Supplement Article J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Volume 78, Supplement 1, August 15, 2018
AIDS Behav (2017) 21:S23–S33 DOI 10.1007/s10461-016-1670-9
Version 1.0, 2014-11-21
This document lists TB indicators that can be derived from the recording and reporting tools defined
in Definitions and reporting framework for tuberculosis – 2013 revision (WHO/HTM/TB/2013.2).
Geneva, World Health Organization; 2013. (
More details on the rationale, calculation and use of these indicators are available in the following
• Understanding and using tuberculosis data (WHO/HTM/TB/2014.09). Geneva, World Health
Organization. 2014.
• Companion handbook to the WHO guidelines for the programmatic management of drugresistant
tuberculosis (WHO/HTM/TB/2014.11). Geneva, World Health Organization. 2014.
• A guide to monitoring and evaluation for collaborative TB/HIV activities: 2014 revision. Geneva,
World Health Organization. 2014.
HIV & AIDS Treatment in Practice
Issue 203
4th edition. This is fourth edition of Treatment of tuberculosis: guidelines, adhering fully to the new WHO process for evidence-based guidelines. Several important recommendations are being promoted in this new edition
Guidelines for national programmes and other stakeholders
世界卫生组织 结核菌/艾滋病病毒双 重感染防治政策指南
——适用于国家规划 和利益攸关方