Just about everyone has experienced the joy that a healthy newborn child brings to parents, families and communities. But the arrival of a newborn who is small or sick often results in immediate worry and sadness. When the infant is at high risk of death or disability, these concerns can be a tremen...dous additional burden.
In the Region of the Americas, between epidemiological week (EW) 1 and EW 52 of 2018, a total of 560,586 cases of dengue were reported (incidence rate of 57.3 cases per 100,000 population), including 336 deaths. Of the total cases, 209,192 (37.3%) were laboratoryconfirmed and 3,535 (0.63%) were clas...sified as severe dengue. Cases reported in 2018 were higher than the total reported in 2017 but lower than the historical average reported in the previous 11 years (2006-2016) (Figure 1). Similarly, the proportion of cases of severe dengue and dengue with warning signs reported in 2018 was higher than the previous two years, but lower than the preceding ten years, and it remains below 1% which was reached in 2015.
People living with HIV who have a low CD4 count are at a much higher risk of falling ill from TB infection than HIV negative people.
It is important to offer both HIV testing to TB patients and TB diagnosis in HIV patients. Early detection and effective treatment are essential to preventing TB...-associated deaths.
WHO and UNAIDS have strongly advised countries to ensure that HIV programmes integrate regular TB screening, preventive therapy and early treatment.
The plan aims to practice the preparedness measures and response functions which need to be coordinated among relevant departments and organizations to reduce the risk of earthquakes. The plan has two main parts: preparedness and response. The first part includes the preparedness measures which can ...be practically implemented in collaboration with relevant government departments and communities. The latter part includes the response functions by the National Disaster Management Committee and it’s Work Committees if a damaging earthquake were to occur.
The seventh WHO Report on the global tobacco epidemic analyses national efforts to implement the most effective measures from the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) that are proven to reduce demand for tobacco.
The report showed that while only 23 countries have implemented ce...ssation support policies at the highest level, 116 more provide fully or partially cost-covered services in some or most health facilities, and another 32 offer services but do not cost-cover them, demonstrating a high level of public demand for support to quit.
Tobacco use has also declined proportionately in most countries, but population growth means the total number of people using tobacco has remained stubbornly high. Currently, there are an estimated 1.1 billion smokers, around 80% of whom live in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).
It aims to minimize damage to property, reduce injury and lives lost, and normalize the lives of those affected in a timely manner in the case of a damaging earthquake in the country.
It also seeks to contribute to the achievements of Myanmar Sustainable Development Goals as well as respond to Gl...obal and Regional Frameworks which Myanmar has endorsed.
The National Guideline for Neonatal Care and Establishment of Neonatal Care Unit aims to provide health workers with all basics and necessary knowledge and skills to provide appropriate care at the most vulnerable period in a newborn’s life. This guideline will be available to all health facilitie...s as a reference book for health workers. The book contains up-to-date evidence-based information and management of newborns with a range of needs in the initial newborn period
The idea to the ANDEMIA online course manual is based on the challenge that resources for sending ANDEMIA students to a variety of face to face courses is limited not only due to financial but also time constraints. Online course provide a good basis for the students, Master, PhD and Post Docs to pr...ovide them with an overview about certain topics and help them to identify their own gaps and needs. They can create more interest for a specific field and build demand for more advanced knowledge on specific topics.
The courses and resources in this manual are meant to reflect a variety of online courses selected from different universities and organisations on topics perceived to be useful for ANDEMIA students. Albeit not complete, we believe that the selection of courses in this manual covers quite comprehensively a wide range of topics.
Volume 2019, Article ID 4157574, 7 pages
This primer aims to guide health professionals on engaging with WASH-related issues. It gives an overview of WASH interventions and the status of WASH services globally and outlines key linkages with health. It provides examples of key actions that health actors can take to ensure WASH efforts effec...tively protect public health and highlights World Health Organization (WHO) activities to support those actions.
Hесмотря на многочисленные международные договоры и обязательства по защите прав мигрантов в области здравоохранения, эта ключевая затронутая группа населения п... прежнему испытывает серьезные затруднения в доступе к лечению от туберкулеза. Миграция вызвана рядом сложных экономических, социальных, политических и экологических факторов и является определяющим элементом плохого здоровья, а результаты лечения мигрантов находятся под воздействием различных измерений миграционного процесса.
Accessed on 2019
The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) was established by the Council of Europe. It is an independent body which ensures respect for human rights in the fight against racism, discrimination (based on "race", ethnic/national origin, colour, nationality, religion, language, sexu...al orientation and gender identity), xenophobia, anti-Semitism and intolerance. The members of the Commission shall be independent and impartial. They shall be appointed on the basis of their moral authority and recognised expertise in matters of racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and intolerance. As part of its statutory mandate, ECRI produces country reports for each country which analyse the situation regarding racism and intolerance in each member State of the Council of Europe and make proposals to resolve the problems identified.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Medicina 2019, 55, 553; doi:10.3390/medicina55090553
Results: Twenty-one studies were analyzed, most of them demonstrating an association between the existence of burnout and the worsening of patient safety. High levels of burnout is more common among physicians and nurses, and it is associated wit...h external factors such as: high workload, long journeys, and ineffective interpersonal relationships. Good patient safety practices are influenced by organized workflows that generate autonomy for health professionals. Through meta-analysis, we found a relationship between the development of burnout and patient safety actions with a probability of superiority of 66.4%. Conclusion: There is a relationship between high levels of burnout and worsening patient safety.
Since the beginning of December a significant increase in the incidence of new cases has been observed particularly along the corridor towards the large urban center of Butembo (health zones of Butembo and Katwa) and beyond in the zone of Kayna health center located about 150 km from Goma. In additi...on, active outbreaks have emerged to the north, particularly in the health zones of Komanda and Oicha.
The third strategic response plan (SRP-3), which covers February through end July 2019, considers the salient points and recommendations made during the operational review of the implementation of the SRP-2 and other guidance based on lessons learned and risk analysis.
Spiritual care has formed an integral part of palliative care since its inception. People with advanced illnesses, however, frequently report that their spiritual needs are not attended to by their medical care team. The present study examines and describes the impact of a spiritual care training pr...ogram on practice and cultural change in our Canadian hospice.
By 2100, new UN figures show that 4 of today’s 10 most populous nations will be replaced by African countries.
Brazil, Bangladesh, Russia and Mexico—where populations are projected to stagnate or decline—will drop out. In their place: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Tanzania and E...gypt. All 4 are projected to more double in population.
Top 10 rankings in population growth by 2100 include only 2 non-African nations—Pakistan and the US.
c1China will shrink by 374 million fewer people—more than the entire US population.
This document describes the ethical values that are most important to the nursing profession in Ontario. It also provides scenarios of ethical situations in which there is a conflict of values. Nurses are encouraged to use these scenarios for reflection and discussion. No solutions are offered becau...se there is no one solution that is best in all situations. The behavioural directives are intended to help nurses work through ethical situations and provide information about the College of Nurses of Ontario’s (CNO’s) expectations for ethical conduct. These are taken into account when CNO Committees assess nurses’ practices. Nurses need to consider behavioural directives carefully when making decisions about ethical care as this process will strengthen their practice.