The State of the World's Midwifery
This European compendium was produced to provide operational examples of the new nursing and midwifery roles and new service delivery models currently being employed across the Region. The case studies directly relate to the priority areas in Health 2020 and exemplify the types of activities needed fully implement the objectives within the Strategic Directions framework.
Somali version of What and When to Feed Your Child
Translation thanks to Aidarus Khalif and Fouzia Ismail and Abdirahman Dahir Aden at the Somaliland Nursing and Midwifery Association (SLNMA)
Somali version of Warning Signs in Pregnancy
Translation thanks to Aidarus Khalif and Fouzia Ismail and Abdirahman Dahir Aden at the Somaliland Nursing and Midwifery Association (SLNMA)
The Capacity Project used the Learning for Performance (LFP) approach to develop the family planning (FP), HIV/AIDS and gender components included in the competency-based A1 nursing and midwifery pre-service curricula. LFP was also used to adapt the Rwanda national FP curriculum to an on-the-job tra...ining approach. This study documents the implementation of the and the lessons learned from its application in preservice education and in-service training in Rwanda.
The Multi-professional Patient Safety Curriculum Guide (2011) was developed to assist in the teaching of patient safety in universities and schools in the fields of dentistry, medicine, midwifery, nursing and pharmacy. It also supports the on-going training of all health care professionals.
The C...urriculum Guide is comprised of two parts. Part A is a teachers’ guide designed to introduce patient safety concepts to educators. It relates to building capacity for patient safety education, programme planning and design of the courses. Part B provides all-inclusive, ready-to-teach, topic-based patient safety courses that can be used as a whole, or on a per topic basis. There are 11 patient safety topics, each designed to feature a variety of ideas and methods for patient safety learning. Universities are encouraged to start with Part A which provides comprehensive advice on how to introduce and build patient safety courses.
This report provides the context, underlying evidence, content and process related to the
development of the draft global strategic directions for nursing and midwifery 2021–2025.
Essential Medicines are those that satisfy the priority health care needs of the population. They are selected with due regard to public health relevance, evidence on efficacy, safety and comparative cost-effectiveness. This edition of the Essential Medicines List (EML) 2017 for Ghana has been deriv...ed from its companion Standard Treatment Guidelines 2017 to ensure harmony in treatment, procurement and re-imbursements. The medicines listed have been coded according to the Health Commodity
Codes Catalogue of the Ministry of Health (2008) and their levels of use, based on the type of health facility, including midwifery practice, have been indicated.
Somali version of Focused Antenatal Care for Skilled Healthworkers
Filimada Medical Aid ayaa soo saaray filimkan ku saabsan Xoog saarista Daryeelka Ka hor amase loo yaqaano FANC to sharaxaad looga bixiyo sida barashada wanaagsan inta lagu jiro daryeelka dhalmadu ka hor waxay ka hortagi kartaa dhi...mashada hooyada uurka leh iyo dhawrka maalmood hore ee nolosha cunnuga.
Translation thanks to Aidarus Khalif and Fouzia Ismail and Abdirahman Dahir Aden at the Somaliland Midwifery Association (SLNMA).
Somali version of How to use a Partograph
Jaantuska fooshu waa aalad muhiim ah marka lala kala wareegayo macluumaad labada xilli ee shaqada. Wuxuu kuu samaynayaa sawir kaas oo u muujinaya dhaqtarka in bukaankan aanu ladnayn una baahan tahay doc wareen.
Filimkan waxaynu ku sharixi doonaa goorta... iyo sida loo isticmaalo Jaantuska Foosha iyo sida uu uga jawaabo macluumaadka la galiyo.
Translation thanks to Aidarus Khalif and Fouzia Ismail and Adbirahman Dahir Aden at the Somaliland Nursing and Midwifery Association (SLNMA).
Somali version of Administration of Parenteral antibiotics
Xanuunka inta uurka lagu jiro iyo gaar ahaan dhalmada ka danbaysa ama dhicisku waa arrinta muhuumka ah ee sababta xadiga jirada iyo dhimashada.
Filimkan wuxuu muujinayaa maareeynta isticmaalka wanaagsan ee duraha jeermis dilaha ee loog...u talogalay shaqaalaha caafimaadka iyo sida cad ee uu u xoojin lahaa lixda saxda ah ee maareeynta daawada.
Translation thanks to Aidarus Khalif and Fouzia Ismail and Abdirahman Dahir Aden at the Somaliland Nursing and midwifery Association (SLNMA).
Video also available in English, French and Swahili at:
Somali version of How Babies are made
This is a film aimed at early teens and young adults. It describes what puberty is and how babies are made using a mixture of animation and expert advice as well as from young men and women in Nairobi.
Translation thanks to Aidarus Khalif and Fouzia Ismail... and Abdirahman Dahir Aden at the Somaliland Nursing and Midwifery Association (SLNMA)
This guide is a resource for future health professionals who want to learn about and engage in abortion issues. Abortion is a critical but often neglected area of women’s rights, women’s health and health science education. The guide ences students was developed for health sciences students -inc...luding students in medicine, nursing, midwifery, pharmacology, public health and other related fields
Aims of the CNS programme:
- To provide accessibility to quality nursing care and related services including clinical assessment and personalized care for persons enrolled/entitled to CNS services.
- To enhance the independence and health outcomes of entitled persons by avoiding early admi...ssion to hospital and/or residential care by providing access to CNS.
- To provide nursing, midwifery and advanced/specialized care through CNS delivered by a skills mix of registered and enrolled nurses.
- To facilitate provision of preventive, promotive and rehabilitative services to the community.
In African traditional medicine, the curative, training, promotive and rehabilitative services are referred to as clinical practices. These traditional health care services are provided through tradition and culture prescribed under a particular philosophy, e.g. ubuntu or unhu. Norms, taboos, tradit...ion and culture, which are the cornerstones of clinical practice of traditional medicine, are the major reason for the acceptability of traditional health practitioners in the community they serve. The philosophical clinical care embedded in these traditions, culture and taboos have contributed to making traditional medicine practices acceptable and hence highly demanded by the population. This paper discusses the different traditional health care services, such as curative services, general traditional healthcare, mental healthcare, midwifery, bone setting, rehabilitative and promotional services that increases health awareness and developing
positive attitudes and behaviour towards healthier living).
The Ethiopian Hospital Services Transformation Guidelines (EHSTG) build on and expand the Ethiopian Hospital Reform Implementation Guidelines (EHRIG) and are consistent with the Health Sector Transformation Plan (HSTP). The EHSTG, which is consistent with the national focu...s on quality improvement in health care, contains a common set of guidelines to help hospital Chief Executive Officers(CEOs), managers, and clinicians (care providers) in steering the consistent implementation of these transformational systems and processes in hospitals throughout the country. The EHSTG focused on selected management and clinical functions, including new individual service specific chapters for Emergency Medical, Outpatient and Inpatient Services, Nursing and Midwifery, Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health and Teaching Hospitals’ Management. These guidelines also incorporate recent lessons from the operationalization of the EHRIG, as well as, new national initiatives such as the Guidelines for the Management of Federal Hospitals in Ethiopia, Hospital Development Army (HDA), Clean and Safe Hospital (CASH), and Auditable Pharmaceutical Transaction and Service (APTS).
II10 Pharmacy ChapterIt is expected that the guidelines will continuously evolve as new evidence emerges regarding improved hospital care and practices that are better tailored to needs and circumstances of different tiers of public hospitals. We are grateful to all partners that have participated in the production of these guidelines. Special thanks go to our colleagues at the Clinton Health Access Initiative for their substantial contributions and support throughout the development of these guidelines as well as their dedicated efforts in support of our health reform efforts in so many other capacities
This document outlines why and how nurses and midwives are important, not only for individual health optimization but also to achieve the thematic priorities of For the Future. More specifically, it provides case studies to showcase the amazing work that nurses and midwives across the Region are to improve health. The document also provides future policy directions to strengthen the scope and leadership of the nursing and midwifery workforce, alongside actions to accelerate investment in their education, skills and employment.
BAB training in prevention and management of postpartum hemorrhage increased knowledge and confidence among skilled and semiskilled birth attendants. Further studies are needed to determine the impact of this training on skills retention and clinical outcomes following postpartum hemorrhage, after b...roader implementation of the training program
Building the competence and confidence of nurse and midwife educators
ICAP Nurse Capacity Initiative offers its Campus to Clinic Curriculum to empower nursing educators and mentors with a new area of expertise. It opens the door to teach in new ways with confidence. It can be adapted to different c...ommunities, cultures, and countries