Paraguay muestra avances en el compromiso asumido, de avanzar hacia la Salud Uni¬versal. La experiencia ha demostrado que el proceso puede acelerarse cuando existe un fuerte involucramiento social. En este marco se realizó un llamado a los líderes del MSPYBS, la sociedad civil y público en para lograr un sólido compromiso con las acciones que nos permitan avan¬zar hacia la salud para todos y todas en ámbitos específicos. El propósito fue el de abrir un espacio de diálogo que genere propuestas concretas para sentar las bases de un sistema de Salud Universal. En este marco se realizó un llamado a los líderes del MSPYBS, la sociedad civil y público en general para lograr un sólido compromiso con las acciones que nos permitan avan¬zar hacia la salud para todos y todas en ámbitos específicos. El propósito fue el de abrir un espacio de diálogo que genere propuestas concretas para sentar las bases de un sistema de Salud Universal.
This is a summary of the following peer-reviewed, scientific article:
Comparative Evaluation of Immunoassays to Improve Access to Diagnosis for Chagas Disease in Colombia.
Note d'orientation 7 juin 2022.
Ce document a pour but d'encourager les pays à élaborer et à mettre en œuvre des politiques visant à maintenir et à renforcer les programmes et mesures de prévention des infections dans les établissements de soins de santé dans le contexte de la transmission... actuelle du SRAS-CoV-2, tout en reconnaissant que les tendances épidémiologiques peuvent varier et que le risque de transmission d'autres agents pathogènes existe.
Thailand is exposed to flooding, landslides, drought, earthquakes, tsunamis, heat waves, forest fires, and epidemics. Thailand is also exposed to technological hazards such as chemical accidents. Flooding is the natural hazard with the most significant impact on human life, livelihoods, and the econ...omy for the country. The occurrence of droughts has increased in recent years due to the effects of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle, which brings drier-than-average rainfall conditions. Drought has adversely impacted the country’s agriculture sector, which employs around one third of the country’s workforce.
Este documento realiza recomendaciones para la Supervisión de Salud Infantil en Atención Primaria de Salud, de manera de reorganizar y apoyar la eficiencia en la gestión de la oferta programática presencial ampliando la respuesta de acuerdo con la evolución de la pandemia. De esta forma, comple...menta las acciones señaladas en el documento “Orientación para la continuidad de la atención en APS en contexto de pandemia COVID-19” Ordinario N° 3991, diciembre 2020.
Прийом біженців: упорядкування та забезпечення прозорості
Kostenlose Hotline der Bundeskontaktstelle für Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine mit Behinderungen und/oder Pflegebedarf +49 30 85 404 789
Warum braucht es eine zentrale Koordinierungsstelle?
Das Fluchtgeschehen der betroffenen Personengruppen verläuft bislang weitgehend ungeordnet und intransparent. Häufig erlangen aufnehmende Länder und Gemeinden erst spät Kenntnis über ankommende Transporte. Das erschwert eine vorausschauende Planung passender Hilfsangebote, die notwendig wäre, um die je nach Einzelfall häufig komplexen Hilfebedarfe decken zu können. Und es birgt die Gefahr einer Überlastung einzelner Regionen.
Here you can find the various e-learning courses
In the strategies for effective infection prevention and control (IPC), what does triage entail at hospitals?
Triage includes screening at the entrance, identification of cases and isolation if necessary. There should be a triage (screening) area where visitors to the hospital are interviewed using... standard questionnaires to identify symptoms, along with temperature checks and documentation of contacts. Individuals who meet the case definition for COVID-19 should be isolated immediately while arrangement is being made for swab (sample) collection from the patient. (See the WHO guidance on triage).
The Indonesian government has reformed its laws, policies, and institutions to better manage disaster risk since the significant 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami. The Government of Indonesia now has contingency plans for every disaster-prone city which identifies its vulnerabilities, outlines the relief re...sponse, and builds overall preparedness. In 2007, the government introduced a disaster management bill that incorporated disaster management prevention into disaster management response. In 2008, Indonesia created the National Disaster Management Agency (Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana, BNPB). The new shift led to the strengthening of the country’s disaster management agency, and the addition of district branches and representatives. Despite the progress made, more work is needed at the local level as well as integration of disaster risk reduction in government departments.11 Under Indonesia’s 2007 Disaster Management law, provincial and district administrations are mandated to head disaster management during a crisis.
The Philippine Government, International Non-government Organizations (INGOs) and local NGOs are all making attempts to address the impact of disasters and climate change at various levels. The Philippine Government has made significant strides in the implementation of disaster risk reduction (DRR) ...planning and activities through the development of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) which acts as the lead agency for DRR in the Philippines. The disaster focal points are the NDRRMC and the Office of Civil Defence (OCD). The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) is responsible for leading immediate disaster relief efforts.
The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) is a primary responder in disasters and have been deployed frequently to several disaster relief operations in the country in recent years. The Philippines has endured disasters that involve national and international assistance.
Scientists have known for more than half a century that patients could develop resistance to the drugs used to treat them. Alexander Fleming, who is credited with creating the first antibiotic, penicillin, in 1928, cautioned of the impending crisis while accepting his Nobel prize in 1945: “There the danger that the ignorant man may easily underdose himself and by exposing his microbes to non-lethal quantities of the drug make them resistant.” Since then antibiotics have proved one of the most effective interventions in human medicine. Sadly, the overuse and misuse of this precious resource have brought us to a global crisis of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). To address this crisis nearly seven decades after Fleming’s lecture the first UN general assembly meeting on drug resistance bacteria was convened in September 2017.
Development of IEC materials for the NDoH launch of oral PrEP at selected sex worker sites in South Africa
Supplement article
The Journal of Infectious Diseases® 2017;216(S7):S675–8
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jix368
Finding the Missing Tuberculosis Patients • JID 2017:216 (Suppl 7) • S675
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by guest on 13 Nove...mber 2017
Myanmar has made significant progress in its disaster management policies, plans, and procedures since 2008, when Cyclone Nargis impacted the country leaving devastation in its aftermath. The Government of Myanmar (GoM) has modified the government structure and created new authorities and plans to i...mprove the effectiveness of disaster management at all levels. While this progress is encouraging and shows the determination of the government to make necessary adjustments, the resources to implement the policy changes have been slower to develop. Myanmar has made significant progress in its disaster management policies, plans, and procedures since 2008, when Cyclone Nargis impacted the country leaving devastation in its aftermath. The Government of Myanmar (GoM) has modified the government structure and created new authorities and plans to improve the effectiveness of disaster management at all levels. While this progress is encouraging and shows the determination of the government to make necessary adjustments, the resources to implement the policy changes have been slower to develop.
Recently, Sri Lanka has been impacted by multiple natural disasters. Sri Lanka experienced a landslide in October 2014, and flooding in December 2014.8 Sri Lanka withstood the worst drought conditions witnessed in four decades in 2016; the extreme drought conditions extended into 2017 and produced s...ubstantial economic and social effects. The drought was responsible for an increase in national poverty levels, due to reduced cultivation income, especially for rural farmers. ... In May 2017, Sri Lanka experienced continuous rains causing flash floods and extreme devastation. However, despite natural disasters and challenges posed by a complex political environment, Sri Lanka’s financial performance remained largely satisfactory in the first half of 2017.
Cambodia drafted and adopted the National Action Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction 2014-2018 in 2014. This plan finalized the required policies and legal processes to strengthen DRM in Cambodia. It also focused on capacity building at national and sub-national levels and provided dedicated resources ...for strengthening the NCDM and the Sub-National Committees for Disaster Management. Cambodia’s legislature then passed the Law on Disaster Management in June 2015. This legal framework for disaster management assigns legally binding roles and responsibilities, establishes institutions, and assists with the allocation of resources and coordination. NCDM is Cambodia’s lead government agency for emergency preparedness and relief. The NCDM provides the overall leadership of the Plan of Action for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) coordination in Cambodia. Cambodia has adopted the Cambodia Red Cross (CRC) as the primary partner for relief operations.