Regional Network for Equity in Health in east and southern Africa (EQUINET): Disussion Paper 111
The health services delivery system in Zambia is pyramid in structure, with primary healthcare (PHC) services at community level, at the base, followed by first and second level hospitals at distric...t and provincial levels, respectively, and third level (tertiary) services at national level. Notably, primary health services are free in Zambia and health service providers are either governmentowned or not-for-profit facilities.
Over the years, resource constraints have affected the quality and extent of healthcare services at all levels, requiring the mobilisation of additional resources for the sector. In doing so, prioritisation was high on the agenda of health sector reform. The EHB, therefore, prioritises interventions with the highest impact on the population, enabling policy makers to revisit priority diseases and conditions and to cost the services provided at each level of facility. Other key issues in developing the EHB in Zambia have included the need to have cost-effective services and cost per capita of services for more systematic budgeting, to rank interventions and to validate and cost the health benefit package as a whole.
Regional Network for Equity in Health in east and southern Africa (EQUINET): Disussion Paper 109
This report describes the evolution of mainland Tanzania’s EHB; the motivations for developing the EHBs, the methods used to develop, define and cost them; how it is being disseminated, communicat...ed, and used; and the facilitators (and barriers) to its development, uptake or use. Findings presented in this report are from three stages of analysis: literature review, key informant perspectives and a national consultative meeting.
Intégrer les activités communautaires de lutte contre la tuberculose dans le travail des ONG et des autres organisations de la société civile
Guide de l’animateur
A feasibility study in five African sites
Trop peu de médecins ont les compétences nécessaires pour traiter la fistule génitale et pour suivre les patientes après l’opération chirurgicale. La plupart des actes ont lieu en Afrique et en Asie par des chirurgiens locaux, avec un support technique fourni par les chirurgiens de pays dév...eloppés, où les cas de fistules sont rares. Il faudrait de nombreuses années aux médecins actuellement capables de traiter les fistules obstétricales pour opérer toutes les femmes qui ont besoin de leurs expertises, ces femmes qui sont chaque jour de plus en plus nombreuses. Bien que le besoin de chirurgiens formés au traitement de la fistule soit reconnu, il n’existait pasjusque là de manuel de formation standard. Ce présent manuel a été conçu pour pallier à ce manque.
Ce manuel a été conçu en collaboration avec des chirurgiens de la fistule, des organisations professionnelles et des organisations spécialistes de la santé, basées en Afrique, en Asie, en Europe et aux États-Unis.
Le module de formation de niveau intermédiaire vise à soutenir la formation de personnel ou de volontaires, afin de fournir un fauteuil roulant manuel et un coussin appropriés aux filles, garçons, femmes et hommes qui nécessitent un soutien postural supplémentaire pour être en
mesure de se t...enir assis droit.
Le présent manuel a pour but de fournir des orientations concernant la conception,
l’organisation et l’évaluation d’un cours visant à établir et à renforcer les capacités des
personnels de santé pour qu’ils puissent prendre en charge les patients ophtalmiques dans
les établissemen...ts de soins de santé primaires dans la Région africaine. Le cours s’inscrit dans
le cadre du perfectionnement professionnel continu au sens le plus large du terme. Son
contenu met l’accent sur des pratiques simples fondées sur des données factuelles que l’on
peut facilement appliquer dans des établissements de soins de santé primaires partout en
Formation sur le suivi et l’évaluation épidémiologique du traitement médicamenteux de masse pour l’élimination de la filariose lymphatique : guide des apprenants. Organisation mondiale de la Santé.
There has been a rapid expansion of cash-based, social protection programmes in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) in recent years as Governments increasingly realise the enormous benefits cash transfers offer (World Bank, 2018). In fact, as an investment in human capital and inclusive economic development, protection is arguably one of the most efficient uses of Government resources and “one of the smartest investments that policymakers can support” (Cummins, 2021).
Submitted to the United Nation's Committee on the Convention on the Elimination
of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
February 2016
Published by the Albanian Center for Population and Development (ACPD) Adresa : Bul “ Gjergj Fishta”, Kompleksi “Tirana 2000” Kulla 4, kati 2, Tir...anë Web:
This guide to local production of WHO-recommended handrub formulations is separated into two discrete but interrelated sections:
Part A provides a practical guide for use at the pharmacy bench during the actual preparation of the formulation. Users may want to display the material on the wall of ...the production unit.
Part B summarizes some essential background technical information and is taken from WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care (2009). Within Part B the user has access to important safety and cost information and supplementary material relating to dispensers and distribution.
Guide for clinical case management and infection prevention and control during ameasles outbreak. This guide has been developed to reduce the high morbidity and mortality seen in some of the current outbreaks of measles. This short guide outlines practical clinical care interventions and is derived ...from previously published WHO documents.
Child Survival Working Group
Accessed: 26.10.2019
Clinical Microbiology and Infection Volume 21, Issue 5, May 2015, Pages 433-443;
The neglected zoonotic diseases (NZDs) have been all but eradicated in wealthier countries, but remain major causes of ill-health and mortality across Africa, Asia, and Latin America. This neglect is, in part, a conse...quence of under-reporting, resulting in an underestimation of their global burden that downgrades their relevance to policy-makers and funding agencies. Increasing awareness about the causes of NZDs and how they can be prevented could reduce the incidence of many endemic zoonoses.
This publication represents a key step forward in translating Control of the leishmaniases (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 949) into a more practical tool for health personnel directly involved in the case management of cutaneous leishmaniasis. With this manual, countries will have, for the first ...time, standardized diagnosis and treatment protocols, case definitions and indicators to enable them to easily track progress on cutaneous leishmaniasis case management across the Region. It will provide support to professionals in charge of cutaneous leishmaniasis, in order to alleviate the suffering of affected populations from this appalling disfiguring and stigmatizing neglected tropical disease.
This document lays out economic arguments for investing in the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT-Accelerator). Framed within an overall context that recognizes the broader human health and societal impacts of the COVID-19 crisis, ACT-Accelerator's Economic Investment Case argues that investm...ent in ACT-Accelerator is the world’s best bet and most viable solution for restarting the global economy. It is intended for governments, multilaterals, civil society, businesses and foundations and all those interested in the work required to change the course of the pandemic. The global deployment of ACT-Accelerator’s comprehensive package of tools will reduce the severity of COVID-19 disease, enabling countries to transition out of the crisis thereby restarting domestic and international economic engines driving our global economy.