is a life-threatening multisystem illness associated with fever and gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms that frequently leads to hypovolaemia, metabolic acidosis, hypoglycaemia, and multi-organ failure. The prolonged 2013–201...6 EVD outbreak in West Africa allowed for an evolution of care such that by outbreak end many patients received individualized and optimized supportive care (oSoC), including volume resuscitation, symptom control, laboratory and bedside monitoring of glucose, electrolyte levels and organ dysfunction, as well as rapid detection and treatment of co-infections, potentially contributing to the downward trend in the case fatality rate (CFR).
This guidance should serve as a foundation for oSoC that should be followed to ensure both the best possible chance for survival and allow for reliable comparison of investigational therapeutic interventions as part of a randomized controlled trial. This guideline provides recommendations for the management of adults and children.
WHO commissioned a survey, carried out in September/October 2015, among some 10 000 members of the public in 12 countries (2 per WHO Region: Barbados, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria, the Russian Federation, Serbia, South Africa, Sudan and Viet Nam) on their use of antibiotics, knowl...edge of antibiotics and of antibiotic resistance. While not claiming to be exhaustive, this and other surveys will help WHO and partners to ensure efforts are focused on tackling some of the biggest gaps in understanding and the most prevalent misconceptions
معلومات ضرورية للأطفال
عن البلهارسيا
Bambo has bilharzia: what children should know about bilharzia. Comic book.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: This document was made possible through a financial grant from Merck, Germany. In 2007, Merck entered into a partnership with the World... Health Organization (WHO) to combat schistosomiasis in school children on the African continent. In the medium term, Merck will donate 250 million tablets of Cesol 600 containing the active ingredient praziquantel. Merck will maintain its efforts until the disease has been eliminated in Africa.
What Children Should Know About Bilharzia; Educational Comic. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: This document was made possible through a financial grant from Merck, Germany. In 2007, Merck entered into a partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO) to combat schistosomiasis in school children on the African... continent. In the medium term, Merck will donate 250 million tablets of Cesol 600 containing the active ingredient praziquantel. Merck will maintain its efforts until the disease has been eliminated in Africa.
Version 1.1. The WHO protocol has been adapted to resource-limited settings and builds on existing methodologies from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the Global PPS project from University of Antwerp, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Med...icines Utilisation Research in Africa (MURIA).
Point Prevalence Surveys collects information on prescribing practices of antibiotics and other information relevant to treatment and management of infectious diseases in hospitalized patients, and complements surveillance of antimicrobial consumption.
Human schistosomiasis is caused mainly by 3 schistosome species: Schistosoma haematobium, S. mansoni and S. japonicum. S. guineensis, S. intercalatum and S. mekongi have a highly localized distribution in Central Africa and along the Mekong River in South-East Asia, respectively. Soil-transmitted h...elminthiases (STH) are infections caused by 4 parasite species: Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus. The 2 latter species are indistinguishable microscopically and are usually reported together as “hookworms”. Schistosomiasis and STH are neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) and are transmitted mainly in areas with poor access to clean water and sanitation. The presence of an intermediate snail host in water is essential to allow Schistosoma to complete their life cycle. Schistosomiasis and STH can cause significant morbidity, including anaemia, nutritional disturbances and, in the case of schistosomiasis, granuloma, organ pathology and cancer, and an increased risk of acquisition of HIV. In women, urogenital schistosomiasis may cause vaginal bleeding, pain during sexual intercourse and nodules in the vulva, now described as female genital schistosomiasis. Groups at risk for STH and schistosomiasis are those in need of micronutrients: preschool-aged children (pre-SAC, 1–4 years of age), school-aged children (SAC, 5–14 years), women of reproductive age (WRA) and, in addition for schistosomiasis adult and entire communities in high-risk areas.
WHO today released its first roadmap to tackle postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) – defined as excessive bleeding after childbirth - which affects millions of women annually and is the world’s leading cause of maternal deaths.
Despite being preventable and treatable, PPH results in around 70 000 de...aths every year. For those who survive, it can cause disabilities and psychological trauma that last for years.
“Severe bleeding in childbirth is one of the most common causes of maternal mortality, yet it is highly preventable and treatable,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “This new roadmap charts a path forward to a world in which more women have a safe birth and a healthy future with their families.”
The Roadmap aims to help countries address stark differences in survival outcomes from PPH, which reflect major inequities in access to essential health services. Over 85% of deaths from PPH happen in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Risk factors include anaemia, placental abnormalities, and other complications in pregnancy such as infections and pre-eclampsia.
Many risk factors can be managed if there is quality antenatal care, including access to ultrasound, alongside effective monitoring in the hours after birth. If bleeding starts, it also needs to be detected and treated extremely quickly. Too often, however, health facilities lack necessary healthcare workers or resources, including lifesaving commodities such as oxytocin, tranexamic acid or blood for transfusions.
“Addressing postpartum haemorrhage needs a multipronged approach focusing on both prevention and response - preventing risk factors and providing immediate access to treatments when needed - alongside broader efforts to strengthen women’s rights,” said Dr Pascale Allotey, WHO Director for Sexual and Reproductive Health and HRP, the UN’s special programme on research development and training in human reproduction. “Every woman, no matter where she lives, should have access to timely, high quality maternity care, with trained health workers, essential equipment and shelves stocked with appropriate and effective commodities – this is crucial for treating postpartum bleeding and reducing maternal deaths.”
Soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections are among the most common infections worldwide with an estimated 1.5 billion infected people or 24% of the world’s population. These infections affect the poorest and most deprived communities with poor access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene in tro...pical and subtropical areas, with the highest prevalence reported from sub-Saharan Africa, China, South America and Asia. They are transmitted by eggs present in human faeces, which in turn contaminate soil in areas where sanitation is poor. Over 260 million preschool-age children, 654 million school-age children,108 million adolescent girls and 138.8 million pregnant and lactating women live in areas where these parasites are intensively transmitted, and are in need of treatment and preventive interventions.
Las geohelmintiasis son una de las parasitosis más comunes en el mundo, y se estima que 1500 millones de personas, el 24 % de la población mundial, están infestadas. Estas infestaciones afectan a las comunidades más pobres y desfavorecidas de zonas tropicales y subtropicales con un acceso defici...ente a servicios de agua limpia, saneamiento e higiene, y la prevalencia más alta se ha notificado en el África subsahariana, China, América del Sur y Asia. Las geohelmintiasis transmiten a través de los huevos de los parásitos eliminados con las heces fecales de las personas infestadas, que, a su vez, contaminan el suelo en zonas donde el saneamiento es deficiente. Más de 260 millones de niños en edad preescolar, 654 millones de niños en edad escolar, 108 millones de niñas adolescentes y 138,8 millones de embarazadas y madres lactantes viven en zonas donde la transmisión de esos parásitos es intensa y, por esa razón, necesitan tratamientos e intervenciones preventivas.
Rabies remains an under-reported neglected zoonosis with a case-fatality rate of almost 100% in humans and animals. Dog-mediated human rabies causes tens of thousands of human deaths annually despite being 100% preventable. More than 95% of human cases are caused by the bite of a rabies-infected dog.... Dog-mediated human rabies disproportionately affects rural communities, particularly children, and economically disadvantaged areas of Africa and Asia, where awareness of the disease and access to appropriate post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) can be limited or nonexistent.
Available in 90 languages!
Parenting for Lifelong Health provides open-access online parenting resources during COVID-19. We are working with the World Health Organization, UNICEF, UNODC, the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children, USAID, the Centers for Disease Control and Preventio...n, World Without Orphans, the World Childhood Foundation, the Internet of Good Things and Clowns Without Borders South Africa.
All personnel deployed by the World Health Organization (WHO) to any type of public health or humanitarian emergency need to have basic knowledge and skills to perform effectively and safely. That is why it is essential to be trained prior to deployment. GO training is a comprehensive package of mod...ular pre-deployment training materials for WHO staff, consultants and partners deployed for the Ebola outbreak response in West Africa. Each module is accompanied with a video lecture for self-learning purposes
Nini watoto wanapaswa kujua kuhusu kichocho?
SHUKRANI: Maelezo haya yamewezekana kupitia msaada wa fedha kutoka kwa Merck KGaA, Ujerumani. katika mwaka 2007, Merck KGaA ilingia katika ushirikiano na Shirika la Afya Duniani (WHO) kupambana na kichocho kwa watoto wa shule katika bara la Afrika.Me...rck ina changia vidonge milioni 200 vyaa Cesol 600 zenye kiambatano imara cha praziquantel. Merk itaendeleza juhudi yake hadi hapo maradhi yatakapotokomezwa kabisa Africa.
These guidelines are based on the 3rd Edition of the WHO Guidelines (Published 2015) World Health Organization’s Guidelines for the treatment of malaria. Additional literature surveys have been undertaken. Factors that were considered in the choice of therapeutic options included effectiveness, sa...fety, and impact on malaria transmission and on the emergence and spread of antimalarial drug resistance. On-going surveillance is critical given the spread of artemisinin resistance in Southeast Asia, although not yet confirmed anywhere in Africa. The guidelines on the treatment of malaria in South Africa aim to facilitate effective, appropriate and timeous treatment of malaria, thereby reducing the burden of this disease in our communities. This is essential to further reduce the malaria case fatality rates currently recorded in South Africa, to decrease malaria transmission and to limit resistance to antimalarial drugs.
A erradicação da varíola humana (mpox em inglês) foi certificada em 1980. A varíola símia (mpox em inglês) é endêmica nos países da África Central e Ocidental desde a sua primeira detecção, em 1958. Trata-se de uma zoonose cujos casos geralmente ocorrem perto de florestas tropicais, ond...e diversos animais são portadores do ortopoxvírus causador da doença. A maioria das infecções em seres humanos pelo vírus da varíola símia em países onde a doença é endêmica é resultado de transmissão primária de animais para humanos. A transmissão de pessoa a pessoa pode ocorrer por meio de contato próximo com secreções respiratórias ou lesões cutâneas de uma pessoa infectada ou com objetos recém-contaminados. A transmissão também pode ocorrer através da placenta da mãe para o feto ou por contato direto durante ou após o parto. Até 21 de maio de 2022, 12 países onde não há varíola símia endêmica, em 2 regiões da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), haviam notificado 92 casos confirmados da doença. Até 26 de agosto de 2022, 96 países sem endemicidade, de todas as 6 regiões da OMS, haviam notificado 45.198 casos confirmados de varíola símia, incluindo 6 óbitos. No mesmo período, os países onde a doença é endêmica notificaram 350 casos confirmados e 6 óbitos. Na Região das Américas, 29 países e territórios notificaram 23.479 (48%) casos confirmados e 3 óbitos. Diversos estudos observacionais sobre as vacinas de primeira geração demonstraram que a eficácia da vacinação contra a varíola humana na prevenção da varíola símia é de aproximadamente 85%. Atualmente, as vacinas originais (de primeira geração) contra a varíola humana não estão mais disponíveis.
Since 1996, trachoma has been targeted for elimination as a public health problem worldwide. The active trachoma criterion for national elimination as a public health problem is a TF1–9 < 5%, sustained for at least two years in the absence of antibiotic mass drug administration (MDA), in each form...erly endemic EU. Using A, F and E, health ministries and their partners have made considerable progress towards achieving this criterion in formerly endemic EUs worldwide. In 2002, an estimated 1517 million people lived in EUs in which EU-wide implementation of the A, F and E components of SAFE were thought to be needed for the purposes of global elimination of trachoma as a public health problem; by June 2021, that number had fallen to 136.2 million, a 91% reduction. Approximately 85% of the 136.2 million people living in EUs needing A, F and E in June 2021 were in WHO’s African Region.
Second edition. This revised edition incorporates experience gained in recent catastrophes, such as the 2013 Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, the 2014/15 Ebola epidemic in West Africa and the 2015 earthquake in Nepal. It also contains a number of annexes, which cover such topics as handling the bo...dies of people who died from an infectious disease, burial planning and using DNA analysis in mass fatality events