Report of the Review Committee on the Functioning of the International Health Regulations (2005) in relation to Pandemic (H1N1) 2009
The main objective of this self learning programme is to understand the purpose of biostatistics through realistic cases and to acquire basic biostatistics skills that can be applied to your work.
The target audiences of this training are medical and biomedical students, laboratory specialists and ...other professionals who need to use or understand basic biostatistics. However, it may also be a helpful reminder to epidemiologists.
You can order the biostatistics CD-ROM free of charge by sending an e-mail to:
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The update of the ESTC was conducted as a joint endeavour with ERS, consulting experts from international societies and organisations, national TB programmes, civil society and affected communities. The second edition of the ESTC includes 21 standards in the areas of diagnosis, treatment, HIV and co...-morbidities and public health and prevention. The ESTC is a user-friendly guide for clinicians and public health workers to help them achieve optimal diagnosis, treatment and prevention of TB
Available in 25 languages:
Offers information on the assessment of complex trauma in children. This fact sheet provides general guidelines for assessing complex trauma such as gathering information, a variety of approaches and techniques, how to work with a child's family and care team, and assessing over time. It also gives ...helpful tips providers can use.
Special issue: Mental Health Challenges in Lithuania
Nos. 1-2 '11
This algorithm is addressed to laboratories
with established capacity(molecular, antigenic and/orserological) to detect dengue (DENV), Zika (ZIKV), and chikungunya(CHIKV) as part of the differential diagnosis for arborviruses. A BSL2 containment level is required to handle suspected samples.
Vol 5 No 27 | ISSN 2039-2117 (online) | ISSN 2039-9340 (print) | The rate of sexual victimization of mentally retarded children is alarming and it goes unnoticed because the perpetrators could be parents, step- parents, relatives, well-respected individuals by family members, neighbours and educator...s. Drawing from labelling theory that the mentally retarded have low IQ, majority of perpetrators tend not to get arrested because of lack of evidence. Research indicates that educators struggle to identify the psychological, behavioural and physical symptoms of sexual abuse owing to their limited training. Having employed systematic review as methodology, this research study found that mentally retarded children are prone to HIV/AIDS, PTSD and feelings of helplessness owing to uninvolvement of parents, dysfunctional communities, poverty and their inability to differentiate between abuse and affection. Based on the findings, the recommendations are that: (1) extensive training for professionals, families and community members be executed to protect children with intellectual disability. Furthermore, the rights of the mentally retarded children must be respected in the court of law when reporting sexual abuse.