The WHO Guidance on community mental health services: Promoting person-centred and rights-based approaches document is part of the WHO Guidance and technical packages on community mental health services set of publications. It provides a detailed description of person-centred and human rights-based ...approaches in mental health, and summary examples of good practice services around the world. It describes the linkages needed with housing, education, employment and social protection sectors, and presents examples of integrated regional and national networks of community-based mental health services. Specific recommendations and action steps are presented for developing community mental health services that respect human rights and focus on recovery. This comprehensive document is accompanied by a set of seven technical packages focused on specific categories of mental health services and guidance for setting up new services.
The WHO Guidance on community mental health services: Promoting person-centred and rights-based approaches is a set of publications that provides information and support to all stakeholders who wish to develop or transform their mental health system and services to align with international human rights standards including the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Ministerial Instruction Number 20/40 of 10/09/2009 determining conditions and modalities for therapeutic care for people living with HIV and AIDS.
This document provides an overview of key considerations for the provision of the HIV continuum of care in the context of displaced people from Ukraine in the EU/EEA. This document has two aims: firstly, to outline what is known of the Ukrainian HIV epidemic, and secondly, to use the HIV continuum o...f care as a framework to set out suggestions based on published evidence and expert opinion on the management of the HIV continuum of care, with special consideration for people living with HIV from Ukraine. The document will also address the needs of those at risk of acquiring HIV. The main findings of this document were presented during an ECDC webinar, ‘Key considerations on the continuum of HIV care for refugees from Ukraine,’ hosted on 19 May 2022.
These guidelines were developed as part of Kenya's fast-track plan to end AIDS among adolescents and young people. Based on research into adolescent and young key populations in Kenya and elsewhere, they outline a package of HIV prevention services, and emphasize the need to combine biobehavioural i...nterventions with services in education, job skills training, mental health, and social care and protection.
Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 781 / MENKES / SK / VII / 2004 on the establishment of referral hospital for people with HIV / AIDS
Countries experiencing concentrated epidemics of HIV need the size of key populations (KPs) to guide the national response on HIV and AIDS. Conducting a robust method to estimate the size of KPs is quite challenging as most of them are hidden and do not want to disclose theiridentity due to stigma a...nd discrimination associated with their behaviour. KPs in Bangladesh include female sex workers (FSW), people who inject drugs (PWID), men who have sex with men (MSM) including transgender (TG)/Hijra and sex workers, and clients of sex workers in the country or abroad.
Policy Brief, Updated in March 2017
Key messages
• The criminalisation of male-to-male sex heightens HIV and other sexually transmissible infection (STI) risks and vulnerabilities, and hinders access to HIV and STI services including HCT.
• Men who have sex with men (MSM) and tran...sgender persons (TG) are not a homogeneous group. As such, a variety of HCT service models are needed to reach the various segments of these populations.
• Stigma and discrimination remain ongoing issues at a number of service points. Targeted training of service providers is therefore needed so that MSM and TG are not discouraged from seeking HCT and high-quality prevention, treatment and care services.
• Specific guidelines on HIV prevention, treatment and care services for MSM or TG help improve the delivery of services.
2nd Generation HIV Surveillance in Pakistan, Round 5
Rev Panam Salud Publica 45, 2021 |
The World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS 2.0) is a generic assessment instrument developed by WHO to provide a standardized method for measuring health and disability across cultures. It was developed from a comprehensive set of International Classification of Functioning..., Disability and Health (ICF) items that are sufficiently reliable and sensitive to measure the difference made by a given intervention.
Inclusive Project Cycle Management
This research aims to identify a core set of clinical skills for working in
a Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) setting, and to discuss whether they are appropriate for task shifting to a new or an alternative cadre of rehabilitation workers.
Accessed online August 2018
Journal of the International AIDS Society 2016, 19:20926
There is a growing interest in the potential contribution the private sector can make towards increasing access to antiretroviral therapy (ART) in low‐ and middle‐income settings. This article describes a public–private partnership ...that was developed to expand HIV care capacity in Yangon, Myanmar. The partnership was between private sector general practitioners (GPs) and a community‐based non‐governmental organization (International HIV/AIDS Alliance).
Indicators are a representation of reality. They are just numbers on a piece of paper or on a computer screen, but they stand for something far greater – the success of your project. Indicators are usually defined in the context of project planning and show something about or give an indication of... progress towards realising the project goal, without being complete or comprehensive. Of course, there could be other representations of this reality, such as stories (Dart and Davies, 2003) or drawings (Feuerstein, 1986) or photographs (Tijm et al, 2011). However, indicators are a widely accepted way of representing what is being achieved in a programme or project.
ICF is WHO's framework for health and disability. It is the conceptual basis for the definition, measurement and policy formulations for health and disability. It is a universal classification of disability and health for use in health and health related sectors. ICF therefore looks like a simple he...alth classifiation, but it can be used for a number of purposes. The most important is as a planning and policy tool for decision-makers.
Contact No 175 - October December 2001
Available in: English, French, Chinese, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Thai, Korean, Tajik, Vietnamese, Uzbek
Guide de réadaptation à base communautaire (RBC)
En 2003, une Consultation internationale consacrée à l’examen de la réadaptation à base communautaire organisée à Helsinki a émis un certain nombre de recommandations essentielles. Par la suite, la RBC a été redéfinie, dans un document ...d’orientation conjoint de l’OIT, l’UNESCO et l’OMS, comme une stratégie faisant partie intégrante du développement communautaire général qui vise à assurer la réadaptation, l’égalité des chances et l’intégration sociale des personnes handicapées.