Les modules de formation et d’orientation QualityRights ont été élaborés pour renforcer les connaissances, les compétences et la compréhension des principales parties prenantes sur la manière de promouvoir les droits des personnes en situation de handicap psychosocial, intellectuel ou cogni...tif, d'améliorer la qualité des services et des aides fournis dans le domaine de
la santé mentale et dans les domaines connexes, conformément aux normes internationales en matière de droits humains, et en particulier la Convention des Nations unies relative aux droits des personnes handicapées et l'approche du rétablissement.
Depress Anxiety. 2018 March ; 35(3): 195–208. doi:10.1002/da.22711.
DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY 27 : 390–403 (2010
The Guidelines on promotive and preventive mental health interventions for adolescents - Helping Adolescents thrive (HAT), provide evidence-informed recommendations on psychosocial interventions to promote mental health, prevent mental disorders, and reduce self-harm and other risk behaviours among ...adolescents.
The HAT Guidelines aims to inform policy development, service planning and the strengthening of health and education systems, and facilitate mainstreaming of adolescent mental health promotion and prevention strategies across sectors and delivery platforms.
The Guidelines on promotive and preventive mental health interventions for adolescents - Helping Adolescents thrive (HAT), provide evidence-informed recommendations on psychosocial interventions to promote mental health, prevent mental disorders, and reduce self-harm and other risk behaviours among ...adolescents.
The HAT Guidelines aims to inform policy development, service planning and the strengthening of health and education systems, and facilitate mainstreaming of adolescent mental health promotion and prevention strategies across sectors and delivery platforms.
COVID-19 infection affects all age groups including newborns, however, literature is scarce on the fetal and neonatal outcomes of babies exposed in-utero, especially in Africa. The objectiveof this study was to document the perinatal outcomes of COVID-19 pregnancies and del...iveries that occurredduring the pandemic in Nigeria.
While the COVID-19 pandemic threatens all members of society, persons with disabilities are disproportionately impacted due to attitudinal, environmental and institutional barriers that are reproduced in the COVID-19 response.
The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is the lead UN agency working to further gender equality and women’s empowerment in Sri Lanka. We are pleased to be a part of the joint effort with the Ministry of Health to develop the first ‘Standard Operating Procedures on sexual and gender-based vio...lence for first-contact-point healthcare providers’.
These operating procedures were developed alongside the ‘National guidelines on sexual and gender-based violence’, which aims to strengthen Sri Lanka’s health systems response to survivors of violence. We are grateful to the British High Commission in Colombo for their support in developing these guidelines and procedures as they mark an important milestone in creating a safer Sri Lanka for all women and girls. UNFPA is proud to be a part of this journey, and we stand ready to provide continued assistance to the Government of Sri Lanka and all key stakeholders to ensure women and girls receive essential services that support their safety, well-being and access to justice and to create a violence-free Sri Lanka.
War Trauma Foundation strengthens mental health care and psychosocial support through capacity building and development and dissemination of expertise through the implementation of programmes in (post) conflict areas. We develop and evaluate new methods in close cooperation with (local) partner orga...nisations ensuring the inclusion of cultural and context aspects as well as long term sustainability. A couple of programmes will always be highlighted on our website.
На фоні стрімких геополітичних змін та військових дій в Україні протягом останніх декількох місяцівЮНІСЕФ ініціював проведення ... експрес-‐оцінкисоціально-‐психологічного становища дітей у чотирьох містах Донецької області. Метою оцінки було виявлення впливу поточної кризи на життя дітей та їх сімей. Оцінка та забезпечення соціально-‐психологічних потреб є одним з ключових зобов’язань ЮНІСЕФ у випадку гуманітарної кризи.
Accessed on 2019
Published OnlineNovember 13, 2018 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/ S2468-2667(18)30238-X
Lancet Public Health 2019; 4: e89–96Published OnlineNovember 13, 2018 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/ S2468-2667(18)30203-2
Die Zahlen aus dem Versorgungsbericht der BAfF zeigen, dass die Angebote der spezialisierten Psychosozialen Zentren für Flüchtlinge und Folteropfer (PSZ) stärker nachgefragt werden denn je. Es konnten zwar über 21.000 Klient*innen versorgt werden – doppelt so viele wie noch 5 Jahre zuvor. Da s...ich die Anzahl der Geflüchteten in Deutschland jedoch im gleichen Zeitraum verdreifacht hat, kann der Bedarf an Psychotherapie und psychosozialer Unterstützung bei weitem nicht gedeckt werden. Ginge man davon aus, dass bei etwa 30 % der in Deutschland lebenden Geflüchteten ein Behandlungsbedarf abgeklärt und gegebenenfalls adressiert werden müsste, dann beträgt der Anteil, der von den PSZ und ihren Partnern in der Regelversorgung abgedeckt wird, lediglich 6,1 %.
Supplement Article
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Volume 78, Supplement 1, August 15, 2018 www.jaids.com
Int Nurs Rev. 2018 Mar;65(1):78-92. doi: 10.1111/inr.12391. Epub 2017 May 25.
Цель: оценка знаний населения об инсульте, а также определение степени влияния различных способов
информирования граждан на уровень этих знаний.