The aim of this report is to: (1) synthesize the findings from selected maternal and newborn related studies in Nepal conducted during 2011-2014, (2) identify areas of improvement in existing interventions, and (3) recommend possible strategies to fulfill such gaps.
The 2013 RMIS is a nationally representative, household-based survey that provides data on malaria indicators, which are used to assess the progress of a malaria control program. The primary objective of the 2013 Rwanda Malaria Indicator Survey (2013 RMIS) was to provide up-to date information on th...e prevention of malaria to policymakers, planners, and researchers.
DHS Working Papers No. 113
DHS Working Papers No. 110 | Zimbabwe Working Papers No. 11
DHS Working Papers No. 104.
The guidelines acknowledge that overcrowding, unhygienic conditions and high inmate turn over contribute to the spread of infectious diseases within correctional facilities. The document states that voluntary HIV counselling and testing must be offered to all inmates when they enter facilities, their incarceration at an inmate’s request and upon their release. All inmates must be screened for TB symptoms upon entry to facilities and at least bi-annually thereafter as well as upon release. Universal screening for anal, oral and genital STIs must be done at entry and upon self-presentation
Sightsavers | Department for International Development | The International Trachoma Initiative | Children Without Worms | WaterAid | WASH Advocates | Center for Global Safe Water, Emory University | CARE USA
International Journal of Drug Policy 24 (2013) e91-98
Nepal has made substantial progress in reducing under-five mortality and is on track to achieve Millennium Development Goal 4, but advances in neonatal health are less encouraging. The objectives of this study were to assess relative and absolute inequalities in neonatal mortality over time, and to experience with major programs to promote neonatal health.
DHS Further Analysis Reports No. 88 - This further analysis examines levels, trends, and determinants of neonatal mortality in Rwanda, using data from the 2000, 2005, and 2010 Rwanda Demographic and Health Surveys (RDHS).
In recent years Terre des Hommes Netherlands observed the steady rise of a new form of child sexual exploitation. One that is enabled and fuelled by rapid technological advances, increasing global connectivity, persisting poverty rates, and growing disparity in the global distribution of resources. ...Terre des Hommes Netherlands received alarming signals from collaborating project partners from the Philippines that new commercial child exploitation trades are evolving and spreading parallel to rising global Internet access rates and developments in communications technology.
Webcam child sex tourism is evidently growing, closely related to child prostitution, child trafficking and child abuse. What is not clear however, are the psychological and social consequences of this new phenomenon. To date, no research has been done on the psychosocial consequences of webcam sex for children. The aim of this research is therefore to gain more knowledge on the psychosocial consequences of webcam child sex tourism for children and to give insight into the antecedent factors that play a role.
Psychatry & Pediatrics
Chapter I.3