Using an ensemble of climate models and socioeconomic scenarios, WRI scored and ranked future water stress—a measure of competition and depletion of surface water—in 167 countries by 2020, 2030, and 2040. We found that 33 countries face extremely high water stress in 2040 (see the full list). We... also found that Chile, Estonia, Namibia, and Botswana could face an especially significant increase in water stress by 2040. This means that businesses, farms, and communities in these countries in particular may be more vulnerable to scarcity than they are today.
Reporting period: January 2014 – December 2014
The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic in Myanmar is concentrated among men who have sex with men (MSM), people who inject drugs (PWID) and female sex workers (FSW). HIV prevalence in the adult population aged 15 years and older was esti...mated at 0.54% in 2014. But data from HIV Sentinel Sero-Surveillance (HSS) indicates higher prevalence in 2014 among key populations: FSW 6.3%, MSM 6.6% and PWID 23.1%. Compared to 2012 data, the prevalence has declined from 7.1% in FSW and 8.9% in MSM, but has increased from 18% in PWID.
Epidemiological modelling suggests that in 2014 there were around 212,000 people living with HIV (PLHIV) in Myanmar, 34% of whom were females. Nearly 11,000 people died of HIV-related illnesses, compared to approximately 15,000 in 2011. An estimated 9,000 new infections occurred in 2014.
No publication year indicated
The specific objectives of the plan are to:
- Scale up evidence-based, cost effective interventions through effective strategies within a HSS approach and provide equitable coverage with quality.
- Reduce neonatal mortality by improved home-based newborn, early identification of sick newborns and improved access to institutional newborn care of adequate quality.
- Reduce common childhood illness related mortality (due to pneumonia and diarrhoea in all areas and malaria in endemic areas) by improving key family and community practices, community-based early diagnosis and management and referral care for complicated cases.
Lancet Glob Health 2015; 3: e396–409. Open Access
Reference Guide Version 2. Revised. The Nutrition Program Design Assistant is a tool to help organizations design the nutrition component of their community-based maternal and child health, food security, or other development program. The tool focuses on prevention and also provides guidance on recu...perative approaches that are needed when there is a high prevalence of acute malnutrition
This strategy has been developed with a view to managing climate-induced internal displacement (CIID) in a comprehensive and rights-based manner. It is part of the action plan for the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) to implement the Sendai Framework.
The strategy focuses solely on internal disp...lacements caused by climate-related disasters and not cross-border displacement issues. It aims to chalk out a comprehensive strategy covering all three phases of displacements: (i) pre-displacement; (ii) displacement phase; and (iii) post-displacement. The multidimensional characteristics of the Strategy require participation of all relevant ministries with a target to integrate the concerns of CIIDPs into the existing programmes of all these ministries.
The ‘Toolkit’ is targeted at practitioners responsible for implementing recovery programmes, their objective to provide a ‘how to’ guide on development, implementing and managing complex post-disaster recovery programmes.
Disaster Recovery Toolkit
In 2005, the World Health Organization (WHO) Member States adopted the revised International
Health Regulations (IHR) (2005). The Regulations provide a unique public health framework in the
form of obligations and recommendations that enable countries to better p...revent, prepare for and
respond to public health events and emergencies of potential international concern, including chemical events.