Le cadre de surveillance basé sur les événements est destiné à être utilisé par les autorités et les
agences responsables de la surveillance et de l'intervention. Ce cadre sert de cadre pour guider les
parties prenantes intéressées par la mise en œuvre de la surveillance basée sur le...s événements (SBÈ)
en utilisant une approche multisectorielle axée sur l'approche « Une seule santé ». À cette fin, le
document est organisé en chapitres et annexes interconnectés qui peuvent être modifiés et adaptés,
selon les besoins, par les utilisateurs.
Il s'agit d'une version révisée du « Cadre pour la surveillance basée sur les événements » original qui
a été publié en 2018. Ce cadre ne remplace aucun autre matériel SBÈ disponible, mais s'appuie plutôt
sur des documents pertinents ou connexes existants et sert de guide pratique pour la mise en œuvre
de l'SBÈ en Afrique. Ce cadre est conforme à la troisième édition de l'évaluation externe conjointe de
l'OMS pour les indicateurs suivants : systèmes d'alerte précoce renforcés capables de détecter les
événements importants pour la santé publique et la sécurité sanitaire (indicateur D2.1) ; amélioration
de la communication et de la collaboration entre les secteurs et entre les niveaux d'autorité nationaux,
intermédiaires et locaux d'intervention en matière de santé publique en matière de surveillance des
événements importants pour la santé publique (indicateur D2.2) ; et amélioration de la capacité
d'analyse des données aux niveaux national et intermédiaire ( Indicateur D2.3). Au fur et à mesure
que les pays commenceront à mettre en œuvre et à démontrer la fonctionnalité SBÈ, ils garantiront
une augmentation des scores EEC et des progrès vers le respect des exigences décrites dans l'RSI
(Règlement sanitaire international).
En outre, dans les États membres de l'Union africaine qui ont adopté la Surveillance et réponse
intégrées aux maladies (SRIM), ce document complète et peut améliorer la mise en œuvre de l'SRIM,
en particulier pour la 3e édition (2019) qui inclut des composants liés à l'SBÈ.
The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Georgetown University, and the United Nations University have today launched new guidelines to provide the first-ever global policy framework that will help protect, include, and empower children on the ...move in the context of climate change.
The Guiding Principles for Children on the Move in the Context of Climate Change provides a set of 9 principles that address the unique and layered vulnerabilities of children on the move both internally and across borders as a result of the adverse impacts of climate change. Currently, most child-related migration policies do not consider climate and environmental factors, while most climate change policies overlook the unique needs of children.
The guidelines note that climate change is intersecting with existing environmental, social, political, economic, and demographic conditions contributing to people’s decisions to move. In 2020 alone, nearly 10 million children were displaced in the aftermath of weather-related shocks. With around one billion children – nearly half of the world’s 2.2 billion children – living in 33 countries at high risk of the impacts of climate change, millions more children could be on the move in the coming years.
Developed in collaboration with young climate and migration activists, academics, experts, policymakers, practitioners, and UN agencies, the guiding principles are based on the globally ratified Convention on the Rights of the Child and are further informed by existing operational guidelines and frameworks.
Recommendations for safeguarding the rights and well-being of children regardless of their location or migration status.
The guiding principles provide national and local governments, international organizations and civil society groups with a foundation to build policies that protect children’s rights. The organizations and institutions are calling on governments, local and regional actors, international organizations, and civil society groups to embrace the guiding principles to help protect, include, and empower children on the move in the context of climate change.
Cryptococcal disease is one of the most common opportunistic infections among people living with advanced HIV disease and is a major contributor to severe illness, morbidity, and mortality, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa.
These guidelines update the recommendations that were first released i...n 2018 on diagnosing, preventing, and managing cryptococcal disease. In response to important new evidence that became available in 2021, these new guidelines strongly recommend a single high dose of liposomal amphotericin B as part of the preferred induction regimen for the treatment of cryptococcal meningitis in people living with HIV. This simplified regimen - a single high dose of liposomal amphotericin B paired with other standard medicines (flucytosine and fluconazole) - is as effective as the previous WHO standard of care, with the benefits of lower toxicity and fewer monitoring demands.
The objective of these guidelines is to provide updated, evidence-informed recommendations for treating adults, adolescents and children living with HIV who have cryptococcal disease. These guidelines are aimed at HIV programme managers, policymakers, national treatment advisory boards, implementing partners and health-care professionals providing care for people living with HIV in resource-limited settings with a high burden of cryptococcal disease.
- Module 1: Understanding modelling approaches for sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health, and nutrition
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has a wide range of documented effects. It directly causes death and disability for some people infected. However, disruption to... essential health services, resources allocated to mitigation and therefore away from essential health service delivery, and the overall impact on the economy and society must also be considered within the response to COVID-19. Understanding the magnitude of all of these effects is an essential part of developing mitigation polices.
Several epidemiological models have been created to assess the potential impact of disruptions to essential health services caused by COVID-19 on morbidity and mortality from conditions other than COVID-19 illness. This guide presents models that have been used to assess these indirect impacts. The effects have been studied in various settings, using a variety of models.
The guide is intended for people who need to understand what the models say, their construction and their underlying assumptions, or need to use models and their outcomes for planning and programme development and to support policy decisions for a country or region.
Introdução: Em março de 2020, a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) declarou que o surto de COVID-19, doença causada por um novo coronavírus, passava a constituir uma pandemia, dada a velocidade e escala de transmissão da doença. A Região das Américas é caracterizada por uma riqueza mult...iétnica e multicultural. No entanto, povos indígenas, afrodescendentes e outros grupos étnicos, muitas vezes, sofrem discriminação e exclusão, e isso leva a desigualdades de saúde. A COVID-19 pode ter um maior impacto em certos grupos da população, como povos indígenas e afrodescendentes. Em 2017, os Estados Membros da Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde (OPAS) aprovaram a primeira Política de Etnia e Saúde (documento CSP29/7, Rev.1), baseada no reconhecimento de diferenças entre grupos étnicos, bem como em seus respectivos desafios, necessidades e contextos históricos. A política também reforça a necessidade de uma abordagem intercultural, fundamentada na igualdade e no respeito mútuo, para melhorar os desfechos de saúde e avançar em direção à saúde universal. A OPAS prioriza a etnia como uma questão de caráter transversal no gerenciamento de emergências e desastres. Isso está refletido em uma série de regulamentos, como o Plano de Ação 2016-2021 para a Redução do Risco de Desastres e outros manuais, diretrizes e iniciativas.
Accessed on 17.05.2022
El documento, preparado por un equipo interdisciplinario de la Casa de Bello, presenta principios, medidas y los grupos de personas que son focos específicos
Saving Lives Through Safe Surgery (SaLTS)
In 2007, WHO warned that infectious diseases are emerging and re-emerging at a rate that has not been seen before. The potential for infectious diseases to spread rapidly results in high morbidity and mortality, causing a potential global public health treat of major concern.
Several factors are ...contributing to the (re)emergence of infectious diseases such as population growth, living in close contact with animals, frequent travelling, poverty, destructive ecological changes due to economic development and land use and climate change result in global warming.
Especially Africa is at a threat for (re)emerging infectious diseases due to the huge population growth (expected to reach 2.5 billion by 2050) with rapid urbanisation. Additionally, people across and beyond the continent are excessively mobile which is combined with a weak health system. Moreover, the risk of (re)emerging infectious disease is further heightened by three newly adopted continental initiatives: African Continental Free Trade Area, Free Movement of Persons and African Passport and Single African Air Transport Market.
Over 2 million children worldwide are living with HIV infection and 95% reside in sub-Saharan Africa with the majority infected through mother-to-child transmission. Infected children have a high mortality with 50% dying by 2 years of age. Their clinical presentation includes common childhood infect...ions, opportunistic infections and conditions associated with HIV/AIDS immune suppression.
The 2016-2017 Biennial report presents an overview of WHO Namibia's main achievements and challenges and highlights its vision for the next five years.
MICS surveys measure key indicators that allow countries to generate data for use in
policies and programmes, and to monitor progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and
other internationally agreed upon commitments.
Promoting health and well-being throughout Europe
La République Démocratique du Congo connait une fragilité sociale issue de divers conflits communautaires qui ont déstabilisés le tissu économique du pays sans épargner le secteur éducatif depuis plusieurs années. Les sources de fragilité sont aussi liées à la pauvreté de la population ...et à l’insécurité alimentaire (15,5 millions de personnes en 2019). De plus, le pays fait face à d’autres crises comme les catastrophes naturelles et différentes épidémies y compris le Cholera, la maladie a virus d’Ébola et COVID19.