Different situations, risks, recommendations. Short brochure with pictograms. Available in: English, Turkish, French, Russian at: http://www.bzga.de/infomaterialien/fremdsprachige-materialien/ AND German at: http://www.bzga.de/infomaterialien/aidsaufklärung/hiv-übertragung-und-aids-gefahr/
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) Early Release Vol. 64 ; 1 May 2015
Actualización de las orientaciones provisionales 7 de junio de 2016
Updated 6 September 2016. This guidance has been developed to provide advice on the prevention of potential sexual transmission of Zika virus. The primary transmission route of Zika virus is via the Aedes mosquito. However, sexual transmission of Zika virus may also be possible, with limited evidenc...e recorded in a few cases. This is of concern due to an association between Zika virus infection and potential complications, including microcephaly and Guillain-Barré syndrome.
PLoSONE 14(9):e0223104.https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0223104.
The survey centering on reasons behind community resistance was conducted in Butembo in November during a time of Ebola transmission. A researcher from Catholic University of Graben in Butembo and collaborators at the University o...f Alberta in Edmonton published their findings on Sep 26 in PLOS One.
To spark focus group discussions, the researchers used an 18-item questionnaire based on similar ones used during West Africa's outbreak in Guinea, where community resistance and episodes of violence also complicated the outbreak response.
Participants were a convenience sample of 670 adults from the region who were recruited by medical students at Catholic University of Graben. Those surveyed included clinicians, community members, and displaced persons.