The Updated guidelines on Management of tuberculosis in children and adolescents include new recommendations that cover diagnostic approaches for TB, shorter treatment for children with non-severe drug-susceptible TB, a new option for the treatment of TB meningitis, the use of bedaquiline and delama...nid in young children with multidrug- and rifampicin-resistant TB and decentralized and family-centred, integrated models of care for TB case detection and prevention in children and adolescents.
Preventing tuberculosis infection from progressing to tuberculosis disease is a crucial component of the goal to eliminate tuberculosis. When deciding on the use of tuberculosis preventive therapy among household contacts, policy makers regularly ask questions, such as whether tuberculosis preventiv...e therapy is effective, safe, and feasible in a programme setting and what it will cost. For contact management and tuberculosis preventive therapy for multidrug-resistant and rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis, studies from high-income and low-income countries have shown feasibility, safety, and effectiveness.
However, there is scarce information on the cost of tuberculosis preventive therapy for multidrug-resistant and rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis. In The Lancet Global Health, Peter Dodd and colleagues show that household contact management strategies are cost-effective even in low-income and middle-income countries, which has important policy implications for achieving the END TB Strategy goals.
Research to develop point-of-care tests is in progress. Treatment of Buruli ulcer comprises 8 weeks of combined antibiotics (rifampicin and clarithromycin). Complementary therapies such as wound care, skin graft and prevention of disability are needed in some cases to ensure full recovery.
The set by the World Health Organization (WHO) for control of Buruli ulcer is for countries to achieve a rate of case confirmation by PCR of at least 70%. All endemic countries have at least one PCR facility to support confirmation of cases. However, most countries in the WHO African Region have not been able to reach the target, and the rate of case confirmation has been declining
Buruli ulcer caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans is a neglected tropical disease characterized by extensive ulceration involving predominantly the upper and lower limbs of patients. The disease is common in rural tropical communities in West and Central Africa, where access to proper health care is lim...ited. Pathogenesis of the characteristic painless ulcers is linked to the elaboration by M. ulcerans of a lipid toxin called mycolactone that has potent cytopathic, immunosuppressive, and analgesic effects on a host of cells in cutaneous tissues. Mycolactone is known to profoundly inhibit secretion of a plethora of proteins that are essential for wound healing. Even though a combination antibacterial therapy of streptomycin and rifampicin for 8 weeks is effective for treatment, it relies on good and appropriate wound management to prevent secondary bacterial infections and improve healing. Evidence-based interventions for wound care in Buruli ulcer disease are often lacking and have relied on expert advice and recommendations. Surgical interventions are limited to debridement of necrotic tissue and grafting of extensive ulcers, usually after antibiotic therapy. Patients’ rehabilitation is an important component of care to reduce disabilities associated with the disease and proper integration into the community after treatment.
L’ulcère de Buruli, une infection causée par Mycobacterium ulcerans, touche plus de 33 pays dans le monde, mais un peu moins de la moitié seulement de ces pays communiquent régulièrement des données sur la maladie à l’OMS.
There is an urgent need for safer, simpler, more efficacious and accessible treatment regimens for all forms of TB. The development of Target Product Profiles for TB treatment regimens (referred to as Target Regimen Profiles or TRPs) seeks to guide the drug development process towards important characteristics corresponding to the needs of end-users.
Глобальными приоритетами для лечения туберкулеза (ТБ) и борьбы с ним являются улучшенное и ранее выявление случаев туберкулеза, в том числе случаев заболевания с о...трицательным мазком мокроты, которые часто ассоциируются с вирусом иммунодефицита человека (ВИЧ) и ранним возрастом, а также расширенные возможности для диагностики туберкулеза с множественной лекарственной устойчивостью (МЛУ-ТБ)
Technical and operational ‘how-to’: practical considerations
Consenso de los Laboratorios Supranacionales (LSN), Centros Colaboradores (CC) y Laboratorios Nacionales de Referencia (LNR) de “países priorizados” para la aplicación del Xpert-MTB/Rif en Las Américas.
Guatemala, 11-12 abril de 2011
Accessed December 2017
Acta Med Peru. 2017;34(3):182-7; El objetivo del presente trabajo es conocer la magnitud del problema de la TB y sus principales características epidemiológicas en la población del penal de varones de penal de varones de Trujillo, que sirva de base para plantear las mejores soluciones terapé
Death investigation form tuberculosis: Hospital Unit, Urgency and Emergency Unit
Describir los lineamientos técnicos de la vigilancia de tuberculosis por el laboratorio, así como los
procesos de obtención, recolección, procesamiento, transporte y conservación de muestras, y las
funciones que se realizan y articulan por todos los integra...ntes de la Red Nacional de Laboratorios.
HIV & AIDS Treatment in Practice No. 198