With about 24 million of Yemen’s 30 million people in need of some form of assistance, the United Nations calls Yemen the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. Cholera and other disease outbreaks are common, malnutrition is widespread, water is scarce, and the healthcare system is crumbling, with o...nly half of the country’s 5,000 or so health facilities fully operational and with massive medical supply and staff shortages. In August 2020, the UN warned the country was again on the brink of full-scale famine.
In most contexts, the social stigma surrounding mental health issues exists because of cultural norms and a lack of understanding of mental health’s complexities and realities, resulting in isolation, increased vulnerability, and lack of support for people with mental health problems.
This stig...ma has been exacerbated during COVID-19, as more people may need mental health or psycho-social support but cannot access it due to the cessation of in-person services and limited remote care option
Acessed on 20.10.2020
Dans sa lutte contre la mortalité maternelle, le gouvernement du Burkina Faso est soutenu par les bailleurs de fonds qui contribuent au budget de la santé et financent également des projets spécifiques visant à améliorer l’accès aux soins. Le présent rapport reconna...t les efforts fournis par le gouvernement burkinabè afin de s’attaquer à la mortalité maternelle, avec l’aide des bailleurs de fonds, et souligne l’importance des projets menés par des ONG nationales et internationales.
Accessed on 20.10.2020
L͛analyse des tendances récentes montre que le Burkina Faso a enregistré une réduction significative de la mortalité infanto-juvénile. Même si aucune des cibles des OMD 4 et 5 n͛a été atteinte par le pays, le taux de mortalité infanto-juvénile est passé de 129 ...pour mille naissances vivantes en 2010 à 82 pour mille naissances
vivantes en 2015, soit une baisse de 7.3% par an. Ceci est en grande partie dû aux progrès enregistrés en matière de lutte contre la mortalité au bénéfice de la tranche juvénile (de 1 à 4 ans). Cependant, comme près de la moitié des enfants âgés de moins de cinq ans continuent de mourir au cours de leur première
année de vie, il reste beaucoup à faire pour l͛atteinte de la vision globale d͛élimination de la mortalité infanto-juvénile évitable et de réduction de la mortalité des mères comme partie prenante des Objectifs de Développement Durable (ODD).
La SNPEME définit ainsi les orientations nationales pour la promotion de l‟abandon
total du mariage d‟enfants et comporte un ensemble d‟actions pertinentes retenues
de façon consensuelle. Elle décrit en outre le cadre législatif, les mécanismes et les
modalités de sa mise en œuvre. E...lle s‟articule autour des points suivants :
- l‟analyse diagnostique ;
- les éléments de la stratégie;
- le financement ;
- le mécanisme de mise en œuvre ;
- les hypothèses et risques.
La politique en matière de Santé de la Reproduction définit les grandes orientations
en matière de santé de la reproduction. Elle répond aux questions importantes sur
des thèmes comme les droits en matière de santé de la reproduction, la nature des
services qui doivent être disponibles ...et les règles générales de leur prestation.
La politique de SR sert de référence aux décideurs nationaux et aux partenaires du
développement socio-sanitaire pour la planification et les interventions.
Elle est une composante de la politique sanitaire nationale et un élément de
promotion de la santé des groupes vulnérables que sont entre autres les femmes, les
enfants, les adolescents et les jeunes.
Le suivi évaluation des interventions en santé passe par une meilleure lisibilité de l’analyse situationnelle. Une capitalisation du niveau d’atteintes des indicateurs est nécessaire pour traduire la situation sanitaire. Le présent tableau de bord de santé décrit cette situation à traver...s une appréciation objective des performances du système de santé en rapport avec la mise en œuvre des différentes stratégies et politiques telles le Plan national de développement sanitaire (PNDS), la Stratégie de croissance accéléré de développement durable (SCADD), les Objectifs du millénaire pour le développement (OMD) etc.
Son élaboration a requis un processus participatif avec la participation des acteurs du
système de santé notamment les structures centrales, les projets et programmes, les
acteurs du niveau intermédiaire, périphérique avec l’appui technique des partenaires. Audelà du caractère descriptif de la situation sanitaire, il apparait comme un outil de plaidoyer et interpelle sur les efforts à consentir pour une amélioration de l’état de santé des populations. Il comporte six sections que sont (i) les données générales, (ii) les ressources en santé, (iii) la santé de la mère et de l’enfant, (iv) les maladies à potentiel épidémique, (v) les maladies d’intérêt spécial, (vi) l’utilisation des services de santé.
This new edition highlights once again the importance of collecting disaggregated data to conduct gender-based analysis in order to determine, address, reduce, and eliminate the causes of gender-related inequalities.
Updated version – September 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting everyone. Globally, millions of people have been infected with the virus, while hundreds of thousands have lost their lives. In Moldova, the pandemic is placing an ever-increasing pressure on the health care and social protectio...n systems, causing major disruptions to economic processes and limitations to social life, deepening inequalities and proving how vulnerable we are.
Interim guidance. 12 May 2021. The Continuity of essential health services: Facility Assessment Tool can be used by countries to rapidly assess the capacity of health facilities to maintain the provision of essential health services during the COVID-19 pandemic. It can help to alert the authorities ...and other stakeholders about where service delivery and utilization may require modification and/or investment. This assessment tool covers the following aspects of essential health services:
health workforce (numbers, absences, COVID-19 infections, health workforce management, training and support);
financial management and barriers;
service delivery and utilization (facility closures, changes in service delivery, community communication campaigns, changes in service utilization and catch-up strategies);
IPC capacities (protocols, safety measures, guidelines and the availability of personal protective equipment (PPE) for staff);
availability of therapeutics, diagnostics and supplies, and vaccine readiness; and
provision of COVID-19 primary care services.
A framework for planning, developing and implementing solutions with and for young people.
The guidance presented in this document is intended for digital health intervention designers, developers, implementers, researchers and funders. Newcomers to digital health can use it as a start-to-finish pr...imer on how to collaboratively and responsibly develop youth-centred digital health interventions. Those already engaged in this work can jump directly to the chapters and sections with the ideas and resources they need. Funders will find helpful advice in Annex 1, which outlines special considerations for making smarter, more meaningful investments in digital health interventions for young people.
his practical Guide serves as a companion to the “WHO guideline: recommendations on digital interventions for health system strengthening” and provides a systematic process for countries to develop a costed implementation plan for digital health within one or more health programme areas, drawing... guidance from the WHO guideline–recommended digital health interventions, providing direction to ensure investments are needs-based and contribute effective and interoperable systems aligned with national digital architecture, country readiness, health system and policy goals.
The aim of this guidance is to enhance the capacity of health care facilities to protect and improve the health of their target communities in an unstable and changing climate; and to empower health care facilities to be environmentally sustainable, by optimizing the use of resources and minimizing ...the release of waste into the environment. Climate resilient and environmentally sustainable health care facilities contribute to high quality of care and accessibility of services, and by helping reduce facility costs also ensure better affordability. They are, therefore, an important component of universal health coverage (UHC).
Bull World Health Organ 2020;98:773–780
Universal health coverage (UHC) depends on a strong primary health-care
system. To be successful, primary health care must be expanded at community and household levels as much of the world’s population still lacks access to health facilities for basic... services. Abundant evidence shows that community-based interventions are effective for improving health-care utilization and outcomes when integrated with facility-based services. Community involvement is the cornerstone of local, equitable and integrated primary health care.
Applying the evidence of what works from HIV-related stigma and discrimination in six settings to the COVID-19 response
This brief provide evidence-informed guidance to countries on the intersection of stigma related to HIV and COVID-19 in national responses.
Under the theme Equity at the Heart of Health, this Plan seeks to catalyze efforts in Member States to reduce inequities in health within and between countries and territories in order to improve health outcomes. The Plan identifies specific actions to tackle health inequality, including those recom...mended by the Commission on Equity and Health Inequalities in the Americas, with guidance from the High-level Commission for Universal Health. Four cross-cutting themes are central to this Plan’s approach to addressing the determinants of health: equity, gender, ethnicity, and human rights
With this quick reference guide, providers can easily recognize diseases and side effects related to climate change, implement appropriate management and provide guidance to exposed populations, provide up-to-date information on the relationship between the adverse effects of certain drugs and the w...orsening of climate-sensitive health conditions, and determine the possible consequences of climate change for health services. This book addresses key meteorological risks, as well as the health conditions which they may influence, grouped by specific clinical areas.
Con esta guía de referencia rápida podrán reconocer con facilidad las enfermedades y efectos secundarios relacionados con el cambio climático, administrar los tratamientos adecuados y aconsejar a las poblaciones expuestas, presentar información actualizada sobre la relación entre los efectos s...ecundarios de ciertos medicamentos y la agravación de las dolencias sensibles al clima, y determinar las consecuencias posibles para los servicios de salud. En este libro se abordan los principales fenómenos meteorológicos, así como las afecciones en las que pueden tener incidencia, agrupados por áreas clínicas específicas.