Version: 14 March 2019; A one-page reference guide to all the anti-HIV drugs licensed for use in the European Union, with information on formulation, dosing, key side-effects and food restrictions.
The previous edition of the drugs chart is also available to download in Russian.
World Report on the risk of cholera outbreak in Syria due to deteriorated drinking water systems as side effect of war.
Published:September 24, 2022DOI:
With this quick reference guide, providers can easily recognize diseases and side effects related to climate change, implement appropriate management and provide guidance to exposed populations, provide up-to-date information on the relationship between the adverse effects of certain drugs and the w...orsening of climate-sensitive health conditions, and determine the possible consequences of climate change for health services. This book addresses key meteorological risks, as well as the health conditions which they may influence, grouped by specific clinical areas.
“Effective Altruism” — What it is, how philanthropic foundations use it and what are its risks and side-effects
This film shows how to take a small sample of blood for lab tests from the side of the heel of a baby.
Website last accessed on 16.03.2024
Inform your patients about cancer, treatment, side effects, and more with these easy-to-read materials.
Childhood immunisation is one of the most cost-effective health interventions. However, despite its known value, global access to vaccines remains far from complete. Although supply-side constraints lead to inadequate vaccine coverage in many health systems, there is no comprehensive analysis of the... funding for immunisation. We aimed to fill this gap by generating estimates of funding for immunisation disaggregated by the source of funding and the type of activities in order to highlight the funding landscape for immunisation and inform policy making.
Chagas disease affects 8-10 million people worldwide, mainly in Latin America. The current therapy for Chagas disease is limited to nifurtimox and benznidazole, which are effective in treating only the acute phase of the disease but with severe side effects. Therefore, there is an unmet need for new... drugs and for the exploration of innovative approaches which may lead to the discovery of new effective and safe drugs for its treatment.
The protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi causes Chagas disease, an important public health problem throughout Latin America. Current therapeutic options are characterised by limited efficacy, long treatment regimens and frequent toxic side-effects. Advances in this area have been compromised by gaps... in our knowledge of disease pathogenesis, parasite biology and drug activity. Nevertheless, several factors have come together to create a more optimistic scenario. Drug-based research has become more systematic, with increased collaborations between the academic and commercial sectors, often within the framework of not-for-profit consortia. High-throughput screening of compound libraries is being widely applied, and new technical advances are helping to streamline the drug development pipeline. In addition, drug repurposing and optimisation of current treatment regimens, informed by laboratory research, are providing a basis for new clinical trials. Here, we will provide an overview of the current status of Chagas disease drug development, highlight those areas where progress can be expected, and describe how fundamental research is helping to underpin the process.
Our target end-users are those with limited literacy. It is a challenging task to achieve success in this group as so much of what is "obvious" to those of us with good literacy skills is totally obscure to those who have never had the opportunity to learn the meaning of e.g. an arrow shape and what... it is meant to represent. Our pictograms have been tested mainly in our local Xhosa population, so we cannot guarantee universal generalisability (as is the case for any other pictograms). Categories in the database include Dosage and frequency; Route of administration; Additional medicine instructions; Side effects or indications; Storage of medicines; Tablets, capsules, bottles, droppers; Miscellaneous; TB-related pictograms
A common application relates to their use with medicines where they may serve to convey instructions, precautions, storage requirements, warnings, as well as medicine indication or side effects to patients or consumers. Many examples of diverse application of pictograms in the health literature have been described including health promotion materials, wound care instructions, asthma prevention and treatment, injury prevention, discharge instructions, self-care guidance, paediatric anaphylaxis plan, organ and body donation, CT scan risks and benefits, driving risks, safety symbols, decision aids for treatment, and patient-reported outcomes dashboards, amongst others.
If you have been wondering when you would receive your vaccine? Why you should get vaccinated and are concerned about what your are hearing about side effects, this episode of Science with 5 with WHO’s Chief Scientist Dr Soumya Swaminathan is for you.
In the USA, Catholic Social Teaching is commonly called “the church’s best keptsecret”. And, indeed, did the church’s Social Teaching on the other side of the Atlantic never enjoy the political and societal importance attributed to it in many European countries for such a long time including..., and above all, Germany. Entire generations of Catholic politicians, social scientists, trade unionists andentrepreneurs were shaped by the Social Teachings of their Church in thesecountries, and this moulding has influenced their way of acting to a great extent. This influence can be clearly traced in the socio-economic realm where Catholic SocialTeaching has contributed fundamentally to the rise of what we today – in a cleardividing line to the boundless capitalism of the Anglo-American brand – call theSocial Market Economy.
accessed July 2020
Indiscriminate attacks on health care have contributed to an epic humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen. A new report tracks these attacks in the hope of holding perpetrators on all sides accountable.
It details how both Houthi forces—with their use of wide-area impact weapons—and the Saudi-Emir...ati coalition—with their aerial attacks—have flagrantly disregarded the special status of health facilities and personnel in conflict zones.
Five years into a conflict that has left 80% of Yemen’s population in need of humanitarian aid, the UN has issued a broad and scathing report detailing violations of international human rights and humanitarian law by all sides in the conflict.
A year of investigations by the Group of Internatio...nal and Regional Eminent Experts on Yemen found a disturbing pattern of violations ranging from arbitrary detention to sexual violence to child recruitment—and “a pervasive lack of accountability” for these violations.
A new FMP was opened in Lutaya (Yei County), bringing the total number of EVD-related FMPs within South Sudan to 14. Six additional FMPs are operated in cooperation with DTM Uganda on the Ugandan side of the border due to access issues on the South Sudanese side.
A field mission was carried ou...t in Yambio County to scope potential new FMP locations, provide the enumerators in Gangura with refresher training and improve arrangements for data upload.
Installation of incinerators and waste pits for medical waste management is ongoing at Morobo and Panyume Primary Health Care Centres (PHCC).
Two new POE screening sites established in Lasu and Birigo were officially opened and have started screening activities on the reporting period, making the total active IOM-supported PoE screening sites at 13
Vanquishing violence and vulnerability in humanitarian settings
Background paper for the joint African Union–UNAIDS (in capacity of serving
Chair of H6) high-level side event at the 73rd United Nations General Assembly,
24 September 2018, at UNHQ, Conference Room 3
This video explains what antibiotics and the microbiome are, how they work, and side effects that patients may experience. It also provides helpful questions for patients and their families to ask their health care providers when they have been prescribed antibiotics.
This publication explores how housing, land and property rights issues have been addressed in peace agreements concluded over the past three decades. It provides practical guidance for peace negotiators on all sides in Myanmar and outlines how addressing these rights in the peace process will build ...the groundwork needed for an eventual peace agreement or agreements in the country.
Conclusion: To ensure that people with disabilities can successfully access the necessary health services, the barriers on the demand side (the individuals requiring healthcare) as well as the barriers that are part of the healthcare system, should be attended to.
Direct acting antivirals (DAAs) have revolutionized treatment for hepatitis C. Combi-
nations of DAAs can cure infection with HCV in 12 weeks, are highly effective and
have limited side-effects. Affordability of DAAs has improved significantly, but access remains lim-
i...ted. Initially, due to their high prices, affordability of DAAs was limited in high-, middle- and low-
income countries alike. Now there is a divide between those countries where, because of intellectual
property barriers, prices have remained (very) high and other countries where generics are, or can be,
available at much lower prices. The result is a dual market