Institute for Human Rights annually submits a report on the development of the human rights situation in Germany to the German Federal Parliament (in accordance with sec. 2 para. 5 of the Act regarding the Legal Status and Mandate of the German Institute for Human Rights of 16 July 2015; short: DIMR...G). The report is presented on the occasion of the International Human Rights Day on 10 December. The DIMRG provides that the German Federal Parliament officially responds to the report. The fifth report 2019/2020 covers the period 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020.
A guide to support implementation of health service Quality Improvement activities in Ethiopian health facilities
In: Bonk M., Ulrichs T (eds). Global Health: Das Konzept der Globalen Gesundheit. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021, pp. 523–556
Wohlstand, Gesundheit und Gesundheitsausgaben sind eng miteinander verknüpft. Im weltweiten Durchschnitt haben alle drei seit vielen Jahren stetig zugenommen. Im Vergleich hab...en Menschen in Ländern mit höheren Einkommen eine höhere Lebenserwartung. Die höchste Krankheitslast pro Mensch tritt in Ländern mit niedrigem Einkommen auf. Den größten Anteil an der gesamten globalen Krankheitslast haben Länder mit mittlerem Einkommen, in denen rund drei Viertel der Weltbevölkerung lebt. Im Mittel sind die Gesundheitsausgaben in Ländern mit höheren Einkommen insgesamt sowie pro Kopf höher als die Gesundheitsausgaben in Ländern mit niedrigeren Einkommen.
A new report released today documents an “invisible wall” which has blocked migrants from accessing basic services since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, and is now preventing them from accessing vaccines.
These guidelines for the prevention and management of cardiovascular diseases are a critical ingredient for streamlining care across the entire health services provision continuum. They are a strategic component in achieving universal health coverage, securing affordable care and improving the livelihood of all Kenyans which in turn will guarantee a healthy nation working towards sustainable development and prosperity.These guidelines bring to the fore the need for availability of skilled human resource, sustained adequate funding and partnership building at all levels of governance. It provides clear roles for health workers at the different levels of our devolved system which will ensure a harmonized referral system with basic cardiovascular diseases treatment services available closest to the people while decongesting the county and national referral facilities.