Después de un desastre, es importante que cuide su salud emocional.
Preste atención a la forma en que usted y su familia se sienten y actúan.
Cuidar su propia salud emocional lo ayudará a pensar con claridad y a
reaccionar a las necesidades urgentes para protegerse y proteger a su
familia. S...iga estos consejos que los ayudarán a usted y a su familia a recuperarse
o a encontrar apoyo.
After a disaster, it is important to take care of your emotional health.
Pay attention to how you and your family members are feeling and
Taking care of your emotional health will help you think clearly and
react to urgent needs to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Follow these tips... to help you and your family recover or find support.
A manual on homemade masks
This guide is designed to provide a simple outline of best practices to make, use and reuse masks to enable NGOs and individuals to self-create such masks and accelerate widespread adoption of masks across India.
The key criteria for proposed designs are:
Ease of Ac...cess to Materials
Easy of Making at Home
Ease of Use and Reuse
Wearing of masks is especially recommended for people living in densely populated areas across India
Si tienes tos, puedes tener una enfermedad respiratoria:
Puede ser COVID-19, si es de aparición rápida, acompañada de tos seca, malestar general, fiebre y dificultad para respirar.
Puede ser TB, si se presenta como una tos de dos o más semanas de duración, y está acompañada de expectora...ción.
This fact sheet explains how you can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 - in 35 languages
In 2016, the risk of premature mortality1 from noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) in Ethiopia was 18.3%. The economic costs of NCDs are significant and are due principally to their impact on the non-health sector (reduced workforce and productivity). In this study, it is estimated that NCDs cost Ethiop...ia at least 31.3 billion birr (US$ 1.1 billion) per year, equivalent to 1.8% of the gross domestic product (GDP). Less than 15% of the costs are for health care.
Getting story ideas right -- Getting your sources right -- Getting your facts right -- Getting your report right -- Getting images and videos verified accurately -- Getting maps right -- Getting your language right