Engage - TB
Journal of The Association of Physicians of India, Vol. 63 November 2015,, pp.77-96
The National AIDS Control Council (NACC) continues to strengthen partnerships with all stakeholders in the response to HIV and AIDS in Kenya. While recognizing that there is no single preventive approach to reverse the spread of HIV, the faith sector comprising of Faith Communities (FCs) a...nd Faith-Based Organizations (FBOs) have demonstrated sustained motivation and moral authority with resources and outreach capability to significantly reduce new HIV infections. In addition, they have the power to influence policy changes to address societal, cultural and structural factors that impede individuals’ capacity to prevent HIV infection. According to Kenya Demographic Health Survey (2014), over 97% of the Kenya population was reported to ascribe to religious affiliation.
Training manual that outlines the training of smallholder farmers to improve biosecurity and practices in their farms to prevent infectious diseases and thus the need for use of veterinary drugs. Describes training sessions and includes exercises and handouts.
What are the political, economic, social and security implications of the Ebola crisis, with a particular focus on Sierra Leone?
These guidelines provide specific recommendations and expert suggestions — for national policy-makers and programme managers and their partners and stakeholders— on prioritizing, planning and providing HIV testing, counselling, treatment and care services for adolescents
Recommendations for a Public Health approach and considerations for policy-makers and managers
Guidelines for national programmes and other stakeholders
Annexes for webposting and CD-Rom distribution with the policy guidelines