This briefing note summarises key mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) considerations in relation to the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
According to the United Nations, Yemen has been the "Worst humanitarian crisis in the world," for the past two years. Despite the Hudaydah Agreement signed in December 2018, the fighting continued in many areas of the country, such as Hajjah in the north, Al Dhale' e in the south and Hudaydah along ...the west coast. Within a year, another 400,000 Yemenis were forced to flee their homes, eventually adding up to one-eighth of the entire Yemeni population who had become displaced at least once, over the last five years.
In 2019, unprecedented heavy rain and flooding from May onwards caused catastrophic damage to homes and the families’ livelihoods, adding to their misery. Thousands of families who had already lost their home due to the fighting had yet again, their temporary shelters, beddings and essential kitchen supplies, destroyed.
Kinder haben besondere Bedürfnisse nach Schutz, Förderung und Beteiligung. Diese gilt es im Sinne der UN-Kinderrechtskonvention von Geburt an zu berücksichtigen. Die besondere Situation geflüchteter Kinder wird in Deutschland bisher noch unzureichend wahrgenommen. Sie gehören zu einer sehr vuln...erablen Gruppe
und ihre Familien sind durch restriktive Lebensbedingungen mit vielfältigen Belastungen konfrontiert. Diese Rahmenbedingungen stellen auch für betreuende und beratende Fachkräfte eine große Herausforderung dar.
Hesperian released a Coronavirus (COVID-19) Fact Sheet specifically for people like you, individuals and organizations seeking credible resources. Thanks to the incredible skill and participation of many partners on short notice, it is available now in English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Urdu, Bangla..., Filipino, Vietnamese, Bahasa Indonesia, Farsi, Sindhi, Telugu, and Hindi on the website. Fact sheets in Shona, Portuguese, Arabic, and Chichewa are on the way.
Social Media + SocietyJuly-September 2020: 1 –4
28 Dec 2020. The main objective of these guidelines is to provide tools for staff working in the field of immunization to support effective communication between health personnel and the general population, with the aim of strengthening, maintaining or recovering trust in vaccines and the immunizati...on programs in the Region of the Americas.
Available in English, Spanish and Portuguese
Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Pakistan
Spetember 2020
A Step-by-Step, Research-Informed and Faith-Based Planning Manual
Rwanda first confirmed cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in March 2020. Although the number of cases has been low, health system resources are being redirected to respond and an increasing number of children are affected by the socio-economic impacts of the pandemic, including disruptions... to schooling and heightened protection risks.
While Rwanda remained Ebola-free during the outbreak, it remains a priority country and continues to maintain its Ebola preparedness. Rwanda is also home to 147,000 refugees, half of whom are children, who require assistance in and outside of camps.1 In 2021, UNICEF will continue to deliver life-saving services to refugees and children and families affected by COVID-19 and its socio-economic impacts, and maintain its Ebola preparedness and contingency planning.
Данное руководство представляет собой попытку объединения проверенных универсальных подходов к оказанию психологической и психиатрической помощи в чрезвыча...ных ситуациях с одной сто-роны, и необходимость учета факторов, специфичных для каждой отдельной культуры, с другой.
Accessed on 2019
As an inter-faith network of religious leaders living with or affected by HIV, INERELA+ seeks to empower religious leaders through education, knowledge and skills to live positively, becoming symbols of hope and agents of change who will help eliminate stigma and discrimination within their congrega...tions and communities.
Accessed: 12.11.2019
Specific Issues and a Model of Care
Accessed; 08.10.2019
These guidelines are informed by evidence of ‘what works’ and lessons learned in the field. They are designed to accelerate UNICEF regional and country offices’ programming on social service workforce strengthening, and support work to better plan, develop and support the social services workf...orce with national and regional partners.
A systematic approach to holistic wound care is essential for the delivery of high quality wound care. Holistic wound assessment considers the whole person and should comprise the components of the generic wound assessment minimal data set. Therefore holistic assessment is key to gathering informati...on on the
patient and their wound. This information should be documented at each review so that it can act as a baseline against which wound progress can be tracked and used to guide management decisions.
Inaccurate or lack of assessment can result in appropriate care and delays in healing, unnecessary patient suffering, poor outcomes and the inappropriate use of resources
Volume 2019, Article ID 4157574, 7 pages