Guidelines for the care and treatment of persons diagnosed with chronic hepatitis C virus infection
The ICOPE Implementation Framework provides a score card to help assess the overall capacity of health and social care services and systems to deliver integrated care in community settings and support the development of ICOPE implementation action plans. There are 19 actions needed to implement ICOP...E on the services level (meso) and systems level (macro). The scoring process provides an evidence-based means of highlighting areas for improvement as well as establishing concrete measures of future improvements
Evaluation report November 2014
Evaluation report
December 2014
2016 data
The report was coordinated by Anastasia Pharris and Annemarie Stengaard.
Report review and production support were provided by Andrew J. Amato-Gauci, Mike Catchpole, Denis Coulombier, Masoud Dara, Nedret Emiroglu, Rachel Katterl, Shahin Khasiyev, Valentina Lazdina, Teymur Noori, Marc... Rondy, Chantal Quintin, Phillip Zucs.
Evaluation report
September 2014
Evaluation report
April 2013
Evaluation report
This report is part of the overall Ukrainian National AIDS programme evaluation conducted
in September 2012
Цель настоящего документа («Основные положения») заключается в подготовке рекомендаций относительно необходимых на национальном уровне мер по адаптации стратег...и Всемирной организации здравоохране-ния по ликвидации туберкулеза, началу ее осуществления и реализации.
in collaboration with IMPAACT (International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials) network, PENTA (Paediatric European Network for Treatment of AIDS) foundation and experts from the Paediatric Antiretroviral Working Group
HIV Treatment - Interim Guidance
Practical Guideline for collaborative interventions