Recommendations, resources and references
A publication of the Southern African HIV Clinicians Society
CST 101 is a collaborative 7-part video series presented by the USCCB and Catholic Relief Services on Catholic Social Teaching. Learn from Sr. Ruth Bolarte, Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, and Sean Callahan as they discuss Solidarity.
The ten mythbusters, available in English and Siswati, were developed based on feedback received from chiefdom leadership who identified prevailing myths and misconceptions related to COVID-19 prevention, treatment or stigma related to recovery.
Key mythbusters tackle use of alcohol, garlic, hot ...baths, home remedies, sex, bleach and sanitizer, and hydroxychoroquine, with key facts. They also address misconceptions that only urban populations or older people are affected and reassure people about recovery.
Available in Englisch and Siswati
A imunização deve ser entendida como um regulador no processo saúde-doençae é uma das formas mais seguras e eficazesde prevenir enfermidades edereduzir a propagação de doenças existentes. Apesar disso, omovimento antivacinação alcançou uma ascendênciamundial,fator que pode provocar conse...quências desastrosas e moldar o percurso da doença e do cuidadona população. Dessa forma, o objetivo desta revisão literária é evidenciaros dados de cobertura vacinale discutir as razões pelas quais o movimento antivacina ocorreem um contexto de globalização e mídias sociais,bem como os impactos provocados na saúde brasileira.
Consistent, current and complete documentation in the medical record is an essential component of quality patient care. The following 21 elements reflect a set of commonly accepted standards for medical record documentation. An organization may use these elements to develop standards for medical rec...ord documentation. NCQA considers 6 of the 21 elements as core components to medical record documentation. Core elements are indicated by an asterisk (*).
During the pandemic, Brazil has provided its citizens with support in the areas of long-term care and disability, the labor market, social assistance, education, and pensions. This report focuses on two social policy areas, health-care and family benefits (including labor policies), as these were th...e most crucial social policies implemented in Brazil during the Covid-19 pandemic in terms of the resources allocated and the magnitude of social impact. Brazil’s relatively generous social policies were uncoordinated with public health interventions, which contributed to poor compliance with these public health interventions. This suggests that social policy initiatives alone are insufficient in mitigating the social consequences of the pandemic. They need to be accompanied by and coordinated with public health measures, including regulations on testing, social distancing and mask wearing.
Congenital transmission of Chagas disease has not been extensively studied in Colombia, and there are no standardized processes in the health system regarding
the specific diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of this disease. To generate recommendations on congenital Chagas disease and Chagas in wom...en of childbearing
age in Colombia, a consensus of experts was developed. An extensive literature search through the Medline database was carried out using the MeSH terms:
«Chagas disease/congenital», «prevention and control», «diagnosis», «therapeutics» and «pregnancy». Appropriate abstracts were selected and the full texts were
analyzed. The relevant information was synthesized, classified, and organized into tables and figures and was presented to a panel of experts, which was composed
of 30 professionals from various fields. Based on the Delphi methodology, three rounds of consultation were conducted. The first and second rounds were based
on electronic questionnaires that measured the level of consensus of each question among the participants. The third round was based on a face-to-face discussion focusing on those questions without consensus in the previous consultations. The evidence was adapted to national circumstances on a case-by-case basis,
and the content the final document was approved. These recommendations are proposed for use in routine medical practice by health professionals in Colombia.
Kerala state is moving towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDG), adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 25th September 2015.
Goal 3 of the SDG addresses “Ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for
all at all ages”. The sub-goal 3.4 of the SDG has the targe...t “By 2030, reduce by one
third premature mortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and wellbeing”.
Praxishilfe. Zusammengestellt von den SprachlehrerInnen SEPA in EQUAL II
Several diagnostic criteria of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are remarkably similar to symptoms reported by individuals with depression, particularly as they manifest as cognitive processing deficits in children. Because of this overlap in profile and the high rate of comorbidity of PTSD and... depression (48% to 69%), pinpointing similarities/differences in cognitive processes related to each of these disorders is essential to accurate diagnosis. This study aims to examine cognitive performance profiles of 23 children who have been victims of PTSD and to compare their results with 23 children with depression and 24 controls.
2nd edition.
The tool kit provides learning objects and curricular content to support the competencies for those proficiency/trainee levels
Annals of Global Health,Vol.81,No.2, 239-247
At the 2008 inaugural meeting of the Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH),participants discussed the rapid expansion of global health programs and the lack of standardized competencies and curricula to guide these programs. In 2013, CUGH a...ppointed a Global Health Competency Subcommittee and charged this subcommittee with identifying broad global health core competencies applicable across disciplines
Anxiety disorders
Chapter F.2
Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 22, No. 3, March 2016
4ª edição
Nos próximos meses, a COVID Reference apresentará atualizações regulares e narrará os dados científicos o mais coerente possível.
Tại nhiều quốc gia, cú sốc của làn sóng kiểm dịch thứ nhất đã lắng xuống, số ca bệnh cũng đã giảm, việc gỡ bỏ các lệnh phong tỏa đang được xem xét hoặc đã được thực hiện ở nhiều nơi. Vũ Hán đã mở cửa trở lại. Nhưng ph...ải chăng ta đang bị đánh lừa bởi vẻ ngoài? Liệu làn sóng dịch bệnh thứ hai có xảy ra không, và nếu có thì khi nào chúng sẽ đến?
La leishmaniasis es un problema creciente de salud pública en el contextomundial. En Colombia, la situación es de alarma debido al incremento de casos de leishmaniasis cutánea que se viene registrando desde 2003 y el cambio en el patrón epidemiológico dado por la aparición de nuevos focos, el ...proceso cre-ciente de domiciliación y urbanización del ciclo de transmisión.