Nutrición de menores de 2 de edad
Informe sobre nutrición infantil
Esta guía está dirigida a los encargados de tomar decisiones sobre la formulación, operación o evaluación de programas o estrategias orientadas a mejorar la nutrición o alimentación. Su principal objetivo es brindar a los lectores herramientas para determinar la conveniencia de instrumentar d...istintas alternativas de intervenciones para el combate a la desnutrición.
Las directrices terapéuticas descritas en este documento pueden aplicarse no sólo en los hospitales, sino también en centros de alimentación terapéutica en situaciones de emergencia y en centros de nutrición para rehabilitación tras el tratamiento inicial en un hospital. [OMS]
De acuerdo con la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño, todos los lactantes y niños tienen derecho a una buena nutrición.
El presente proyecto de Documento Técnico: Perfil de competencias esenciales que orientan la formación de los profesionales de la salud. Segunda fase: Químico(a) Farmacéutico (a), Psicólogo (a), Nutricionista y Cirujano (a) Dentista Peruano (a), es publicado según Resolución Ministerial N° 9...05-2021-MINSA, a efectos de recibir las sugerencias y comentarios de las entidades públicas o privadas, así como de la ciudadanía en general, durante el plazo de treinta días calendario.
Accessed on 20.08.2022
Antirretrovirales de uso general
Antirretrovirales de uso en pacientes con múltiples fracasos terapéuticos
No antirretrovirales de uso general
No antirretrovirales de uso nominal
Medicación para tratamiento de tuberculosis p.línea
Medicación para tratamiento d...e tuberculosis s .línea
Asistencia nutricional
Medicamentos para el tratamiento de lepra
Propósito de la guía. Considerando el contexto de aumento de factores de riesgo de origen natural y social al cual está sujeta la población en general y los niños, niñas, adolescentes y jóvenes (NNAJ) en forma particular, el propósito de esta guía es ofrecer orientaciones a los gobiernos pa...ra el desarrollo y la implementación de políticas públicas dirigidas a la Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres (GRD) bajo un enfoque multi-sectorial (específicamente en los sectores de Protección de la niñez y la juventud, Educación, Agua, saneamiento e higiene -WASH, por su siglas en inglés y Salud y Nutrición) para asegurar sus derechos en toda circunstancia. Estas orientaciones son sustentadas en los principios fundamentales de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos humanos (DUDH), la Convención de los Derechos de la Niñez (CDN), la Carta de la Niñez para la Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres, los Compromisos Básicos para la Infancia en la Acción Humanitaria de
UNICEF (CCC´s por su siglas en inglés) principalmente, tomado en consideración los objetivos estratégicos y las prioridades del Marco de Acción de Hyogo (MAH) o Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) por su nombre y siglas en inglés.
El objetivo es proveer al equipo de salud, una guía de diagnóstico y terapéutica clínica, tanto farmacológica como no farmacológica, con recomendaciones basadas en evidencia de la mejor calidad disponible y adaptada al marco local.
Los usuarios de la Guía son todos los integrantes del ...equipo de salud y responsables de la atención de personas con EPOC (médicos, kinesiólogos, nutricionistas, psicólogos, enfermeros, educadores para la salud y otros); estudiantes de grado de todas las carreras vinculadas a la salud; proveedores, administradores y financiadores de servicios de salud; responsables de equipos de atención de la EPOC
y funcionarios de la salud pública.
v.1 (3 de abril de 2020)
Este guia de prática clínica fornece recomendações baseadas em evidências para o controle de infecção, coleta de amostras, cuidados de suporte, tratamento medicamentoso e prevenção de complicações. As recomendações são dirigidas a todos os profissionais de que atendem os pacientes no serviço de urgência/emergência e na unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) (médicos com especialidade em medicina de urgência, pneumologia, medicina intensiva, clínica médica, anestesiologia, infectologia, fisioterapeutas respiratórios, enfermeiros e farmacêuticos). O guia deve ser usado por tomadores de decisão e membros de entidades governamentais relacionados com o tratamento de pacientes com COVID-19 em UTI na região das Américas. Este guia não incluirá aspectos relacionados com a nutrição, fisioterapia (exceto fisioterapia respiratória) e tratamento de complicações.
The purpose of this publication is to facilitate the implementation of existing WHO guidelines on nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive actions required for improving health and well-being of adolescents. Implementing these actions should explicitly take into account the heterogeneity of adoles...cents in general (for instance, in their state of physical growth and social development), as well as the diversity within their country (for instance, in terms of the expected responsibilities in the family, the number out of school or out of work and existing social norms).
Facing the global nutrition challenges, the World Health Organization (WHO) teamed up with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) to design, under the guidance of the Department of Nutrition for Health and Development (NHD), a Nutrition Knowledge Hub. By building the and functional capacities of all relevant staff at WHO through e-learning courses and key nutrition-related training and knowledge materials, the Nutrition Knowledge Hub aims to contribute to the acceleration and increase of the nutrition impact at the country level. The Nutrition Knowledge Hub also offers free and open courses to reach a larger public and raise awareness on the malnutrition problem and WHO’s response.
This Guide responds to requests from practitioners and country teams who have learned about the Nurturing care framework and want to understand how to adapt health and nutrition services to be supportive of nurturing care and strengthen caregivers’ capacity.
NAMIBIA (2012/13-2015/16)
To help parents keep their children healthy and fit, WHO has developed the Child Nutrition and Physical Activity Guide. In addition to parents, the guide may prove to be a useful tool for other adults (such as grandparents or caregivers) working with primary school-aged children.
The Child Nutrit...ion and Physical Activity Guide is published only in the Russian language with support from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for use in Russian-speaking countries. It addresses the urgent need in some countries to improve child nutrition, particularly in areas that face a double health burden characterized by coexistence of undernutrition and overweight, obesity or noncommunicable diseases. Many children in those countries never eat breakfast, and their diet consists of large quantities of sweets and sugar-sweetened beverages with almost no vegetables and fruit.
The WHO guide also offers ideas on how to stimulate children’s interest in physical activity, such as active play, exercise or sports. This is especially relevant for countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), where, according to the latest findings, schoolchildren have a low participation in organized sports and exercise. On the other hand, a high proportion of schoolchildren walk to school every day. This could be a good starting point for CIS countries to make physical activity a daily habit that not only improves children’s physical health, but also promotes better mental health and well-being.
The guide aims to ensure that children obtain the knowledge and skills to make healthy food choices, critically evaluate their diet and integrate physical activity into daily life.
The World Health Organization’s comprehensive antenatal care (ANC) guideline WHO recommendations on antenatal care for a positive pregnancy experience was published in 2016 with the objective of improving the quality of routine health care that all women and adolescent girls receive during The overarching principle – to provide pregnant service users with a positive pregnancy experience – aims to encourage countries to expand their health-care agendas beyond survival, with a view to maximizing health, human rights and the potential of their populations. Recognizing that ANC provides a strategic platform for important health-care functions, including health promotion and disease prevention, 14 out of the 49 recommendations in the WHO 2016 ANC guideline relate to nutrition in pregnancy.
This document was prepared by UNICEF Regional Office for West and Central Africa, under the leadership of Christophe Valingot and the review of Joachim Peeters (WASH Specialist) and Arnaud Laillou (Nutrition Specialist), on behalf of the WASH Regional Group and the Nutrition Regional Group.
This ...WASH - Nutrition strategic guidance note for West and Central Africa builds on the precedent WASH-in-NUT strategy elaborated in 2012 and is the regional outcome of a multiyear collaborative work conducted at country level between 2018 and 2022, in Mali, Niger, Nigeria Chad, Burkina Faso. This work is based on a strong multi-partner collaboration, involving national technical directorates of the water and sanitation sector as well as technical directorates of Health and Nutrition, civil society organizations, national and international NGOs as well as United Nations agencies.
This document can serve as a technical and strategic guide for any partner wishing to strengthen the intersectorality of WASH-Nutrition programmes. It presents the regional WASH & Nutrition context, a brief review of the latest scientific evidence, and proposes an integrated WASH-Nutrition programming framework adapted to the regional context of West and Central Africa. Beyond the implementation of programmes, this document also calls for the explicit and concrete inclusion of WASH-Nutrition integration into national policy documents.