Efficient triage of patients with COVID-19 at all health facility levels (primary, secondary and tertiary) will help the national response planning and case management system cope with patient influx, direct necessary medical resources to efficiently support the critically ill and protect the safety... of health-care workers. The objective of this algorithm is to give overall guidance for the triage and referral of symptomatic COVID-19 patients. Intended for use by ministries of health, hospital administrators and health workers involved in response planning for COVID-19 and/or patient triage, management and referral, this algorithm provides a general framework to be adapted to local health systems in countries.
Accessed: 08.03.2020
Facilitating means a lot of things. The table below provides an outline of the topics discussed in this section:
- Know Your Audience
- Apply Adult Learning Principles
- Be Prepared to Train
- Manage the Training
- Communicate Effectively
- Engage the Participants
-Use... Visual Aids Effectively
Section 3: Training Basics, Trainer’s Guide
Accessed: 28.11.2019
Hight threat in 2018-2019
Accessed: 11.03.2019
Due to the anticipated significant rise in VL testing occasioned by Ghana’s adaptation of 2016 ART guidelines, it has become necessary to develop this VL scale-up and operational plan to assure complete client access to laboratory monitoring towards the achievement of the third 90 of the HIV care ...cascade. The plan will enhance VL testing, monitoring whilst improving the clinical and laboratory interface for improved client care.
Strengthening supply chains to meet the growing demand for family planning will require systems diagnostics, supply chain redesign or adjustments, strategically located storage and distribution systems, adequate staffing and training, and better information about inventory and financing.