This is a pre-deployment training, tailored specially to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, offered to WHO personnel, consultants, and key partners. The material covered in modules 1-4 is applicable and useful to frontline response workers, national and international. Only Module 5, which focuses on... operational aspects - the code of conduct for international civil servants and human resources arrangements for WHO deployees, are specifically geared to all internationally recruited personnel and to WHO deployees respectively
In this report a nutrition governance framework was applied to research and analyse the provincial experience with nutrition policy in Pakistan, looking both at chronic and acute malnutrition. Twenty-one in-depth interviews with key stakeholders were also conducted along with a review of published a...nd grey literature. Findings were validated and supplemented by consultative provincial roundtable meetings. Punjab’s nutritional puzzle is that it has high levels of chronic malnutrition and micro-nutrient deficiencies despite a surplus production of food and a low poverty level. Under-nutrition is mainly linked to insufficient attention to preventive health strategies and to a lack of connection between relevant sectors such as Education, Health, Poverty, Safe Water and Sanitation, and Food. Strategic opportunities are recommended which include cross-party political support and ownership for nutrition, with steering by executive leadership; multi-sectoral action and functional integration of various departments and programmes with the creation of a central convening structure for effective cross-sectoral coordination; broadening of nutritional activities beyond salt iodization and vitamin A coverage; central co-ordination of monitoring and evaluation and effective partnerships between the state and non-state sector around data production, awareness, advocacy, and monitoring.
Slavery on fishing vessels, degradation of ecosystems, overfishing, debt bondage, human trafficking and child labour in peeling sheds – the scandals surrounding the Thai fishery and shrimp industries have garnered international censure. Farmed and processed at the cost of extreme exploitation of b...oth people and the planet, Thai shrimp ends up on plates around the world. The former delicacy can now be bought cheaply everywhere. But how high is the price really? And who has to pay it?
This report by seeks to remind governments in the countries of production that it is their duty to enforce human rights and living wages, rather than to compete for the favour of large companies to the detriment of people and the environment. It also appeals to consumers and their governments – and to importers – to send a clear message to suppliers in Thailand and elsewhere: If you want to survive on the global market, you need to respect human rights and child rights, and uphold social and environmental standards.
Nigeria is Africa’s most populous nation and accounts for nearly one quarter of the continent’s maternal, newborn and child deaths. In the spirit of the global Countdown to 2015 for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health and the Nigerian Saving One Million Lives Initiative, these state data profiles... have been designed to prompt and inform policy and programme action.
Without data there can be no accountability. Without accountability we risk making no progress for Nigeria’s women and children. The data included in these profiles come mainly from large-scale, periodic household surveys. Continued efforts are needed to strengthen civil registration, vital statistics and health management information systems, as well as the institutional capacity to gather and use these data.
Updated from 2011, these data profiles can be used to compare progress in different areas, identify opportunities to address specific coverage gaps, and monitor implementation.
The strategic plan reflects shared commitments to enhance collaboration between environmental, animal (wildlife and domestic) and human health, and building new One Health workforce capacity through higher institutions of learning. The strategy also outlines interventions to be undertaken by governm...ent institutions and other partners to enhance existing structures and pool together additional resources to prevent and control zoonotic diseases and other events of public health importance. Successful implementation of the strategy will contribute to the realization of vision 2020 by improving public health, food safety and security, and hence significantly improve the socioeconomic status of the people of Rwanda. It is in this regard that we call upon implementing institutions, bilateral and multilateral partners, civil society and the private sector to join us in implementing the One Health strategy in Rwanda.
Many groups in sub-Saharan Africa have historically linked persons with disabilities with witchcraft as a component of a wider link between accusations of witchcraft and socially marginalized populations. It is commonly assumed that traditional prejudices towards persons with disabilities are in light of urbanization, education, mass media and efforts to confront such prejudice and stigma by governments,
disability advocates and civil society. Ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) by many African countries is considered an additional impetus for change.
Working Paper Series: No. 30
The use of explosive weapons, such as bombs, rockets, and mortar and
artillery shells, in cities, towns and villages and in other populated areas
has devastating humanitarian consequences. Explosive weapons act mainly
through the projection of blast and fragmentation wi...thin an area. Their use,
in populated areas, causes severe suffering to civilians, both in terms of
death and serious injury resulting directly from the explosion, and in terms
of damage to property and public infrastructure, which can indirectly affect
civilian well-being and survival, sometimes for many years after a conflict
has ended. Explosive weapons also leave behind explosive remnants that
pose a threat to populations until those remnants are removed. [...] The study finds that the regulation of explosive weapons under international
law and policy is fragmentary and incoherent.
It is the policy of the GoR to ensure that children’s rights are met through the provision of basic needs and services for all children in the country, and protect them from abuse and exploitation. Children are defined as persons below the age of 18 years and the ICRP covers children from the time... before their birth until they complete the age of 18 years. The Integrated Child Rights Policy of Rwanda is based on seven key themes: Identity and Nationality; Family and Alternative Care; Survival, Health and Standards of Living; Education; Protection; Justice; and Child Participation.
The Sphere Handbook is the oldest initiative in the field of humanitarian standards. It has been field-tested over twenty years and regularly updated to ensure it remains fit for purpose in a changing world. What does not change is its rights-based foundations: people have the right to assistance, ...the right to life with dignity, the right to protection and security, and the right to fully participate in decisions related to their own recovery
A New Version in English and French was published in 2018
Sound periodic programme reviews provide opportunities for countries to objectively assess progress and take corrective action to sustain or get back on track towards achieving their medium and long-term programme goals. It reflects people’s diverse needs, enables efficient use of health system re...sources and improves the predictability, sustainability and transparency of the programmes.
This publication provides guidance to countries on how to perform programme reviews for HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections in this dynamic health sector context. The guidance encourages integrated reviews across health programmes for more efficient use of health system resources. The welfare of populations to be served must be at the centre of health programme reviews, with the overarching resolve to protect and promote health as a human right.
This guidance is intended for use by all national partners, including health ministries, related ministries, civil society, affected communities and other stakeholders, for participatory and evidence-informed programme reviews.
La salud es un estado de perfecto (completo) bienestar físico, mental y social, y no sólo la ausencia de enfermedad. El Estado Peruano reconoce a la salud como derecho fundamental, estableciendo que toda persona tiene derecho a la protección de su salud, la del medio familiar y la de la comunidad..., así como el deber de contribuir a su promoción y su defensa. La salud es derecho en lo cual es condición indispensable del desarrollo humano y medio fundamental para alcanzar el bienestar individual y colectivo y que la protección de la salud es de interés público, por tanto, es responsabilidad del Estado regularla, vigilarla y promoverla
La presente publicación tiene como objetivo facilitar herramientas para garantizar el abordaje integral del suicidio en la adolescencia, partiendo de la comprensión de que esta problemática trasciende las fronteras de la Salud Mental: requiere de una articulación basada en los principios de inte...rdisciplina, intersectorialidad y corresponsabilidad del conjunto de las políticas públicas destinadas a esta población.
Por ello, el material incluye herramientas para el proceso de atención clínica y, al mismo tiempo, prioriza el abordaje integral y comunitario. En este sentido, se propone como un insumo tanto para las acciones quedesarrollan los equipos de salud de atención primaria como también para la articulación y el trabajo en red con todos los efectores del Sistema de Promoción y Protección Integral de Derechos de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes.
El documento WHO Guidance on community mental health services: Promoción de enfoques centrados en la persona y basados en los derechos humanos forma parte del conjunto de publicaciones de la OMS Orientación y paquetes técnicos sobre servicios comunitarios de salud mental. Ofrece una descripción ...detallada de los enfoques de salud mental centrados en la persona y basados en los derechos humanos, así como ejemplos resumidos de servicios de buenas prácticas en todo el mundo. Describe los vínculos necesarios con los sectores de la vivienda, la educación, el empleo y la protección social, y presenta ejemplos de redes regionales y nacionales integradas de servicios comunitarios de salud mental. Se presentan recomendaciones específicas y pasos de acción para desarrollar servicios de salud mental comunitarios que respeten los derechos humanos y se centren en la recuperación. Este exhaustivo documento va acompañado de un conjunto de siete paquetes técnicos centrados en categorías específicas de servicios de salud mental y de orientaciones para la creación de nuevos servicios.
Orientaciones de la OMS sobre los servicios comunitarios de salud mental: Promover enfoques centrados en la persona y basados en los derechos es un conjunto de publicaciones que proporciona información y apoyo a todas las partes interesadas que deseen desarrollar o transformar su sistema y servicios de salud mental para que se ajusten a las normas internacionales de derechos humanos, incluida la Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad.
En El Salvador, desde el surgimiento del primer caso de infección por Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana (VIH), la consejería de VIH se constituye en un recurso que favorece la prevención, encaminada a la identificación de factores de riesgo para ITS/VIH y otras Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual... (ITS). La complejidad de esta requiere de estrategias específicas para su abordaje, sobre todo en temas de sexualidad, medidas de protección, autocuidado y vinculación, con énfasis en las poblaciones con prácticas de mayor riesgo y vulnerabilidad.
La Región de las Américas constituye un territorio extremadamente rico desde el punto de vista de la diversidad cultural, en la cual se presentan una variedad de desafíos relacionados con el reconocimiento y el respeto de los derechos humanos de los miembros de los pueblos indígenas, los afrodes...cendientes, los romaníes, así como de otros grupos étnicos. A lo largo del curso de la vida, estas personas experimentan discriminación estructural y poca representatividad e inclusión en los procesos de toma de decisiones, lo cual dificulta su acceso a los servicios de salud, afecta la calidad de la atención que reciben y tiene un efecto general en sus condiciones de vida. Por tanto, la protección y la promoción de su salud y seguridad socioeconómica es una cuestión no solo de política pública, sino también de protección y ejercicio de los derechos humanos. En esta publicación se presentan los instrumentos internacionales y regionales de derechos humanos y los sistemas de protección de esos derechos instaurados por las Naciones Unidas y el Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos, así como medidas para hacerlos efectivos, con especial hincapié en el derecho a la salud, al medio ambiente sano y otros derechos relacionados con el cuidado del planeta.
Debido a la actual crisis socio-económica, política y de derechos humanos en Venezuela, cerca de 4.5 millones de personas han salido de su país; convirtiéndose en la segunda peor crisis migratoria del mundo, después de Siria. Se estima que más del 20% de los refugiados y migrantes son niños y... adolescentes. Cerca del 57% de los venezolanos en el exterior se encuentran en Ecuador, Colombia y Perú, según Naciones Unidas.
En 2018, Plan International decidió implementar una estrategia regional en Colombia, Ecuador y Perú para mejorar las condiciones de vida de los refugiados y migrantes venezolanos, durante sus etapas de tránsito y asentamiento.
Durante los meses de junio y julio de 2019, el equipo de la oficina regional visitó más de siete ciudades entre Colombia, Ecuador y Perú para escuchar los testimonios de los refugiados y migrantes, así como para analizar sus necesidades en materia de mecanismos de protección, prevención de la violencia y salud sexual y reproductiva.
El presente documento refleja algunas de las situaciones de riesgo y violencia a las que millones de venezolanos se enfrentan cada día, desde los testimonios y experiencias de 17 refugiados y migrantes.
El Plan de Respuesta Humanitaria con Panorama de Necesidades Humanitarias Venezuela 2020 tiene por objeto proporcionar asistencia humanitaria a 4,5 millones de venezolanos y venezolanas vulnerables. Para ello, hace un llamado de $762,5 millones de dólares. El Plan se basa en la labor humanitaria qu...e se llevó a cabo en 2019 mediante tres objetivos estratégicos: prestar asistencia de emergencia para salvar vidas; asegurar los medios de vida mediante un mejor acceso a los servicios básicos; y garantizar la protección de los más vulnerables.
Inferences through Machine Learning.Background Report.
What are the major origins and drivers of different types of conflict? Sorting out the main
causes of conflict and war is difficult and often shaped by ideological believes. Even today,
historians and political scientists have discussions on... the primary causes of the First World
War. There are several types of conflict, ranging from international and civil wars to local
conflicts, riots and revolution. And there are many theories that explain these different types
of conflict, which mostly focus on economic conditions and a range of factors that can foster
grievances and greed, creating incentives to initiate or join a conflict
The extensive use of natural resources threatens to exceed the carrying capacity of the Earth. The concept of a
circular economy offers an avenue to sustainable growth, good health and decent jobs, while saving the environment
and its natural resources. Further, the change from a linear economy (t...ake, make, dispose) to a circular economy (renew, remake, share) is expected to support significantly the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs), particularly SDG 12 on responsible consumption and production.
Food environments are usually defined as the settings with all the different types of
food made available and accessible to people as they go about their daily lives.
That is, the range of food in supermarkets, small retail outlets, wet markets, street
food stalls, coffee shops, tea houses, s...chool canteens, restaurants, and all the other
venues where people buy and eat food. These environments differ enormously depending on the context. They can be extensive and diverse, with a seemingly endless array of options and price ranges, or they can be sparse, with very few options on offer. Because they determine what food consumers can access at a given moment in time, at what price, and with what degree of convenience, food environments both constrain and prompt the consumer’s choice.Food environments are influenced by the food systems which supply them, and vice versa. Food systems encompass the entire range of activities, people and institutions involved in the production, processing,
marketing, consumption and disposal of food (FAO, 2013). They include but are not limited to food supply chains. Making food systems nutrition-sensitive can contribute to addressing all forms of malnutrition, as food systems determine whether the food needed for good nutrition are available, affordable, acceptable and of adequate
quantity and quality. How closely food systems and food environments are interrelated and interdependent, and the degree to which external factors affect nutrition outcomes, varies from setting to setting.Many of today’s food systems
and food environments are challenged in supporting consumer choices that are
consistent with healthy diets and good nutrition. Consumers are not making choices based on nutrition and health, and poor diet is now the number one risk factor for death and disability worldwide (GBD, 2015). Food systems that do not enable healthy diets are increasingly recognized as an underlying cause of malnutrition (GLOPAN, 2016), and malnutrition, irrespective of form, has a huge cost. Economic costs associated with undernutrition are estimated at $1-2 trillion per year, about 2-3% of global GDP (FAO, 2013); the global economic cost of obesity and associated diet-related non-communicable diseases is estimated at $2 trillion per year, about 2.8% of global GDP (McKinsey, 2014). Influencing food environments for promoting healthy diets is an emerging strategy to address today’s nutrition challenges.