Zur Messung von Kinderrechten in Unterkünften für geflüchtete Menschen in Deutschland
Die Publikation des Deutschen Caritasverbandes mit dem Titel "Von der Unterbringung zum Wohnen" aus der Reihe Fluchtpunkte gibt eine Übersicht zu Standards und Empfehlungen wie Schutzsuchende aus Sicht des Caritasverbades in Deutschland angemessen und menschenwürdig leben (können).
This paper reviews the effects of vertical responses to COVID-19 on health systems, services, and people’s access to and use of them in LMICs, where historic and ongoing under-investments heighten vulnerability to a multiplicity of health threats. We use the term ‘vertical response’ to describ...e decisions, measures and actions taken solely with the purpose of preventing and containing COVID-19, often without adequate consideration of how this affects the wider health system and pre-existing resource constraints.
sthma prevalence is increasing worldwide, and surveys indicate that most patients in developed and developing countries, including South Africa, do not receive optimal care and are therefore not well controlled. Standard management guidelines adapted to in-country realities are important to support ...optimal care. The South African Thoracic Society (SATS) first published a guideline for the management of chronic persistent asthma in 1992, which has subsequently been revised several times.
The main aim of the present document was to revise and update SATS’ statement on the suggested management of chronic asthma, based on the need to promote optimal care and control of asthma, together with the incorporation of new concepts and drug developments. This revised document reinforces optimal care and incorporates the following primary objectives to achieve the recent advances in asthma care:
• continued emphasis on the use of inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) as the foundation of asthma treatment
• to reduce the reliance on short-acting beta-2 agonist (SABA) monotherapy for asthma symptoms
• to incorporate the evidence and strategy for the use of the combination of an ICS and formoterol for acute symptom relief (instead of a SABA)
• to incorporate the evidence and strategy for the use of as-needed ICS-long-acting beta agonists (LABA) for patients with infrequent symptoms or ‘mild’ asthma
• to incorporate the evidence and strategy for the use of a long-acting muscarinic antagonist (LAMA) in combination with ICS-LABA; and
• to incorporate the evidence and strategy for the use of and management with a biologic therapy in severe asthma.
Buruli ulcer caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans is a neglected tropical disease characterized by extensive ulceration involving predominantly the upper and lower limbs of patients. The disease is common in rural tropical communities in West and Central Africa, where access to proper health care is lim...ited. Pathogenesis of the characteristic painless ulcers is linked to the elaboration by M. ulcerans of a lipid toxin called mycolactone that has potent cytopathic, immunosuppressive, and analgesic effects on a host of cells in cutaneous tissues. Mycolactone is known to profoundly inhibit secretion of a plethora of proteins that are essential for wound healing. Even though a combination antibacterial therapy of streptomycin and rifampicin for 8 weeks is effective for treatment, it relies on good and appropriate wound management to prevent secondary bacterial infections and improve healing. Evidence-based interventions for wound care in Buruli ulcer disease are often lacking and have relied on expert advice and recommendations. Surgical interventions are limited to debridement of necrotic tissue and grafting of extensive ulcers, usually after antibiotic therapy. Patients’ rehabilitation is an important component of care to reduce disabilities associated with the disease and proper integration into the community after treatment.
Untersuchung und Dokumentation von Folter und Menschrechtsverletzungen. 2. Auflage
Current Tropical Medicine Reports (2018) 5:247–256 https://doi.org/10.1007/s40475-018-0166-2 .Purpose of the Review Buruli ulcer (BU) is a necrotizing and disabling cutaneous disease caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans, one of the skin-related neglected tropical diseases (skin NTDs). This article aim...s to review the current knowledge of this disease and challenges ahead.
The pharmacological management of asthma has changed considerably in recent decades, as it has come to be understood that it is a complex, heterogeneous disease with different phenotypes and endotypes. It is now clear that the goal of asthma treatment should be to achieve and maintain control of the... disease, as well as to minimize the risks (of exacerbations, disease instability, accelerated loss of lung function, and adverse treatment effects). That requires an approach that is personalized in terms of the pharmacological treatment, patient education, written action plan, training in correct inhaler use, and review of the inhaler technique at each office visit. A panel of 22 pulmonologists was invited to perform a critical review of recent evidence of pharmacological treatment of asthma and to prepare this set of recommendations, a treatment guide tailored to use in Brazil. The topics or questions related to the most significant changes in concepts, and consequently in the management of asthma in clinical practice, were chosen by a panel of experts. To formulate these recommendations, we asked each expert to perform a critical review of a topic or to respond to a question, on the basis of evidence in the literature. In a second phase, three experts discussed and structured all texts submitted by the others. That was followed by a third phase, in which all of the experts reviewed and discussed each recommendation. These recommendations, which are intended for physicians involved in the treatment of asthma, apply to asthma patients of all ages.
WHO‘s Global Strategy to Accelerate the Elimination of Cervical Cancer, launched today, outlines three key steps: vaccination, screening and treatment. Successful implementation of all three could reduce more than 40% of new cases of the disease and 5 million related deaths by 2050.
Os sistemas de saúde estão enfrentando um rápido aumento na demanda gerada pelo surto da COVID-19. Quando os sistemas de saúde ficam sobrecarregados, há um aumento drástico na mortalidade direta causada por um surto e também na mortalidade indireta por doenças imunopreveníveis e por aquelas... doenças que possuem tratamento. Análises do surto de ebola em 2014-2015 sugerem que o aumento no número de óbitos causados por sarampo, malária, HIV/AIDS e tuberculose atribuíveis a falhas no sistema de saúde ultrapassou o número de óbitos causados pelo ebola. A capacidade de um sistema de manter a prestação de serviços essenciais de saúde dependerá de sua capacidade inicial e da carga da doença e do contexto de transmissão do vírus COVID-19 (classificado como nenhum caso, transmissão esporádica, em clusters ou comunitária). Manter a confiança da população na capacidade do sistema de saúde de atender, com segurança, as necessidades essenciais e de controlar o risco de infecção nas unidades de saúde é fundamental para garantir que as pessoas continuem a buscar atendimento quando necessário e que sigam as orientações de saúde pública.
Data on asthma aetiology in Africa are scarce. We investigated the risk factors for asthma among schoolchildren (5–17 years) in urban Uganda. We conducted a case-control study, among 555 cases and 1115 controls. Asthma was diagnosed by study clinicians. The main risk factors for asthma were tertia...ry education for fathers (adjusted OR (95% CI); 2.32 (1.71–3.16)) and mothers (1.85 (1.38–2.48)); area of residence at birth, with children born in a small town or in the city having an increased asthma risk compared to schoolchildren born in rural areas (2.16 (1.60–2.92)) and (2.79 (1.79–4.35)), respectively; father’s and mother’s history of asthma; children’s own allergic conditions; atopy; and cooking on gas/electricity. In conclusion, asthma was associated with a strong rural-town-city risk gradient, higher parental socio-economic status and urbanicity. This work provides the basis for future studies to identify specific environmental/lifestyle factors responsible for increasing asthma risk among children in urban areas in LMICs.
N Engl J Med 2019;380:2429-39.DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1901113
Las guías para la prevención de Infecciones del Sitio Quirúrgico (ISQ) resumen las medidas basadas en la evidencia que han demostrado disminuir su incidencia y mejorar la calidad asistencial de los pacientes sometidos a cirugía. La última revisión local fue realizada en el año 2009, en el mar...co del consenso intersociedades INE - SADI - ADECI.
El informe anual de la vigilancia de la resistencia a los antibióticos de los países participantes de la Región de las Américas se discute y analiza con el fin de tomar medidas para el perfeccionamiento continuo de la calidad de los datos, y su utilidad en la orientación a los clínicos para el... uso racional de los antibióticos.Inicialmente la vigilancia estaba dirigida a bacterias entéricas: Salmonella, Shigella y Vibrio cholerae, desde 1997. A partir de2000, se incluyeron otras especies que se encuentran en la comunidad y en los hospitales.La información suministrada por cada país es un consolidado de la información obtenida de diversos centros asistenciales y, en ocasiones, áreas geográficas diferentes, por lo que su valor epidemiológico es limitado. Sin embargo, no puede subestimarse la importancia de esta información como indicador de tendencia ni como justificación técnica de la necesidad de implementar medidas para la prevención y control de la resistencia a los antimicrobianos
Geflüchtete Menschen, die bei uns Schutz suchen, haben häufig Bürgerkrieg, Verfolgung und Gewalt erlebt, ein Teil von ihnen leidet an psychisch reaktiven Traumafolgestörungen, die im Asylverfahren oftmals nur unzureichend bemerkt werden, was ihre Chancen einschränkt, einen sicheren Aufenthalt z...u erhalten.
The systematic surveillance of antibiotic use and antibiotic re-sistance prevalence in humans and animals is imperative for managingbacterial infectious disease (JPIAMR, 2019;WHO, 2015). Many low-income countries currently face substantial challenges in building national surveillance systems due to ...a lack of infrastructure and resources,resulting in a shortage of systematic data (FAO/OIE/WHO, 2018)
International Journal of Infectious Diseases 32 (2015) 170–178
1201-9712/ß 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of International Society for Infectious Diseases. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http:...//creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/).
Responses to epidemics, emergencies and disasters raise many ethical issues for the people involved, including public health specialists and policy makers. This training manual provides material on ethical issues in research, surveillance and patient care in these difficult contexts.