The manual is written for clinicians working at the district hospital (first-level referral care) who diagnose and manage sick adolescents and adults in resource constrained settings. It aims to support clinical reasoning, and to provide an effective clinical approach and protocols for the managemen...t of common and serious or potentially life-threatening conditions at district hospitals. The target audience thus includes doctors, clinical officers, health officers, and senior nurse practitioners. It has been designed to be applicable in both high and low HIV prevalence settings.
Volume 2 provides a symptom-based approach to clinical care for acute and subacute conditions (including mental health). It provides short summaries of the management of diseases that affect multiple systems of the body, focusing on communicable diseases. It also includes the chronic or long-term management of HIV, TB, alcohol, and substance use disorders.
A manual for health managers
Рекомендации ВОЗ по оказанию дородовой помощи для формирования положительного опыта беременности
Asylum and Migration Working Paper 1
Chapter 8, Prison and Health, published
Rapport sur les populations clés.
Informe sobre poblicationes clave.
International Journal of Infectious Diseases 32 (2015) 111–117
Blueprint for EECA countries, first edition
Концептуальный проект модели для стран Восточной Европы и Центрально...й Азии, первое издание
Guidance on Implending Publi-Private Mix Approaches
Public Health Situation Analysis and Interventions 10 October 2017
Research Article
BMC Infectious Diseases 2014, 14:91/1471-2334/14/91
TB policies in 29 Countries
A survey of prevention, testing and treatment policies and practices