The results of in-country database and reports analysis
A 2013 Plan study across 30 countries found that children with disabilities were on average 10 times less likely to go to school than children without disabilities. This report presents the findings of a follow-up second phase to the research with a qualitative study on barriers and enablers to educ...ation for children with disabilities in Nepal.
The Full Report and Executive Summary Reports in English, French and Spanish are now available for download at:
Patient information on depression. English version. Also available in: Arabic, French, German, Russian, Turkish, Spanish. For other versions go to:
Patient information on depression. Arabic version. Also available in: English, French, German, Russian, Turkish, Spanish. For other versions go to:
"Some of the problems with our current drug policies stem from the fact that these policies have been largely bifurcated between two different and often contradictory approaches. One treats drug use as a crime that cannot be tolerated and should be punished; the other views addiction as a chronic re...lapsing health or behavioral condition requiring ongoing treatment and support. Neither of these views is all encompassing—it should be recognized that there are patterns of drug use that do not result in significant harm or health problems and therefore require no intervention. The public health approach presented here takes the view that our focus should be on the harm caused by drug use and the harm caused by our policy responses to it. We have focused specifically on illicit drugs, not because they are by themselves more harmful (in fact, tobacco causes more morbidity and mortality than any illicit drug), but because it has become increasingly clear that our current policies to manage illicit drugs are failing."
Les infections associées aux soins sont les complications les plus fréquentes qui affectent les patients hospitalisés. L'hygiène des mains est la plus efficace des mesures préventives de ces infections. Cependant, l'observance à ce geste simple parmi les professionnels médico-soignants reste ...faible, souvent inférieure à 40 %. L'hygiène des mains est essentielle à la pratique des soins de tous les professionnels médico-soignants
Patient information on treatment with antibiotics. English version. Also available in: Arabic, German, French, Russian, Spanish, Turkish. For other language versions go to:
Patient information on heart failure. English version. Also available in: Arabic, French, German, Russian, Turkish, Spanish. For other versions go to:ässe/herzschwäche.
Patient information on resistance to antibiotics. English version. Also available in: Arabic, French, German, Russian, Turkish, Spanish. For other versions go to:
Int J Crit Illn Inj Sci. 2012 May-Aug; 2(2): 82–97.
doi: 10.4103/2229-5151.97273
PMCID: PMC3401822
PMID: 22837896
This textbook seeks to support various levels of health personnel in less-resourced locations by providing evidence-based information about low-tech diagnostic and treatment options for common gynecological conditions such as cervical, ovarian and breast cancer, problems in early pregnancy, contrace...ption and gynecological bleeding disorders. It also covers specific conditions often encountered in less-resourced locations such as fistula surgery, female genital mutilation and HIV-associated gynecological complications. A separate chapter deals with subfertility, a topic which is rarely on the agenda of vertical programs in less-resourced locations although the need for appropriate care for this condition is substantial
Download Chapter by Chapter from the Webiste:
Antibiotika sind wichtige Medikamente. Sie wirken bei Infektionen, die Bakterien ausgelöst haben. Bei vielen Erkrankungen helfen sie sehr gut, aber nicht bei jeder Infektion sind sie geeignet oder nötig.
In dieser Information erfahren Sie, wie Antibiotika wirken und was Sie bei der Einnahme bea...chten sollten.
Les antibiotiques sont des médicaments importants. Ils agissent en cas d'infections provoquées par des bactéries. Ils sont très efficaces pour de nombreuses maladies, mais ils ne sont pas adaptés ou nécessaires pour toutes les infections.
Dans cette information, vous apprendrez comment les ...antibiotiques agissent et à quoi vous devez faire attention lorsque vous les prenez.
Антибиотики являются важными лекарственными средствами. Они эффективны против инфекций, вызванных бактериями. Они очень хорошо помогают при многих заболеваниях, ...но они не подходят и не нужны при каждой инфекции.
В этой информации вы узнаете, как действуют антибиотики и что следует иметь в виду при их приеме.
Los antibióticos son medicamentos importantes. Son eficaces contra las infecciones causadas por bacterias. Ayudan muy bien en muchas enfermedades, pero no son adecuados o necesarios para todas las infecciones.
En esta información aprenderás cómo funcionan los antibióticos y qué debes tener ...en cuenta al tomarlos.