Guide pour les pays à faibles revenus.
This information leaflet is for general informative purposes only. It can be used in its current form or further modified and adapted by responsible authorities in each country as a country-specific guidance.
Report: A survey conducted among the 27 high MDR-TB burden countries.
March – July 2015
Stop TB Partnership in collaboration with Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF).
Accessed November 2017.
Information note
Accessed November 2017.
Supplement article
The Journal of Infectious Diseases® 2017;216(S7):S675–8
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jix368
Finding the Missing Tuberculosis Patients • JID 2017:216 (Suppl 7) • S675
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by guest on 13 Nove...mber 2017
PQDx 0179-012-00 WHO
PQDx Public Report
June/2017, version 4.0
PQDx 0027-012-00 WHO
PQDx Public Report
May/2017, version 4.0
Summary Findings and Recommendations
The ECDC Communicable Disease Threats Report (CDTR) is a weekly bulletin for epidemiologists and health professionals on active public health threats. This issue covers the period 5-11 November 2017 and includes updates on measles, rubella, chikungunya, West Nile virus, Plague, monkeypox,'s disease, influenza and Marburg virus disease.