In 1989, the Republic of Benin was facing a great social and
economical crisis. Civil servants of all the sectors in public
administration were on strike. People did not know where to
go for their health care. Salaries were not paid for more than
six months and life for the general population wa...s very dificult.
The country was about to degenerate into civil war as a
result of the civil unrest in the country.
Thanks to the assistance from the French, and Canadian
and American Mennonite missionaries, the Bethesda Health
Centre was started in 1990 with US$ 1,000 granted by theses
partners. Today, the Health Centre of Bethesda has expanded
and has become a large Hospital in Cotonou. It hosts each
year about 100,000 patients and has developed the department
of paediatrics, ophthalmology, stomatology, cardiology,
obstetrical gynaecology, X-rays, etc. The Hospital has also
put in place an AIDS service which has been promoted by the
government to the status of an AIDS Treatment Centre.
In an integrated vision, Bethesda has established other departments.
In 1993, the Sanitation department was established
to implement sanitation and environmentally-friendly
projects aimed at reducing the high incidence of some diseases
frequently treated at the hospital. In 1996, the decision
was made to establish a micro-inance department called
PEBCo. This initiative, which currently has 10,000 clients,
uses community savings to promote income-generating activities.
Since many women were obliged to use the loans for
family needs (health care, children schooling, etc.), they were
unable to reimburse them as planned. Hence the Bethesda
non-government organization (NGO) recently began an initiative
to provide a community-based health insurance option
for the population in 2006. There are now 12,000 members.
This paper focuses on the presentation of Benin and the program,
but also describes how the project could be better improved
and what were its beneits and impacts.
Field Actions Science Reports
The journal of field actions
Vol. 4 | 2010
Vol. 4
Vue d’ensemble:
Le cycle de transmission
Téniase. Les ténias vivent dans l’intestin des êtres humains. Les œufs du ténia sont libérés avec les matières fécales. En cas de défécation à l’air libre, l'environnement (en particulier les légumes et l'eau) peut être contaminé. Cysti...cercose humaine. L'ingestion d'œufs de ténia (due à une mauvaise hygiène après l'utilisation des toilettes ou à la consommation d'eau ou d'aliments contaminés), entraîne le développement de kystes parasitaires principalement dans le cerveau (provoquant notamment des crises d’épilepsie). Cysticercose porcine. Les porcs mangeant des œufs de ténia (présents dans les matières fécales ou l'environnement) développent des kystes parasitaires principalement dans les muscles (viande). La viande infectée contient des kystes parasitaires qui ne sont pas toujours faciles à voir. La consommation de viande de porc infectée, crue ou mal cuite, entraîne le développement du ténia.
Les mesures de prévention et de contrôle
Les médicaments prescrits dans les centres de santé peuvent traiter l'infection par le ténia. Lavez vos mains avec de l'eau et du savon après avoir utilisé les toilettes. Rincez soigneusement les légumes ou faites-les cuire avant de les manger. Utilisez les toilettes ou les latrines pour éviter la contamination de l'environnement, des porcs et des autres personnes. Garder les porcs dans des enclos pour les empêcher d’être infectés. Vaccinez et traitez les porcs pour prévenir l'infection. L'inspection des viandes permet d'identifier les porcs fortement infectés. Faites bien cuire la viande de porc (elle ne doit plus être rose) pour tuer le parasite.
The ambitious development agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires substantial investments across several sectors, including for SDG 3 (healthy lives and wellbeing). No estimates of the additional resources needed to strengthen comprehensive health service delivery to...wards the attainment of SDG 3 and universal health coverage in low-income and middle-income countries have been published.
We developed a framework for health systems strengthening, within which population-level and individual-level health service coverage is gradually scaled up over time. We developed projections for 67 low-income and middle-income countries from 2016 to 2030, representing 95% of the total population in low-income and middle-income countries. We considered four service delivery platforms, and modelled two scenarios with differing levels of ambition: a progress scenario, in which countries’ advancement towards global targets is constrained by their health system’s assumed absorptive capacity, and an ambitious scenario, in which most countries attain the global targets. We estimated the associated costs and health effects, including reduced prevalence of illness, lives saved, and increases in life expectancy. We projected available funding by country and year, taking into account economic growth and anticipated allocation towards the health sector, to allow for an analysis of affordability and financial sustainability.
Operational Updates
Emergency Relief & Nutrition Rakhine: A significant increase in internal displacements due to continued armed conflict between the Myanmar military (Tatmadaw) and Arakan Army was reported in northern and central Rakhine State increasing from 6,000 people in February to 20,000 i...n March. WFP delivered a one-month ration of food to 2,220 newly displaced people in central Rakhine State, with plans to extend support to additional displaced populations based on coordination with other actors meeting current needs, including the Government and ICRC. WFP continued providing emergency relief assistance to 96,050 conflict-affected people from 173 Muslim, Buddhist and Hindu villages in Buthidaung and Maungdaw townships of northern Rakhine State. In addition, WFP reached over 16,300 children under 5 years through nutrition interventions. In central Rakhine, 4,740 pregnant and lactating women (PLWs) and 24,160 children under 5 years were reached with nutrition interventions, and over 128,040 food-insecure people received relief assistance.
This course introduces the basic actions that should be performed by eyewitnesses right at an emergency scene. The course consists of 5 blocks: a) first aid for heart arrest (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) b) first aid for airway obstruction and drowning c) first aid for bleeding, injuries, trauma d...) first aid for physical factors exposure e) first aid for life-threatening conditions such as stroke, epilepsy, and heart attack Educational material includes pictures and videos made at the Simulation Center at Kazan Federal University to better understand the topics. After the course, you will be able to identify life-threatening conditions, explain the reasons lead to their development, and provide correct first aid.
Las infecciones relacionadas con la atención sanitaria (IRAS) plantean una seria carga de enfermedad y tienen un efecto económico considerable en los pacientes y en los sistemas sanitarios de todo el mundo. Sin embargo, la higiene de las manos, la simple t...area de limpiarse las manos en los momentos adecuados y de la forma adecuada, puede salvar vidas.
In order to understand if the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted food availability and access at markets in Cambodia, the World Food Programme (WFP) monitors the retail and wholesale prices of key food commodities (see Annex 1 and 2) in 45 urban and rural markets across the country (see the Methods sect...ion for more details). An average of 340 traders and market chiefs are interviewed every two weeks, through a call center contracted by WFP. In addition to prices, market chiefs are also interviewed to assess market functionality, including supply and demand issues. Additional information is used to interpret the results and understand the broader context.
A global food crisis fuelled by conflict, climate shocks and the COVID-19 pandemic is growing because of the ripple effects of the war in Ukraine driving rising prices of food, fuel and fertilizer. Millions of people across the world are at risk of being driven into starvation unless action is taken... now to respond together and at scale. Due to the unprecedented overlap of crises, WFP’s annual operational requirements are at an all-time high of US$22.2 billion, with confirmed contributions so far at US$4.8 billion (22 percent). WFP is calling for coordinated action to address this crisis.
These campaign support materials have been developed and shared to bolster national initiatives and outreach campaigns in AU Member States. The message will continue to evolve as the COVID-19 pandemic progresses and as understanding of optimal responses develop further.
You can download the toolkit... as a zip-file from the website
Дети имеют право на образование. Там, где школы не открываются вновь, все дети должны
иметь доступ к обучению альтернативными способами. По мере развития пандемии C...OVID-19
страны начинают ослаблять ограничения, и ЮНИСЕФ призвал открыть школы снова. Когда
школы снова откроются, нам необходимо рассмотреть не только меры по обеспечению
безопасности учащихся в помещении школы, но и по дороге в школу. Эти меры не только
могут помочь обеспечить безопасность учащихся во время пандемии коронавируса
(COVID-19), но и может также помочь в решении других проблем безопасности, таких как
дорожно-транспортные происшествия, которые являются убийцами номер один среди
молодых людей в возрасте 5-29 лет.
This guidance highlights tangible, evidence-based priority actions in health and WASH programs to achieve the Global Targets for nutrition. Throughout the guidance the importance of cross-sectoral collaboration within and outside the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement to holistically address nutrition emphasised.