Основная цель этого Руководства состоит в том, чтобы очертить рамки методов, используемых для оценки распространенности ВИЧ-инфекции среди больных туберкулезом и... способствовать осуществле-нию эпиднадзора за ВИЧ-инфекцией.
Evaluation report
September 2014
Esta guía va dirigida a los profesionales de la salud que proporcionan asistencia curativa en dispensarios y hospitales. Hemos intentado responder a las preguntas y problemas con los que se enfrenta el personal sanitario, procurando dar soluciones prácticas y aunando la experiencia adquirida por M...édicos Sin Fronteras en el terreno, las recomendaciones de organismos de referencia como la Organización Mundial de la Salud y aquellas obras especializadas en la materia.
Crecer bien en un mundo en transformación
Der Klimawandel verschärft die Treiber für Migration und Flucht
Zu den ohnehin bestehenden Gründen, die Menschen zum Verlassen ihrer Heimat zwingen, kommt der Klimawandel verschärfend hinzu. Schätzungen zur Rolle des Klimawandels sind wegen der Komplexität des Zusammenspiels verschiedener Mig...rations- oder Fluchtursachen äußerst schwierig. Die Vorhersagen über das mögliche Ausmaß von Migration infolge des Klimawandels gehen daher weit auseinander – bis zum Jahr 2050 könnten zwischen 25 und 700 Millionen Menschen davon betroffen sein (micle 2012).
Abusos de grupos armados contra civiles colombianos y venezolanos en el noreste de Colombia.
Este informe se basa en una investigación realizada en el Catatumbo en abril de 2019. Entrevistamos a más de 80 personas, incluidas víctimas de abusos, sus familiares, líderes sociales, representantes e...clesiásticos, funcionarios de derechos humanos, autoridades locales, funcionarios judiciales y miembros de organizaciones humanitarias y de derechos humanos que trabajan en la zona. Algunas entrevistas se realizaron en Cúcuta, la capital del departamento de Norte de Santander, y otras telefónicamente. También tuvimos acceso a informes y estadísticas oficiales, publicaciones de organizaciones no gubernamentales e internacionales, y testimonios tomados por funcionarios públicos a casi 500 víctimas de abusos cometidos en el contexto del conflicto armado.
La demencia es una enfermedad gravemente incapacitante para aquellos que la padecen y suele ser devastadora para sus cuidadores y familiares. Se estima que en la actualidad 35.6 millones de personas viven con demencia a nivel mundial. Este número se habrá casi duplicado para el 2030 y más que tri...plicado para el 2050. La alta prevalencia mundial y el impacto económico de la demencia en las familias, los cuidadores y las comunidades, así como el estigma y la exclusión social asociados, presentan un importante reto para la salud pública.
This handbook is a quick-reference tool that provides practical, field-level guidance to establish and maintain a GBV sub-cluster in a humanitarian emergency. It provides the foundations for coordination. More in-depth information can be pursued through resources referenced in this handbook. The GBV... AoR website (gbvaor.net) maintains a repository of tools, training materials and resources that complement this handbook. As a second edition, this handbook provides updates to practitioners on humanitarian reforms, lessons learned, promising practices and resources that have emerged since its first publication in 2010.
Recomendaciones para un enfoque de salud pública
Guía práctica para intervenciones colaborativas
The World Drug Report 2022 is aimed not only at fostering greater international cooperation to counter the impact of the world drug problem on health, governance and security, but also, with its special insights, at assisting Member States in anticipating and address-ing threats from drug markets an...d mitigating their consequences.
This third booklet of the World Drug Report 2022 has a dual focus: opioids and cannabis.
The first chapter of the booklet provides an overview of opioids as a group of substances and their patterns of non-medical use at the global level. It also reviews the latest trends in the global supply of opi...ates and synthetic opioids and the availability of pharmaceutical opioids for medical consumption. Issues specific to regional patterns and trends in opioid markets are also analysed, including the opioid crisis in North America and in Africa and the Middle East. The chapter also includes a discussion of the potential impact, in the region and worldwide, of changes in opium poppy cultivation and opium production in Afghanistan. reireg
Constituting the fourth part of the World Drug Report 2022, this booklet focuses on the market dynamics of various stimulants – cocaine, amphetamines and “ecstasy” – and of NPS.
The first chapter contains an analysis of the global market for cocaine, starting with a review of cocaine supply..., including trends in the cultivation of coca bush and in the manufacture of and trafficking in cocaine at the global level and in the various regions. An analysis of different eradication strategies is included, as well as of the role of women in the cocaine supply chain. The chapter also presents the latest estimates of and trends in cocaine use, including a brief introduction to the various cocaine consumer products. Finally, it reviews the trends in the use of cocaine and the impact of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic in different regions
The Trends and Developments report presents a top-level overview of the drug phenomenon in Europe, covering drug supply, use and public health problems as well as drug policy and responses. Together with the online Statistical Bulletin and 30 Country Drug Reports, it makes up the 2019 European Drug ...Report package.
Available in different languages: http://www.emcdda.europa.eu/publications/edr/trends-developments/2019_en
Thousands of HIV-positive Venezuelans have been forced to leave the country, after facing discrimination and zero treatment options, according to UNAIDS.
Patients once received free ARV treatment under Venezuela’s National AIDS Program. In 2017, the country essentially ran out of ARVs—about 9 p...eople a day died from HIV-related illnesses that year.
“Today, HIV patients in Venezuela have three options: go untreated, buy the medication abroad or on the black market for large sums, or leave the country,” writes Gabriela Mesones Rojo.
The exodus of untreated Venezuelans could shift the course of the epidemic throughout the region.